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1. 本課程由傑里米·伯羅斯(Jeremy Burrows)親授,他是一位資深的高管助理,也是亞馬遜排名第一暢銷書的作者。

2. 傑里米整個職業生涯都在幫助高管們提升精力和掌控時間,助力他們的高水平表現。在本課程中,他分享了7個關鍵詞,這7個詞能讓您從充滿干擾和倦怠的世界中,恢復自己的時間、精力和效率。

3. 你將學到:如何追蹤管理你的時間;學會拒絕(“這不是我個人的情緒,而是我的原則”);如何消除和管理干擾;如何專注(我們是應該“深度工作”還是“忙碌工作”?);如何提高和恢復精力;如何抵抗倦怠。

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。

  • 傑里米·伯羅斯(Jeremy Burrows)
    傑里米·伯羅斯(Jeremy Burrows)

Trailer 預告 Are youstruggling to stay productive throughout the day? Are you ready for a nap bylunchtime? Do you struggle to manage your time or even find the time to do whatyou need to do? If so, you've come to the right place. Hey friends, I'm Jeremyburrows, long time executive assistant host of the number one podcast forexecutive assistants, the leader assistant podcast, and author of the numberone, Amazon bestselling book, the leader assistant four pillars of a confidentgame-changing assistant. 你在努力保持一整天的工作效率嗎?午飯前你準備好午睡了嗎?你是否在努力管理自己的時間,甚至找時間做你需要做的事情?如果是這樣的話,你來對地方了。嗨,朋友們,我是Jeremy burrows,長期擔任首席執行助理播客,leader assistantpodcast的主持人,也是亞馬遜暢銷書《leader assistant four pillars of aTrust game Changed assistant》的作者。  I have been anexecutive assistant for a long time, and I've spent most of my career helping.Top executives, billionaires, celebrities, and ...

1. TrackYour Time 1.追蹤你的時間  I am obsessedwith helping people save time, reclaim their energy and get stuff done. Uh, youcould. Call my job title a time and energy maker. Um, but I'm also officiallyknown as an executive assistant. So what I do is day in and day out is I helpmy executive reclaim his time, energy and productivity. 我癡迷於幫助人們節省時間、恢復精力和完成任務。呃,你可以的。給我的時間打電話。嗯,但我也被正式稱為行政助理。所以我日復一日的工作就是幫助我的主管恢復他的時間、精力和生產力。  And so. I'mgoing to help you do the same, but before I jump in, I want to just do a quickintroduction, um, to let you know a little bit more about me. I'm from Kansascity, Missouri, and I've been an executive assistant for about 13 and a half,14 years. Um, depending on when you're listening to this. Pod course, and I ammarried to my wife, Megan, we have two boys, Western and Silas, and we have ablast playing video games, uh, riding bikes, uh, jumping...

2. BucketYour Time 2.别浪費時間  So to recap, keyone was tracking your time. So I hope that you have. Gone through the audit ofyour time over the last four to six weeks, and that you have been tracking yourtime in an ongoing manner so that you have some raw, real data to work with.Now that we are moving on to key number two, which is bucket your time. 總而言之,關鍵一點是跟蹤你的時間。我希望你是這樣。在過去的四到六週內,你已經對你的時間進行了審計,並且你一直在以一種持續的方式跟蹤你的時間,這樣你就有了一些原始的、真實的數據可以使用。現在我們進入第二個關鍵點,那就是浪費你的時間。  Another way tosay it would be segment your time or set split your time in two blocks. So, andwalk through the simple, yet powerful process to help you better manage your timeand energy, uh, and of course productivity. So here's what you're going to donow that you have the data of where you're spending your time. 另一種說法是把你的時間分段,或者把你的時間分成兩塊。所以,通過這...

3.Schedule Your Time 3.安排你的時間  I'm very excitedfor this episode because it's one of, as an executive assistant, managing acalendar is one of the primary things that I'm done for my career. Um, but it'snot just about. Booking meetings and, you know, sending invites, it's aboutthis idea of managing my executives most valuable asset, which is 我對這一集感到非常興奮,因為這是作為一名行政助理,管理日程表是我職業生涯中最主要的事情之一。嗯,但這不僅僅是關於。預約會議,發送邀請,這是關於管理我的主管們最寶貴的資產的想法their time. 他們的時間。  And so what I'mexcited about for this episode is I'm going to help you manage your mostvaluable asset, which is your time, and I'm going to help you. And we're goingto talk about. Scheduling your time. And we're going to talk about thisgame-changing tactic that I am very, very excited to share that I truly believeis the number one tool for helping you kind of manage your calendar before itmanages you. 所以我為...

4. Guard Your Time you're listening to seven keys to reclaiming your time, energy and productivity, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Hey friends. Welcome to episode four, entitled guard your time. It's your instructor slash host slash Himalaya learning companion, Jeremy burrows here. [00:00:43] And I'm sure your, now that you've done an audit, now that you've scheduled your time, now that you've bucketed your time, I'm sure you are thinking Jeremy. I cannot set up an idea. We counter, like you said, in the last episode, I am not good at saying no, I have too many demands. I have too many distractions. [00:01:08] I have too many people reaching out, wanting me to hear or wanting me there. There's just no way. And I get it. I get, if that's how you're feeling. Don't worry. That's how most people feel. Um, anytime I talk about the idea, we feel like that'll never happen. There's no wa...

6. Develop and Restore your Energy listening to seven keys to reclaiming your time, energy and productivity, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. Welcome back everyone. It's episode six and I'm very excited to chat about energy. We're going to talk about developing and restoring your energy. [00:00:41] So the first step for before we kind of even jump into develop, you really need to ask yourself the question, what motivates me. What is your quote, unquote, what do you live for again? What is your motivation? You don't really have anything that's motivating you. Then it's going to be very hard to develop your energy, and you're not going to feel the need to restore or develop your energy. [00:01:20] So what's your motivation, your why is a purpose cause or belief that drives everything you do? Um, Simon Sinek has a book called start with why I definitely recommend checking that book ou...

5. Be Productive With Your Time listening to seven keys to reclaiming your time, energy and productivity, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. All right, friends. Welcome back. I'm excited to dive into key number five, be productive with your time. [00:00:38] So now that you've blocked off your calendar, you have a system of guarding your calendar and your time. What are you supposed to do with the time that you have? How can you be productive with this new work rhythm that you've set up? Let's let's jump right in. And we'll talk about how to focus, how to actually produce during the time that you have, uh, how to pace herself and, and more so when I first set up the ideal week calendar for one of my prior executives, I noticed that he had a whole bunch of time that he was wasting. [00:01:32] Now it wasn't like we scheduled him back to back to back to back and he was just going meeting...

7. Resist Burnout you're listening to seven keys to reclaiming your time, energy and productivity, a Himalaya learning audio course. Be sure to check out all of the other exclusive courses in the Himalaya app or on himalaya.com. All right friends. We've made it to key number seven, and I'm very excited to wrap this project up with you. [00:00:38] Um, thank you for coming along for the ride. I hope it's been helpful. Please do reach out. If you have any questions, you can contact me@jeremyatgoburrows.com or reach out to me on LinkedIn, uh, Instagram, et cetera. I am here to help and I want to address any questions you have. And I would also love to hear feedback. [00:01:06] So please reach out to me at Jeremy at dot com. Even just to say, thank you. If this was helpful and let me know that it was helpful. Um, I'd love to hear from you. All right. So we're going to talk about burnout. Key seven is resisting burnout. So I used to say that avoiding burnout was the key, and I used to tal...

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