Act Out! podcast

Act Out! podcast

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A nerderific podcast that wanders through questions big and small, deep and shallow, from the philosophical to the political to the cultural. Step inside the nerdery...

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Following a relatively sheisty July, Eleanor ruminates on her emotional and mental boundaries, and whether or not it's possible to always respect them. And how does this differ or diverge depending on who you're interacting with - i.e. dear friends & family or a casual comrade.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” - George Orwell Without history, we wander through our present and build our future - totally blind. As racists foam at the mouth and shriek about "critical race theory," it seems an apt time to highlight the importance not only of learning history, but in HOW we learn that history...

A seldom considered connection is the one between genocidal imperialism and body image. But as we sift through history and into the shallow dumbshittery of eugenics, we find not only the drive to mass murder "inferior races," but to define beauty along those very same genocidal lines. Pulling from Sven Lindqvist's work, "Exterminate All the Brutes," this foray into the nerdery follows nefarious threads to the roots of self hatred based on the creation of "inferior races."

Multiple things can be true at the same time. Our very existence proves that. We exist as multitudes, holding multiple truths not only about ourselves but about the world around us. For instance, the rise in anti-Jewish violence must be condemned AND we must continue to demand an end to the oppression of Palestinians. By embracing these multiple truths, these manifold selves, we resist the rigid monoculture paradigm of a system that demands one way of doing things, one truth, one allegiance, one mind.

If you're like me - a white person with a background that criss-crosses borders from Europe to the Middle East, you may struggle with the word "home." It might feel hopeless digging into a deep past, before colonialism, to find when our people lived with the land, not just off it. Pulling from Braiding Sweetgrass, I dig in - literally and figuratively - to the earth beneath us, far from "home," and how we can be good neighbors and family members regardless of where on earth we land. Support my GoFundMe!

Shit happens - especially when you're trying to topple the largest empire the world has ever seen. Preparation is therefore key. Preparation that reminds us of our goals and centers those most targeted by the state is vital, so that we avoid white saviourism, replicating harm and derailing our work. Help me create radical art!

Are you square pegging it just like me - rounding your edges to appease? A musing on not fitting in, on latching on to boulders sinking with the weight of a cowardly resolve - and on courage, the radical world-building kind.

Coming off a particularly vicious bout of food poisoning, I thank you all for the inspiration that brewed up a new spoken word piece for this episode! Meanwhile, let's talk about who profits from our programmed feelings of self-worthlessness, and the insidious nature of this programming. Plus a look at the harshly cut borders between science and magic - may they be blasted through with finely tuned lasers wielded by unicorns ;)

Cue the "this is so un-American" speeches. Anytime something horrible happens, it's immediately lambasted as being un-American when in reality, it's actually very VERY American. Eleanor dives into the arbitrary dividing lines of borders and nations, the struggle for the state(lessness) of your mind and taking pride in your culture - not your country.

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