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4 小時 21 分鐘
15 聲音





1. 在本課程中,職業發展專家內里達·薩利納斯(Nereyda Salinas)將帶你一起,找到屬於你的正確職業方向,打造求職簡歷、面試技巧,在同齡人中脫引而出。

2. 坐在家中,即可擁有斯坦福大學頂級職業谘詢師最寶貴的求職和成長建議。

3. 你將學到:如何發現你的興趣和態度?如何建立自己的專業形象,挖掘隱藏的工作市場?如何找到適合自己的工作?入職后的前90天該做什麼?

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。

  • 內里達·薩利納斯(Nereyda Salinas)
    內里達·薩利納斯(Nereyda Salinas)
    擔任斯坦福GSE EdCareers辦公室的創始執行董事,領導職業教育和專業學習兩個團隊

5. Telling Your Career Story_ Interests and Assets You are listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is an, a rate of Salinas, your host for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey. [00:00:28] To find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass, [00:00:36] but you've listened to episode zero through four, and you've been introduced to a variety of tools through both the recordings and the notes. At the end of each episode, I hope you've had some time to use a few of these tools to help you identify your values, interests, strengths, skills, and other assets. [00:00:56] Our past guests, Daniel Harlan, and Irma, Venkatesh shared some valuable perspectives and insights to give us the courage and confidence to do this very important work. As I mentioned briefly in our con...

8. What's Out There (interactive mode) You're listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This isn't a rate of Salinas, your host for career compass. An audio course for those on a journey to find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass, [00:00:34] Laura, halfway through our course. If you think back to the beginning, we first focused on how to turn inward, finding out who you are transforming that into succinct coherent storylines then, or in parallel, focusing on doing research about the landscape that you wanted to enter. This research, if you recall, we first did in stealth mode, what can you learn from websites, from job descriptions that are out there, things that organizations or individuals might post on the internet. [00:01:05] Then we married the work we had done on telling our...

4. The Power of Storytelling in Career Navigation Listening to career compass, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Nereda Salinas, your host for career compass. An audio course for those on a journey to find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass. Today, I have Irma Venkatesh on the show. She's an assistant Dean of career education and associate director of career communities at Stanford Irma. His work has allowed her to help hundreds of clients in their exploration of meaningful, diverse career paths. She's a regular collaborator with Stanford's life design lab. Irma uses a storytelling framework to help people name and frame their past experiences to unlock future work opportunities. Her career followed a series of paths starting with design education and labor activism. Before she ventured...

10. Cover Letters and Fair Reads You are listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Nereda Selenas, your host for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey. [00:00:28] To find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass. Yes. You know, to keep an eye on your financial, mental, and physical wellbeing in order to keep your best self in the game, we can turn our attention back to the career journey. You've invested time into the important introspective work needed to create an authentic career compass. [00:00:55] You've practiced how to communicate it effectively. You've also begun to cultivate a community of connections to yield good conversations with individuals whose organizations and roles intrigued you. Sooner or later you're going to come across an opportunity that ...

9. Staying in the Game A. [00:00:06] You're listening to career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Nereda Salinas. Your host for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey to find work that more accurately aligns with their career compass. [00:00:36] As you'll recall, the first part of this course focused a lot on the necessary introspection that leads to finding a true career path. We talked about. What it is that you're most interested in and what are the skills and strengths that you want to use in this next position and the type of area that you'd want to use them in. [00:00:59] We explored a few different opportunities for how to understand the terrain that you're about to enter and the importance of creating a community of connections to help you understand this terrain and the different o...

Trailer: Introduction to Career Compass 預告片:職業指南針簡介  Hello. My name is Nereda Salinas andI am your host for career compass, a pot course where I hope to share someinsights on how to navigate the professional world. As you create anintentional path that aligns with who you are for over 20 years, I've workedwith numerous individuals from early career to established, using several toolsand frameworks to help them figure out the age old question. 你好。我的名字是Nereda Salinas,我是你的職業指南針課程的主持人,我希望在這里分享一些關於如何在職業世界中導航的見解。20多年來,當你創造出一條與你的自我保持一致的有意識的道路時,我與許多人一起工作,從職業早期到成熟期,我使用了幾種工具和框架來幫助他們解決這個老問題。 What do I want to do when I grow up?And how do I do it in an authentic manner? Well, there is no doubt that simplybeing able to ask these questions requires a certain level of privilege. Thereare harder versus easier ways to arrive at the answers fo...

0. An Overview of the Journey 0.旅程概述 Yeah, listeningto career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course, be sure to check out allof the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Hello, my name is Marita Salinas and I am your host for career compass, anaudio course where I hope to share some insights. And how to intentionallynavigate the professional world. 是的,收聽career compass,一個喜馬拉雅學習音頻課程,一定要在喜馬拉雅應用程序或其他網站上查看所有其他精彩的獨家內容喜馬拉雅網站.你好,我叫瑪麗塔·薩利納斯,我是你的職業指南針的主持人,這是一個音頻課程,我希望在這里分享一些見解。以及如何有意識地駕馭職業世界。 When you think ofnavigating the world of work, many people will tell you the importance ofmanaging your LinkedIn profile or expanding your network. I'm sure you've heardit. What image are you projecting onto the world? You know, it's not what youknow, but who, you know, and while I absolutely acknowledge that both yourprofession...

1. Tools for Discovering Your Compass 1.發現指南針的工具 You're listeningto career compass, a Himalayan learning audio course. Be sure to check out allof the other awesome exclusive content in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com.Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is Irena Salinas, yourhost for career compass, an audio course for those on a journey to find workthat more accurately aligns with their career compass. 你在聽的是《職業指南針》,一個喜馬拉雅學習音頻課程。一定要查看喜馬拉雅應用程序或上的所有其他精彩的獨家內容喜馬拉雅網站.歡迎大家。感謝您今天加入我們。這是艾琳娜·薩利納斯,你的職業指南針的主持人,這是一個音頻課程,為那些在旅途中尋找工作,更準確地符合他們的職業指南針。 Today, I haveIrma Venkatesh on the show. She is assistant Dean of career education andassociate director of career communities at Stanford. Herbal his work hasallowed her to help hundreds of clients in their exploration of meaningful,diverse career paths. She's a regular coll...

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