AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast)

AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast)

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Danny Vega, TikTok cringelord, and Sara Levine, meme queen master's student, read listener submissions & pilfer from the similarly-named subreddit. They discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at

(11:21) - AITA for not ducking down on a roller coaster so a family could get a family pic of just them? (23:35) - AITA for not allowing alcohol? Hope you enjoy it! --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

(22:26) - Guess The Verdict (33:11) - AITA for choosing not to go to my sister's wedding? (47:51) - AITA for expecting dinner to be ready when I get home after work? (58:56) - AITA for taking overtime at work and then saying I couldn't work it? --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

17:38 AITA for getting my mom kicked out of yoga class? 29:53 AITA for refusing to give my partner the code to my safe? 45:27 AITA for not inviting my mom to my wedding? Have a great week! --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

I'm joined by new friend and once hinge date, Paulina Pinsky to discuss some AITAs and her life... WOW :D. (39:18) - AITA for telling my sister to shut up about her weight? (48:48) - AITA for demanding my wife's family break up with her ex? (57:43) - AITA for leaving my boyfriend in Arizona after he pretended to push me over the edge of the Grand Canyon? Thanks for listenin' --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

(10:26) - Guess The Verdict (18:57) - AITA for calling my stepson a loser and telling my wife if I had it my way, he'd be out of the house? (33:18) - AITA not letting my kids eat what my wife prepared? (47:55) - AITA for being angry that someone else received a birthday gift on my birthday? Have a great week! --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

***Hey all, some listeners flagged that this episode could be seen as trivializing the LGBT+ experience. Just noting that the intent here was to discuss one person's personal experience and not make a grand statement about many people's experience.*** I'm joined by my friend and our awesome patron Justine to discuss some sitches!!! (11:30) - AITA for complaining about a professor making homophobic comments even though it’s a catholic college? (21:21) AITA I did a bridal shoot a week after my brothers wedding which upset my sister in law? (27:59) AITA for weaponizing my femininity by crying since the teacher wouldn’t stop another student from harassing me? Thanks for listening <3 ------ Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter -

We're joined by our awesome patron, Dr. JPB Gerald to discuss some school and mental health issues. Happy 4th, gang! (10:45) - AITA for circulating a petition to have a child removed from my kid's class? (27:00) - AITA for being annoyed at my boyfriend self-diagnosing as neuro-divergent a few months after my own diagnosis? Check out the Dr.'s website here: And his podcast, Unstandardized English, here: - --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

(25:02) - AITA for telling my wife she doesn't need to be with her sick friend at the hospital? (35:03) - AITA for telling my wife to sleep on the couch? (43:43) - AITA for resenting my friend? Have a great week! --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

(10:51) -AITA for being annoyed with my lizards old owner? (22:00) - AITA for saying my job is harder than my sisters? (36:28) - AITA for suggesting sit-down pees? --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

(12:27) - Guess The Verdict (29:52) - Update from OP, Liz, whose father adamantly called her Elizabeth (36:32) - AITA if my mom refuses to take care of my baby while I go back to work? (50:50) - AITA for wanting to go to a music festival even though my grandmother is dying? (01:04:20) - WIBTA if I reported or changed my rating for an Uber driver for proselytizing/preaching? Thanks for listening!!! --- Join the newsletter • Follow us on Twitch • Please join us on Patreon <3 Please join us on Patreon! - 100+ Bonus eps - Discord with awesome community - Call-in shows ($5 tier for call-in, $25 tier for full guesties) - Join us <3 TikTok - Twitter - --- Send in a voice message:

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