Astro Radio Z

Astro Radio Z

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174 聲音
Online radio show about horror / cult / exploitation films, low budget filmmaking, media collecting, and other fringe hijinx.

Derrick and Mark watch the native zombie movie Blood Quantum this episode ____________________________________________________________________ Vaughn returns with his own segment here on Astro Radio Z of his own podcast MOTION PICTURE MASSACRE!!! Go listen and support his show:LISTEN HERE _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: CLOAKROOM - Lost Meaning ABBATH - Ashes of the Damned --- Send in a voice message:

Today, we discuss the most messed up, triggering comedy we've ever had come past us: Greener Grass ____________________________________________________________________ THE LURKING TRANSMISSION To find out more about this mysterious audio drama show, check them out here: Twitter: @REALSONICDANGER Youtube / Spotify ____________________________________________________________________ Vaughn returns with his own segment here on Astro Radio Z of his own podcast MOTION PICTURE MASSACRE!!! Go listen and support his show:LISTEN HERE _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: Donzig - Bad Mother (Bill McClintock) Gwarsenio Hall - Danhausen Theme Dead Soul Symphony - Traces --- Send in a voice message:

Derrick, fighting off a case of the cooties, talks with Mark about the surreal, gross out comedy, THE GREASY STRANGLER. _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: CROWBAR - REPULSIVE IN IT'S SPLENDED BEAUTY MIDNIGHT - SZEX WITCHERY --- Send in a voice message:

House (1977)
1h 14min

Derrick and Mark explore the gonzo 1977 Japanese scooby doo art ghost film HOUSE. _________________________________________________________________ The sultry spookiness of Miss Angelique’s book reviews called, TUB OF TERROR returns!!! Angelique Bone can be found onFILM JERKSandTHE NIGHT KEEP _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: JULIE CHRISTMAS - BOW GLUME - WHAT IS A FEELING DAVIE ALLAN AND THE ARROWS - DEVIL'S ANGELS --- Send in a voice message:

Going through the archives, I found the LOST 8th episode of Astro Radio Z. It's a mixtape and not a talky, normal episode of ARZ. Just hang back, grab a nice glass of wine, and jam to the sounds of GOBLIN! Goblin - L'alba dei Morti Viventi Sandrider - Gorgon Goblin - Tenebre Goblin - Mad Puppet Tigernite - Tarantula CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: --- Send in a voice message:

Wild Zero
1h 29min

As we talked about last episode, I had Mark watch WILD ZERO and here are the results!! ____________________________________________________________________ Vaughn returns with his own segment here on Astro Radio Z of his own podcast MOTION PICTURE MASSACRE!!! Go listen and support his show:LISTEN HERE _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: Cult Leader - Gutter Gods Guitar Wolf - Jet Generation Cemetery Piss - Corpses and Lye --- Send in a voice message:

We come back to the Scooter McCrae well this episode talk about the insanely wild SIXTEEN TONGUES!!! ____________________________________________________________________ Vaughn returns with his own segment here on Astro Radio Z of his own podcast MOTION PICTURE MASSACRE!!! Go listen and support his show:LISTEN HERE _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: Can't Let Go - Robert Plant and Alison Krause Undercover - Kid and Play Elite - Deftones --- Send in a voice message:

We have come to episode 150, and what better way to go than to talk about the 3 Basket Case films! Mark and Derrick talk about them, around them, and dig into them in a way I'm sure you've never heard before! ____________________________________________________________________ The sultry spookiness of Miss Angelique’s book reviews called, TUB OF TERROR returns!!! Angelique Bone can be found onFILM JERKSandTHE NIGHT KEEP _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:… FB:… and THE PODCAST AT ORGY CASTLE: RESIM: Music Used: Robin Adele Anderson - Basket Case Horrorpops - Ghouls (live) Torture Killer - Forever Dead --- Send in a voice message: https://...

Mark the Movie man and Derrick breakdown Da Hip Hop Witch this episode. _________________________________________________________________ Vaughn returns with his own segment here on Astro Radio Z of his own podcast MOTION PICTURE MASSACRE!!! Go listen and support his show:LISTEN HERE _________________________________________________________________ The Bottom Rack returns with Ninja Assassin!!! SUPPORT DAN AND HIS MUSIC: The Night Keep: Seregost: ____________________________________________________________________ The sultry spookiness of Miss Angelique’s book reviews called, TUB OF TERROR returns!!! Angelique Bone can be found onFILM JERKSandTHE NIGHT KEEP _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT AND FOLLOW ASTRO RADIO Z: Contact: Twitter:@AstroRadioZ Twitch: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCASTS: ALL THE GIMMICKS:https://allthegim...

3-28-21 we lost our brother in arms Blade Braxton. Here's our tribute to the slasher, the slicer, the dicer, the ripper, shedder, money maker, honey shaker and equal opportunity destroyer....the one and only Troy Ferguson aka Midnight Rose aka BLADE BRAXTON. Clips and music used: 1) ARZ ep 50 - Intro 2) Peter Criss - That's the Kind of Sugar Papa Likes 3) Derrick and Cory send off Blade 4) Smut Elves - 12-08-2011 - Blade's origin story 5) White Lion - Little Fighter 6) Drive in Movie Maniac's host Timothy Sweeten sends off Blade 7) KISS - Tomorrow 8) Worst Movies Ever - Blade recites the lyrics to I'm Back (Rocktober Blood) 9) Rocktober Blood - Rainbow Eyes 10) ARZ - 01-31-2013 - Blade talks his love of Troma 11) Ethan Hurt - Class of Nuke 'Em Hight Theme 12) Horror Director Liam Regan sends off Blade 13) Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD trailer 14) Dudes - Episode numero dos 15) Baltimora - Tarzan Boy 16) Smut Elves - 12-08-2011 - Blade talks worst wrestling gimmicks ever 17) Tommy Snow - What'...

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