akorn - Mighty Old Tales Retold

akorn - Mighty Old Tales Retold

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Mighty Old Tales Retold

12 Years A Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 22 - THE END Arrival in New-Orleans—glimpse of Freeman—Genois, the Recorder—his description of Solomon—reach Charleston—interrupted by Custom House Officers—pass through Richmond—arrival in Washington—Burch arrested—Shekels and Thorn—their testimony—Burch acquitted—arrest of Solomon—Burch withdraws the complaint—the Higher Tribunal—departure from Washington—arrival at Sandy Hill—old friends and familiar scenes—proceed to Glens Falls—meeting with Anne, Margaret and Elizabeth—Solomon Northup Staunton—incidents—conclusion

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapters 20 and 21 Bass faithful to his word—his arrival on Christmas Eve—the difficulty of obtaining an interview—the meeting in the cabin—non-arrival of the letter—Bass announces his intention to proceed north—Christmas—conversation between Epps and Bass—young Mistress M’Coy, the beauty of Bayou Bœuf—the “ne plus ultra” of dinners—music and dancing—presence of the mistress—her exceeding beauty—the last slave dance—William Pierce—oversleep myself—the last whipping—despondency—the cold morning—Epps’ threats—the passing carriage—strangers approaching through the cotton-field—last hour on Bayou Bœuf The letter reaches Saratoga—is forwarded to Anne—is laid before Henry B. Northup—the Statute of May 14, 1840—its provisions—Anne’s memorial to the Governor—the affidavits accompanying it—Senator Soule’s letter—departure of the Agent appointed by the Governor—arrival at Marksville—the Hon. John P. Waddill—the conversation on New-York politics—it suggests a fortunate idea—the meeting with Bass—the secret out—legal proceedings instituted—departure of Northup and the Sheriff from Marksville for Bayou Bœuf—arrangements on the way—reach Epps’ plantation—discover his slaves in the cotton field—the meeting—the farewell

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 19 Avery, of Bayou Rouge—peculiarity of dwellings—Epps builds a new house—Bass, the carpenter—his noble qualities—his personal appearance and eccentricities—Bass and Epps discuss the question of slavery—Epps’ opinion of Bass—I make myself known to him—our conversation—his surprise—the midnight meeting on the bayou bank—Bass’ assurances—declares war against slavery—why I did not disclose my history—Bass writes letters—copy of his letter to Messrs. Parker and Perry—the fever of suspense—disappointments—Bass endeavors to cheer me—my faith in him

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 18 O’Niel, the tanner—conversation with Aunt Phebe overheard—Epps in the tanning business—stabbing of Uncle Abram—the ugly wound—Epps is jealous—Patsey is missing—her return from Shaw’s—Harriet, Shaw’s black wife—Epps enraged—Patsey denies his charges—she is tied down naked to four stakes—the inhuman flogging—flaying of Patsey—the beauty of the day—the bucket of salt water—the dress stiff with blood—Patsey grows melancholy—her idea of God and eternity—of heaven and freedom—the effect of slave-whipping—Epps’ oldest son—“The child is father to the man.”

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 17 Wiley disregards the counsels of Aunt Phebe and Uncle Abram, and is caught by the patrollers—the organization and duties of the latter—Wiley runs away—speculations in regard to him—his unexpected return—his capture on Red River, and confinement in Alexandria jail—discovered by Joseph B. Roberts—subduing dogs in anticipation of escape—the fugitives in the great pine woods—captured by Adam Taydem and the Indians—Augustus killed by dogs—Nelly, Eldret’s slave woman—the story of Celeste—the concerted movement—Lew Cheney, the traitor—the idea of insurrection

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 16 Overseers—how they are armed and accompanied—the homicide—his execution at Marksville—slave-drivers—appointed driver on removing to Bayou Bœuf—practice makes perfect—Epps’ attempt to cut Platt’s throat—the escape from him—protected by the Mistress—forbids reading and writing—obtain a sheet of paper after nine years’ effort—the letter—Armsby, the mean white—partially confide in him—his treachery—Epps’ suspicions—how they were quieted—burning the letter—Armsby leaves the Bayou—disappointment and despair

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 15 Labors on sugar plantations—the mode of planting cane—of hoeing cane—cane ricks—cutting cane—description of the cane knife—winrowing—preparing for succeeding crops—description of Hawkins’ Sugar Mill on Bayou Bœuf—the Christmas holidays—the carnival season of the children of bondage—the Christmas supper—red, the favorite color—the violin, and the consolation it afforded—the Christmas dance—lively, the coquette—Sam Roberts, and his rivals—slave songs—Southern life as it is—three days in the year—the system of marriage—Uncle Abram’s contempt of matrimony

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 14 Destruction of the cotton crop in 1845—demand for laborers in St. Mary’s Parish—sent thither in a drove—the order of the march—the Grand Coteau—hired to Judge Turner on Bayou Salle—appointed driver in his sugar house—Sunday services slave furniture, how obtained—the party at Yarney’s in Centreville—good fortune—the Captain of the steamer—his refusal to secrete me—return to Bayou Bœuf—sight of Tibeats—Patsey’s sorrows—tumult and contention—hunting the coon and opossum—the cunning of the latter—the lean condition of the slave—description of the fish trap—the murder of the man from Natchez—Epps challenged by Marshall—the influence of slavery—the love of freedom

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 13 The curious axe-helve—symptoms of approaching illness—continue to decline—the whip ineffectual—confined to the cabin—visit by Dr. Wines—partial recovery—failure at cotton picking—what may be heard on Epps’ plantation—lashes graduated—Epps in a whipping mood—Epps in a dancing mood—description of the dance—loss of rest no excuse—Epps’ characteristics—Jim Burns removal from Huff Power to Bayou Bœuf—description of Uncle Abram; of Wiley; of Aunt Phebe; of Bob, Henry, and Edward; of Patsey; with a genealogical account of each—something of their past history, and peculiar characteristics—jealousy and lust—Patsey, the victim

12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup Chapter 12 Personal appearance of Epps—Epps, drunk and sober—a glimpse of his history—cotton growing—the mode of ploughing and preparing ground—of planting—of hoeing, of picking, of treating raw hands—the difference in cotton pickers—Patsey a remarkable one—tasked according to ability—beauty of a cotton field—the slave’s labors—fear on approaching the gin-house—weighing—“chores”—cabin life—the corn mill—the uses of the gourd—fear of oversleeping—fear continually—mode of cultivating corn—sweet potatoes—fertility of the soil—fattening hogs—preserving bacon—raising cattle—shooting-matches—garden products—flowers and verdure

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