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1 小時 29 分鐘
7 聲音



1. 本課程由臨床心理學家、暢銷書作者Robert Duff博士親授,把關於焦慮、抑鬱的艱深心理學理論轉變為人人可以理解運用的心理小知識。

2. 應對焦慮的方法往往不是一味給自己打氣,而需要運用科學手段,一步一步緩解焦慮。博士從心理學角度剖析焦慮產生的原因,並提供了一系列簡單高效的工具幫助你擺脫焦慮困擾。

3. 你將學到:如何避免負面思維陷阱;正念冥想和高效睡眠技巧;處理大量信息流的方式;控制身體以控制心靈的科學方法

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解這門課程。

  • Robert Duff
    Robert Duff
    Robert Duff博士是一位現居南加州的執照臨床心理學家。他是一係列硬核心靈保健暢銷書籍的作者,書籍包括《滾蛋吧焦慮》《滾蛋吧抑鬱》。同時,他有一檔關於心理健康的播客。Robert的專長是把艱深的心理學理論轉變為人人都能理解的心理小知識。他曾被邀請上TEDx,作品發表於《紐約時報》等知名媒體。

5. Manage the Flow of Info Welcome back top mental health tools, part five, manage the flow of info. This part will outline how to better protect our sanity in the age of inference. [00:00:25] What does it mean to manage the flow of info? One thing we need to recognize about living in this period of time is that the internet has changed everything. And beyond that social media has changed everything. The way that I see like social media is one of the most drastic changes in lifestyle since probably the industrial revolution. [00:00:45] Right. Let's say that there was a shooting, right? Like a shooting that happened, you know, that involved, maybe a politician or something like that. We would know maybe 30 seconds after it happened on Twitter that had happened. Right. There would be somebody there with video that had happened. That's kind of just how the world works now. [00:01:05] And that's an unprecedented amount of information that we have an unprecedented level of immedi...

7. What Now_ Welcome back to the top mental health tools part seven. What now in this final part, Robert will help us make a simple, clear plan for how to put these tools into action. [00:00:26] I'm feeling overwhelmed by the number of things that I can do. How would you suggest approaching these tools and using these tools in a way that's not overwhelming? So a lot of people get overwhelmed. Understandably, when you get deep into all the different coping skills that are out there, because there are a lot of different things that you can do, which is great, you have options, but it can feel overwhelming. [00:00:47] You know, am I supposed to every single day journal, find my thinking traps, do deep breathing, practice, mindfulness, go for a run. You know, do all of these things. The answer is no, you're not supposed to do all of these things all the time. What you want to do is look at the sort of buffet of different coping skills that are out there and compare it to your life...

3.Journaling Is Self-Therapy 3.寫日記是自我治療 Welcome back totop mental health tools. Part three journaling is self therapy. In this part,Robert will discuss the power and purpose of journaling and the simplest andmost effective way to get started right away. Why journal? So journaling is aninteresting topic because a lot of people think of journaling and have anegative sort of reaction to it because they think, okay. 歡迎回到頂級心理健康工具。第三部分日記是自我治療。在這一部分中,Robert將討論日志的功能和目的,以及立即開始的最簡單和最有效的方法。為什麼寫日記?所以寫日記是一個有趣的話題,因為很多人認為寫日記會有負面的反應,因為他們認為,好吧。  Let's sit down,open it up dear diary today I blah, blah, blah. And then Timmy pulled my hairand blah, blah, blah. That's not really, that can be what journaling is, but itdoesn't have to be, uh, to me, journaling is just a way of sort of doing reallyself therapy in therapy. What you have as a person who is on the o...

4. BetterSleep Is Vital 4.良好的睡眠至關重要 Welcome back totop mental health tools. Part for better sleep is vital in this part. We'llfind out why sleep is a human soup.歡迎回到頂級心理健康工具。改善睡眠的部分在這部分是至關重要的。我們會找出為什麼睡眠是人類的湯。  How much sleepdo I actually need? Before I tell you how much sleep you actually need. Let mesay that this is coming from a person who at one point in graduate school,thought it would make sense to just sleep every other day to increaseproductivity. I was like, I'm always a night owl. You know, at this point intime, I was having very unhealthy sleeping patterns of like, I'll go to sleepat three o'clock in the morning, wake up at like six o'clock in the morning,drive an hour to school and back stuff like that. 我到底需要多少睡眠?在我告訴你你需要多少睡眠之前。讓我說,這是來自一個曾經在研究生院學習的人,他認為每隔一天睡覺可以提高工作效率。我就像,我一直是個夜貓子。你知道,在這個時候,我有一種非常...

1. CommonThinking Traps 1.常見的思維陷阱​ dr. Robert Duff. It's a licensed clinicalpsychologist who specializes in neuropsychological assessment. He is also abest-selling author who hosts a weekly podcast that strives to de-stigmatizemental health topics and make them less intimidating. In this course, Robertwill outline some of the simplest and most effective tools to help you improveyour mental health. 羅伯特·達夫博士。這是一個有執照的臨床心理學家,專門研究神經心理學評估。他還是一位暢銷書作家,每週主持一次播客,力求消除精神健康話題的汙名化,使之不那麼嚇人。在本課程中,羅伯特將概述一些最簡單和最有效的工具,以幫助你改善你的心理健康。  In part one, Robert will list and breakdown some of the most common thinking traps and how to avoid them. In part two,we will learn what mindfulness really is and how it can be leveraged to help usin every other aspect of our lives. Par three, we'll discuss the power andpurpose of journaling and the simplest and most ...

2.Mindfulness Is a Force Multiplier 2.正念是力量的倍增器 Welcome back topuff mental health tools. Part two mindfulness is a force multiplier in thispart. We'll learn what mindfulness really is and how it can be leveraged tohelp us in every other aspect of our lives. 歡迎回到puff心理健康工具。第二部分正念是這一部分的力量倍增器。我們將了解正念到底是什麼,以及如何利用它來幫助我們生活的其他方面。  What ismindfulness? I heard the term, it doesn't mean pay more attention to things. Bemore careful. You know, a lot of people don't know exactly what it means, butit is a popular term comes from, you know, Buddhist philosophy, uh, Easterntraditions, but it's been integrated into like the newer ways of psychology aswell. 什麼是正念?我聽說過這個詞,它並不意味著要多注意一些事情。小心點。你知道,很多人不知道它到底是什麼意思,但它是一個很流行的術語,來自佛教哲學,呃,東方傳統,但它也被融入了新的心理學方法中。  Essentially whatmindfulness is, is a way of being....

6. Mastery of the Body Is Mastery Over the Mind Welcome back to top mental health tools. Part six mastery of the body is mastery over the mind. This part is about the connection between the body and the mind, including a useful breathing exercise that anyone can do at any time. [00:00:28] What effect does physical exercise have on mental health and why? Yeah. Physical health is very important as it relates to mental health. You know, physical exercise has a big impact on your mood. You probably already know this. I think that is one of the stupid things that people always suggest to you. [00:00:46] You know, you're like, Oh, I have crippling depression and they go, well, maybe you should go for walks twice a day as if that's going to solve everything. You know, it's not going to solve everything, but. The research also doesn't lie. You know, having a consistent exercise regimen has a similar effect on your mood. [00:01:01] As an editor, I depressant a lot of times, even an a...

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