Alaska News Nightly Archives - Alaska Public Media

Alaska News Nightly Archives - Alaska Public Media

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Life Informed.

The donor behind the biggest contributions to Senator Lisa Murkowski's re-election campaign. A fifth bear is killed at an Anchorage campground the city opened to the homeless. And the Kenai River king salmon fishery closes early for the third year in a row.

Homeless residents at an Anchorage campground wonder about their future. Rain may be dampening Alaska's fire season, but officials say it's not over yet. And volunteers help get salmon to rural Alaskans facing low sockeye runs.

As COVID circulates widely, state epidemiologists say vaccines and boosters are preventing hospitalizations. Also, a record harvest for Bristol Bay's sockeye salmon run. And a new sculpture in Fairbanks will honor the first climber to summit Denali.

Telecommunications workers in Alaska could soon go on strike. Also, experts weigh in on whether strict regulations on commercial fishing could help Western Alaska subsistence users. And city leaders in Soldotna face pushback against a Pride month event.

Republicans prepare to "rank the red" in next month's special election. Also, Denali Borough leaders assess the damage from the Clear Fire. And how a Soldotna beekeeper dealt with the loss of millions of bees bound for Alaska.

After weeks of debate, the Anchorage Assembly approves a process to remove the mayor. Subsistence users ask for greater restrictions on commercial fishing along the Alaska Peninsula. And the Alaska National Guard and the Alaska Office of Veterans Affairs honors the heroic rescue of a downed Navy air crew nearly 70 years ago.

In response to a federal lawsuit, the state says the Kuskokwim River isn't public for the purposes of fisheries management. Subsistence users say commercial vessels are taking fish bound for their rivers. And meteorologists say wetter weather is helping with wildfires, but that could still change quickly.

Former President Trump visits Anchorage and denounces Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Alaskans march in four cities to advocate for reproductive rights. And more thunderstorms hit the Interior as fire danger persists.

Residents near the Clear Fire wait to hear about damage to their subdivision. Also, the remains of two Alaska Native girls who died at a boarding school a century ago are returning to Alaska. And biologists keep tabs on bats in Southeast after finding one with rabies.

Fire burns the Pebble Mine project's supply camp and prompts evacuations in the Interior. Also, what to know about ranked choice voting ahead of the special election. And how a bird rehab center in Anchorage is dealing with bird flu.

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