Among the Stars and Bones

Among the Stars and Bones

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A team of xenoarchaeologists travel to distant worlds searching for traces of a now-vanished alien race. Each season brings a new site, new secrets and new dangers.

A first taste of what's coming in Season 1... Follow us on Twitter: @amongstarsbones In order of appearance you heard: Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Devin Madson @DevinMadson Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris For a transcript of this trailer or more info on the show, go to our website

SYNOPSIS The crew of the Herodotus Mission broadcast their first report from the Alpha and Beta sites on the planet Tefen. As they begin to search the sites, they uncover a city, a terraformer, over 200 skeletons...and a box. CONTENT WARNINGS: NONE Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Episode Transcript CAST Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura - Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon - Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Celia - Shakira Searle Janine - Lucille Valentine @severelytrans The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris

SYNOPSIS Adrienne, Ben and Gordon have various bones to pick over their orders. Laura speculates on the benefits of Proximan technology. Kathy and Celia begin unravelling the mysteries of the dead. And Gordon begins to probe "The Box." CONTENT WARNINGS Medical/Forensic procedure - An alien skeleton undergoes analysis (09:42-13:20) Violence/Death - Discussion of mass death by suffocation (11:50-15:07) Violence/Death/War - Discussion of development of a weapon of mass destruction (25:35-28:00) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy – Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura – Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne – Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben – Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon – Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Celia – Shakira Searle Harry - Sam "Raethr" Nguyen @Raethr_VO The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris

SYNOPSIS Adrienne and Gordon are concerned about glitches with Herodotus tech. Ben and Harry try to unlock and translate alien recordings. And Kathy and Celia investigate the story behind the lone Proximan skeleton found in the control room with the cube. CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence/Death - Discussion of mass death by suffocation/gas (17:30-18:25 & 21:44-23:33) Medical/Forensic Procedure - An alien skeleton undergoes analysis (18:25-21:44) Threat of violence - A death threat is issued (34:20-34:25) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy – Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura – Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne – Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben – Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon – Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Celia – Shakira Searle Harry - Sam "Raethr" Nguyen @Raethr_VO The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris

SYNOPSIS A member of the crew is missing... CONTENT WARNINGS: Distressing/Nightmarish noises - Distorted audio with twisted speech and sound plays (3:17 - 4:56) Reference to Violence/Death - Skeletons of aliens killed by suffocation and violence are described (8:20 - 8:37 & 10:32 - 11:00) Discussion of Genocide/Mass Murder - Discussion and speculation on mass alien death, including the possibility of one group of aliens murdering the other due to political differences (20:12 - 24:15) Death/Violence - A human killed by violence is discovered and described (37:06 - 37:55) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura - Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon - Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Celia - Shakira Searle Harry - Sam "Raethr" Nguyen @Raethr_VO Janine - Lucille Valentine @sev...

SYNOPSIS The investigation into what went wrong during the previous episode begins, with Kathy and Celia taking the lead. Adrienne and Laura are unimpressed by the responses they are getting from back home. Gordon pleads his case, and Ben is caught up in memories and grief. CONTENT WARNINGS Grief/Loss - The entire episode contains a general content warning as almost all of the characters are processing the loss of someone they knew. Death/Violence/Medical Procedures - A human corpse undergoes a post mortem examination (10:07 - 19:54) Grief/Loss of a Child/Emergency Birth - A past accident that resulted in the death of a premature baby is described (36:58 - 39:33) Mass Death - Speculation on what the last moments of the aliens found dead around the site might have been like (39:39 - 40:14) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura - Linds...

SYNOPSIS In the mid-season finale, Kathy and Ben are looking for answers, one in the present and the other in the past. Adrienne is trying to walk the line between dangers to the crew. Meanwhile, Laura and Gordon begin an experiment to power up part of the terraformer... CONTENT WARNINGS Loud/Distressing Noises - A loud, high stress sequence which includes a loud alarm, four instances of explosions, two with accompanying distant screams. The same sequence also ends with a rising tone that peaks and distorts (31:13 - 31:49) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura - Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon - Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Jensen - Allison Brandt @WorstHeroEver Logan - Dylan Chambers @D33DAA The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson Theme music by Oliver Morris @...

Among the Stars and Bones will be back Feb 19, 2020 Apologies for the radio silence, dear listeners. The last few months have been a ride. But happy to say we're coming back next month! ANNOUNCEMENT TRANSCRIPT Chris: "Hi all, Chris Magilton here, creator of Among the Stars and Bones and voice of Ben Kelleher. I want to start by saying thank you to all of you who have listened, shared, rated, reviewed and supported the show. With your help and support we’ve made it to well over 60,000 downloads, which I've gotta tell you is at least ten times the audience I thought we’d reach. I’d also like to thank you for your patience. As many of you are aware, the podcast has been on hiatus since July 2019, a hiatus that stretched out far longer than it was ever intended to. Life threw a curve ball at myself at my family, not a bad by any means, but the kind that meant there just wasn't the spare time needed to work on the show. I’m here today on this Audio Drama Sunday to tell you that in ex...

Episode Notes SYNOPSIS Adrienne and Laura lead the search for survivors of the accident. Adrienne has learned that the accident was not the only thing that went wrong two days ago. Ben and Kathy are both AWOL, each looking for answers. And there are some new anomalies in the report files... CONTENT WARNINGS: Death/Medical Emergency/Grief - A character describes a past medical emergency that resulted in the loss of their child (15:03 - 17:02) Blood/Injury - A character injured "off-screen" reacts to the blood on them (25:12 - 25:32) Twitter: @AmongStarsBones Website: Patreon: Merch: TeePublic Store Episode Transcript CAST Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral Laura - Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton Gordon - Graham Rowat @GrahamNY Celia - Shakira Searle Harry - Sam "Raethr" Nguyen @Raethr_VO Harris - Anthony Morales @TonyrayVA Jensen - Allison Brandt @WorstHero...

Episode Notes SYNOPSIS As the countdown to explosion at the Alpha site ticks down, Adrienne and Laura, trapped in different sections, do what they can with the limited information and resources they have. Meanwhile in the Beta site Kathy and Ben are on the run... CONTENT WARNINGS Distressing/Nightmarish noises – Distorted audio with twisted speech and sound plays (Heard throughout all scenes of the episode) Loud Startling Noises/Confined spaces – A loud, high stress sequence which includes the smashing of doors and walls and characters under threat. At one point characters also crawl through a confined space. (12:27 – 13:17) Mass murder/Genocide – The deaths of many of the aliens and the fate of their remains are discussed but not portrayed. (20:43 – 23:58) Death/Grief – A character makes reference, without detail, to the loss of their child and talks about its impact. (27:00 – 27:52 & 28:30 – 29:27) Loud Startling Noises – A sequence in which there is an explosion followed...

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