Hosted by Alyssa Anderson, approached walks you through a new episode every Wednesday. From fraud, to conspiracy, to outright murder, no case is off the table.
In today's episode I deep dive into the goings on during the filming of The Wizard of Oz. Not necessarily a true crime case, as no arrests or charges were ever made...but that doesn't mean crime didn't occur.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I give an update on cases previously covered on approached. Together we will touch on the verdict in Elizabeth Holmes' trial, the fate of Brian Laundrie, and how Scott Peterson is doing in his quest to get a new trial.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In 2020 Melissa Caddick left her home without a trace, leaving behind her keys, cellphone and wallet. Melissa was an extremely wealthy business woman who ran a multi million dollar investment company. However, as the story unfolded investors and investigators alike found everything was not as it seemed.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I offer my opinions on the new Netflix mini series "Inventing Anna". In the first ever episode of Approached, I covered the case of Anna Delvey who portrayed herself as a German Heiress effectively swindling banks and tycoons alike out of over 200,000. Now, just under a year later, the mini series has made it's way to Netflix. And I have thoughts.Find out what they are on this weeks episode of approached.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode we continue the saga of Frank Abagnale Jr. This time, however, we leave the "Catch Me If You Can" story behind as we search for the truth. Frank has been peddling the same story of intricite cons and ingenius swindles which has earned him millions through talks and speaking engagements. Today we dive deep into the truth and uncover that Frank is truly the greatest con man of all time, just not for the cons he's been selling.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I take you through the life of master con man, Frank Abagnale Jr. After publishing an autobiography and selling the rights for a major motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg, Frank has become notorious in the crime world. Now, however, some believe his whole story is the greatest con of all. In part 1 of this story I tell the tale from Frank's side. Next week, we'll uncover why many now believe that his story is a swindle in itself. Franks Autobiography: Catch Me If You Can: The true story of a real fake by Frank Abagnale and Stan ReddingAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I detail the case of the Turpin family. A family of 15, living in some of the most deplorable conditions officers in California had ever seen. Where are the Turpin children now? Has society failed them once again? We uncover this in today's episode of approached.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode we're staying in the early 1900's with the story of The Piltdown Man. A prehistoric humanoid skull that was found between 1908 and 1912. This skull seemingly proved to scientists how humans evolved. Until some 40 years later, it all came crashing down.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I discover the century old theft of one of the world's greatest works of art. How did this painting become so famous, how was it stolen, and how do we keep it safe? Find out in today's episode of approached.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In today's episode I detail 2 cases of counterfeiting in the realm of couponing. After watching the new Netflix movie "Queenpins" I became fascinated with one particular trio's organized coupon ring. Upon further research I uncovered that this wasn't the only time coupons turned dark. Join me in today's episode to find out the details.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: