In this episode, I am interviewed by Matt Davidson who is the Host of the 9-5 Fitness Podcast and In-house Health and Fitness Instructor for Sunny Health and Fitness. We discuss overcoming the challenges of quarantine, tips to get you started in working out from home, recommendations to prevent you from losing progress and of course SO MUCH MORE! [2:30] The biggest challenges for me: not being able to see my clients and still trying to figure out my routine. [5:10] Shifting the focus to overall wellness. And finding a routine are key for staying on track. [6:15] Think about the positive things are gaining out of this. [7:25] Where is your support system and the people that can keep you in the right mindset. Do you have realistic expectations? [9:15] My exercise routine prior to quarantine life vs. during. NEAT plays a major role in this shift. [11:30] Look at progress from ALL angles. Micro habits are important in order to build and maintain your lifestyle. [13:30] Where and how to ...
We’re back with Integrative Physician Dr. Deepa Verma for another 2 part series. Topics include symptoms of inflammation, how it plays a role in our gut health and simple tips to reducing inflammation. [0:40] Defining inflammation - The bodies innate response to attack itself for repair. [1:40] Chronic inflammation is a major concern as it is impacting the obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well as leaky gut. [2:15] Inflammation impacts gut health and can be detrimental to the bodies natural processes. We lose vital nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. [4:00] Signs and symptoms of leaky gut and autoimmune disease. If you feel “off” that may be a sign because everything begins in the gut. [6:40] Curing autoimmune diseases starts with the food you consume. [7:35] Pay attention to the products in your home. Your skin is your largest organ. [8:28] How your home environment could be toxic to your body. [9:55] Skincare products we should be using. If you can’t pronounc...
Learn to hack our body like a scientist through body composition testing! Stop guessing and start creating awareness on how your body is operating from the inside. In this episode, Heather walks us through 3 different metabolic tests: DEXA, a 3D Infrared Laser Scan and a Resting Metabolic Rate assessment. [0:30] DEXA Scan: Lower powered x-ray that measures full body snapshot lean mass, body fat, visceral fat and bone health [2:10] Visceral fat (the “unhealthy fat) can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, high abundance of calories, too much sugar and many more factors. Too much visceral fat can lead to a predisposition to secondary illness like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, prostate and colon cancer. [3:45] DEXA also measures cumulative bone density from your skull to your toes categorized by region and area (not the clinical measurement for bone density) [5:00] Why excess cardio could be compromising your bone health. [7:13] Visual description of DEXA for AUDIO listeners [8:10] Ho...
We're breaking down the fundamentals of Metabolic health! From how to accurately measure your metabolism to lifestyle factors that keep your metabolic health optimal. Understand metabolism basics, how to measure it and what lifestyle factors are important to keep your metabolic health optimal. [0:40] What is Metabolism? It's is the engine of your body. You can program your metabolism and is highly influenced by your lifestyle. Your habits over time affect your metabolic health. [1:15] Online equations are generic calculations, not necessarily individualistic. [2:00] RMR vs. BMR - they are "cousins". BMR is normally calculated while you"re sleeping whereas RMR is taken while you're alert and mobile. [3:30] - The RMR assessment uses an indirect calorimeter (using a breathing hose or tent method) to measure the precise amount of calories you burn while at rest. [5:00] - Nina's experience with the RMR assessment. [5:45] - Most women think they're metabolism is slow or off and is attribu...
Who doesn’t want glowing skin? In this episode, I chat with the Owner of Skin Radiance Med Spa, Brittney Miller, and we discuss how nutrition, medical-grade products, exercise and managing stress all play a role in achieving radiant skin. Brittney Miller is a wonderful Mom of 2 and has your NO-EXCUSES solution for skincare. WHY SKIN CARE? [1:20] Brittney had normal skin until she got pregnant with her 1st child. She spent so much money on time on skincare that didn’t work. Eventually, she started studying the ingredients and how they affect us internally and externally. She wants to educate women on how to get great skin in the healthiest way. INTERNAL TIPS [3:20] Flawless skin starts with WATER. Staying hydrating is essential for glowing skin, anti-aging and lightens and brightens the skin. (Envision a dried out grape.) Eating foods that are high in antioxidants and vitamin C are also beneficial - berries, etc. Antioxidants help protect the skin against external elements that can...
