Adventure Incorporated

Adventure Incorporated

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333 聲音
A D&D Comedy Adventure Podcast

Jebeddo, Keth, Jenuverra, and Gillick join up with Adventure Inc and set out on an adventure to clear gnolls from a cave near Quian. Follow us on twitter@AdventureIncPod Visit our facebook

Part 2 of 3 - "Gnoll Way Out" Keth, Gillik, Jenuverra, and Jebeddo find some more gnolls, and a couple of surprises, deeper inside the cave. Also, Keth's weird habit. Follow us on twitter@AdventureIncPod Visit our facebook Tell all your friends!

Gnolls of Quian Part 3 of 3 - Gnoll-edge is Power! Jenuverra, Keth, Gillick, and Jebeddo find a couple of answers and a whole lot of questions at the end of the Gnoll cave. Will they be able to handle the onslaught? What will happen next? Find out! Also, Jebeddo loses a trusted companion. Follow us on Twitter@AdventureIncPod Like our Facebook Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Part 1 of 4 Character Management! Then, the Many Pennies get a some new toys, a new assignment, and new pal. Also, Jebeddo enrolls in a class. Follow us on Twitter@AdventureIncPod Like our Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Temple of Sallius - Part 2 of 4 - "Bandit Together" The Many Pennies descend into the seedy underbelly of New Meritta. Keth clearly defines his moral line on skin sampling. Also, Gillik loses his lunch. Follow us on Twitter@adventureincpod Like our Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Temple of Sallius Part 3 of 4 - "At Undeath's Door" The Many Pennies delve deep into the abandoned temple of Sallius looking for the Shi'ay Tome. Can they stand against the forces of darkness that roam the temple? Can they find the artifact they are after and escape? Does Horton still have plans for them? Also, Jebeddo presses a button even though he doesn't know what it does. Are you surprised? We aren't either. Follow us on Twitter@adventureincpod Like our Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Part 4 of 4 - "Sallius Forth" The Many Pennies delve deeper into the temple to find the Shi'ay Tome, but find more than they expect in its dark bowels. Will they survive the perils that beset them? Where did all the undead come from?Also, Jebeddo loses more equipment. Follow us on Twitter@AdventureIncPod Like our Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Episode 1 of 4 - "The Merchant of Menace" Character Management! (I swear this will become less frequent once they get a few levels under their belts) The Many Pennies make the journey home, but a chance encounter with a merchant along the way makes them change course. What will they find when they face The Alchemist's Tower? How excited will Jebeddo be? Find out! Also, Asher speaks owlish. Follow us on twitter@AdventureIncPod Like us on Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Episode 2 of 4 - "Goblin Up The Profits" The Many Pennies assault the tower, face strange creatures, and find things they didn't expect. What secrets does the tower hold. What has happened to these creatures? All that and more in this weeks Adventure Incorporated! Also, Gillik spreads the good word door to door. Follow us on twitter@AdventureIncPod Like us on Facebook Check out our Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

Episode 3 of 4 - "Sphere Itself" The Many Pennies try and make their way further up the tower, but first they must figure out the strange orbs the have found. What do the orbs mean? What will they find deeper in the tower? Will they get to the alchemist before the creatures kill him? Also, Jebeddo makes the situation sticky. Follow us on twitter @AdventureIncPod Like us on Facebook Check out our website Don't forget to rate/review/subscribe!

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