Australian Property Investor

Australian Property Investor

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Property Investory is a podcast bringing you the latest stories, life experiences and case studies from Australia’s most innovative people. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best moments of his guests. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, this podcast will bring you the latest stories, strategies, and case studies from Australia’s most innovative property experts such as Jan Somers, Steve McKnight, Cherie Barber, Margaret Lomas, John L Fitzgerald, Jane Slack-Smith, Chris Gray, John Lindeman and many others. Your host Tyrone Shum will begin to explore the daily lives, influences, and worst and best property investing moments of his guests. Then in a future podcast, you’ll be led step-by-step through each property investors’ unique strategy to success.Tune in at home or on the go via iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or through

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We are back with the managing director of Investors Edge Real Estate, Jarrad Mahon. In this episode, he will detail the importance of being patient and buying for quality instead of quantity. As well as this, Mahon will show that it is okay to change mentors when they are no longer serving you and he will explain what it truly means to be a person of value! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Jarrod Mahon is the managing director of Investors Edge Real Estate. He had a difficult start to his young adult life, receiving bad grades at school and being told he was unable to take the tertiary entrance exams. However, with his family by his side, he made a quick turn around towards success and was able to choose any university course. From there, he went on to become an engineer but eventually, he transitioned into property investment.Mahon has found success from the start of his property investment journey and in this episode, he will share how he made an $85,000 profit from his first deal. As well as this, hear about the value of a good property manager and the experience that changed his world outlook. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Once again we’re speaking to buyers agent head of investment Frank Raiti, as he takes us through how working smarter can help you build a greater investment portfolio as well as the benefits of developing . He also delves into the strategies of effective property management and the difference improvement and maintenance makes to a strong investment. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Frank Raiti started property investing from a very young age, and has seen nothing but success both personally and in his professional capacity as a buyers’ agent advocate. Raiti tells us everything you need to know about investing and the endurance of the property market.In this episode, we throw it back to the 80s and 90s. With no bike helmets and less parental supervision, the world was an oyster for young Raiti. He tells us about growing up in Sydney and the influences around him that started his extensive investment history. With a background in finance, Raiti expresses the importance of prudent investment in this can’t miss episode! See for privacy and opt-out information.

His is a name you’ve come to know and love over the years. Property Investory’s very own Tyrone Shum is the focus of today’s special episode, as he finds himself in the hot seat for a change! In this episode Shum is interviewed by property developer, educator, mentor, and founder of Property Developer Network, Rob Flux.Shum takes us on his journey through never-before heard details, from his days in university through to Property Investory’s success in an unpredictable and fast-moving world. His journey was anything but linear as he took two steps forward and three steps back multiple times, but he would never trade the invaluable lessons he learnt along the way. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Salena Kulkarni is an Amazon bestselling author, a chartered accountant, property strategist, and founder of Freedom Warrior. This program helps business owners create consistent income and assists in achieving them their financial freedom. She has been a keen property investor for over 20 years and is passionate about helping others reach— and exceed— their financial goals.In this episode Kulkarni shares the basis of her conference regarding making tough decisions when it comes to your property portfolio in turbulent times. While not a doomsayer by any means, she takes a look at the world through a realist lens and takes into account what has happened in recent years. In doing so, she tackles how these events have impacted people’s finances as well as their property portfolios, and how they’ve merged to form a cocktail that nobody ordered. See for privacy and opt-out information.

In this episode of Property Investory, we are back with property mentor and owner of Propdeveloper, David Kelly. He shares his property developing journey, including overcoming challenges such as a stormwater manhole being in the middle of a lounge room. As well as this, Kelly will explain the importance of experience and his passion behind helping others. See for privacy and opt-out information.

In this episode of Property Investory, we are joined by property mentor and owner of Propdeveloper, David Kelly. Kelly has built his success from growing up in a small town of only 3000 people to being a qualified civil engineer, a registered master builder and having carpentry trade qualifications.While exploring his journey, we will learn how Kelly’s natural sense of curiosity led to him becoming an engineer, which benefits him in the world of property development. As well as this, he will detail his memorable trip to India which has had lasting effects on his life. See for privacy and opt-out information.

We’re back with iSubdivide’s Rebecca and Alfie Cardamone, the dream team who can practically find land and develop it to perfection in their sleep! In this episode they share how they work together day in and day out without getting in each others’ hair, and still retire to the same home together happily at the end of the day. They also give us some insight into why the typical excuses need not apply, the lessons they’ve learnt over the years, and exactly how they met— which is not the way you’d expect! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Rebecca and Alfie Cardamone have worked hard their whole lives individually, and now as a couple, they’re even stronger together. The Melbourne-based consultants are the husband and wide team behind iSubdivide, where they specialise in obtaining plans and permits for property developments as well as land subdivision.In this episode, they display their approachable and warm personalities that have helped them to become the successful team they are today. Designer Rebecca and builder Alfie share how they built their strong work ethics from early ages, how they both ended up in careers they never expected, and just how it all came full circle in the end. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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