In this next episode, we dive deeper into the habits that are necessary to age optimally and gracefully. Dr. Verma explains the negative impact of chronic stress and how important it is to stand up for YOUR health so that you can be a role model for your family. She also talks about the benefits of Intermittent Fasting, eating cleaner foods and why integrative medicine is the way to go! Dr. Verma gives so many golden nuggets that you’ll want to listen to this over and over again! [0:45] Stress and cortisol can accelerate the aging process. Everyone has stress, but if your environment is truly going to kill you, then you need to exit and look for something else. [1:45] It’s necessary to take time for yourself so that you can care for others. 15 minutes will go along way! Find something that you like to do: listen to a podcast, good music, take deep breaths, a brisk walk, yoga. [3:05] Mindfulness is key to slowing down and creating awareness around your habits. [3:30] As a mother of...
Would you believe me if I told you there was a way to rewind the clock, possibly even reversing the aging process? On today’s podcast we’ve got a special 2-part interview with someone who has allllll the answers. Her name is DR. Deepa Verma and she is double board certified infamily medicine and integrative holistic medicine. She is an author and blogger for several publications. She makes regular appearances on Bay News 9 discussing current health topics. She filmed a documentary about integrative medicine for Voices in America hosted by James Earl Jones. On today’s episode, this goddess of holistic health will be sharing how we can turn back the clock and slow the aging process though a plant-based diet and more. [1:10] Because we are a society obsessed with outward appearance, people wait to long to focus on what’s going on internally and it all catches up very quickly. Dr. Verma’s 4 pillars of health include clean diet, exercise, adequate sleep and stress reduction. You hav...
Do you have questions about Intermittent Fasting? Where do you even begin? And is it right for you? Nina explains how this ancient methods works and how to get started! [1:00] Intermittent Fasting is defined as an ancient method of voluntary abstention from food. It happens daily as we take breaks between meals and while we sleep. It’s a realist, sustainable and effective approach for weight loss (bio-individual). [2:10] Benefits include weight loss, aid in Type 2 Diabetes, great for burning fat and can lower blood pressure. Can promote stronger insulin sensitivity and can produce a happy and healthy gut. [3:00] Allows for food freedom and flexibility, can save you money and is great for traveling. [4:00] My history with Intermittent Fasting. I was introduced to IF about 7 years ago after I was finishing up with last bikini shows. My regime: I ate 6-7 small meals every 2 hours and I was a slave to the clock. My husband encouraged me to consolidate my meals so that I would feel more...
Not motivated to get in the kitchen? Sure, it feels like a chore but there are many benefits to cooking your own food! From building a healthy mind to saving money, you’re going to want to listen to what Top Chef Alexia has to say about the power of home cooking. It can truly change your world, build relationships and keep your body thriving. [1:45] Ordering out food can actually take over half an hour. You don’t have half an hour to invest in yourself? Planning and preparation can help save time! [2:45] Having basic knife skills are important for saving you hours in the kitchen. @chefalexia has a w-week course that you can enroll in! [4:20] Even getting food delivered can take over 45 minutes. So if you have the food, “time” shouldn’t be an excuse. [5:10] Cooking at home makes gives you control of the ingredients. By choosing your ingredients you can eliminate preservatives, additional sugars, and any toxic ingredients. Restaurants don’t have to list the ingredients they use....
Top chef, food lover and 4U Fitness client Alexia shares her transformation journey. Alexia discusses her struggles as a child that led to insecurities, a food addiction and eventually reaching 260 pounds. She is a fighter that chose to change her environment and made zero excuses to transform her life. Her story is real, it’s raw and it’s so motivating that you will want to listen to it over and over again. [1:30] Alexia struggles began at a young age. Even though a salad was served at the dinner table, there were never discussions on the why. Her parents were so fit and didn’t understand why she was gaining weight? They would question her weight gain causing her to feel insecure. Because she felt this way, that caused her to eat more and there began the vicious cycle. [3:20] In her life she yo-yo’d a lot because she wasn’t educated. She thought that “losing weight” was the only answer. She went through a period where she lost 50 pounds at a time on 3 separate occasions! And...