al empire

al empire

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Featuring exceptional Arabs around the world and their journeys to the top. al empire is a Kerning Cultures Network production. Search ‘Kerning Cultures Network’ to hear other podcasts like this one, and follow @kerningcultures on Instagram to stay in touch!


Cofounder of first venture-backed podcast company in the Middle East

The first Egyptian to summit Mt Everest

The first online luxury site for modest fashion.

Award-winning architect

Founder of Mumzworld

The Godfather of podcasting.

The first Lebanese woman in history to be nominated for an Academy Award

al empire Season 2 trailer

Hatoon talks about the video that accidentally went viral and made her famous.

Andre talks about growing up during the Lebanese civil war and how discovering The Economist at age 13 inspired a spirit of entrepreneurship in him early in his life. Fleeing the violence of Beirut, Andre moves to France where his love of music led him to build his first company. From there, his journey towards success had only just begun. Update: As of October 2019, Turoraised upwards of $450 million in funding, has 350,000 cars listed on its platform, and 12 million signups. This episode was produced by Hebah Fisher and Dana Ballout, with editorial support by Linah Mohammad and Alex Atack. Sound design by Mohamad Khreizat, and fact-checking by Zeina Dowidar. Our original sting was composed by Ramzi Bashour. al empire is a Kerning Cultures Network production. This episode was made possible, in part, by Techwadi, the bridge between Silicon Valley and the Middle East. Support this podcast on as little as $1 a month. Support the show.

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