Creating Your Personal Brand

Creating Your Personal Brand

Creating Your Personal Brand

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What you will learn

  • Dorie Clark on reinventing yourself
  • Dorie Clark on boosting your career with personal branding
  • Dexter Guff on you don’t exist without a personal brand

Featured Speaker

Dorie Clark

Dorie Clark has been named one of the Top 50 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50, and was recognized as the #1 Communication Coach in the world by the Marshall Goldsmith Leading Global Coaches Awards.

Clark, a consultant and keynote speaker, teaches executive education at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and Columbia Business School, and she is the author of Entrepreneurial YouReinventing You and Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine.

A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, Clark has been described by the New York Times as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.” A frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, she consults and speaks for clients including Google, Microsoft, and the World Bank. You can download her free Entrepreneurial You self-assessment workbook.

Dexter Guff

Dex Guff is a self-help guru, a thought leader, a lifestyle entrepreneur and kind of an idiot. Guff is the only person in the history of business to make Fast Company’s list of 30 Under 30 at the age of 42.

Learn Along With

  •  Consultants
  •  Salespersons
  •  Engineers
  • Influencers


Dorie Clark is a marketing strategy consultant, a professional speaker, a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review. Dorie has been recognized as a branding expert by many places, the Associated Press, Fortune Inc. Magazine. She's the author of three books -Entrepreneurial You, Reinventing You, and Stand Out. Dorie was described by The New York Times as an expert at self-reinvention. For more information, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Stand Out Self-Assessment Workbook: ( Twitter: @dorieclark ( Instagram: @dorieclark ( From the Dorm Room to the Boardroom is a production of (

Dorie Clark, is one of the world’s most-respected thinkers on personal branding.She is a bestselling author, professor, coach and consultant who helps people transform themselves into thought-leaders on their areas of expertise. Dorie is the author of three books, has lectured at Duke, Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, and has consulted with companies such as Google, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft and many more.

Personal branding expert Steve Jobs joins Dexter to talk about how to create global envy with your public persona. Dexter gives a "Thought Release" on how a strong personal brand will help you succeed in any career. And he answers questions posed to him on Twitter.

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