BA Horror Stories

BA Horror Stories

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In this episode, ASPE President David Mantica and seasoned BA professional Rob Snowden discuss the horrors and problems that happen when business analysts enter the workforce without strong professional skills and high emotional intelligence. Taking on the theme of Fantasy Island, this podcast explores David's own fantasy of to get people interested in more professional skills training.

In this episode, ASPE President David Mantica and seasoned BA professional Rob Snowden discuss the horrors and problems that come with the role of management. Playing on the theme of the film, Horrible Bosses, this podcast dives into the hilarious tales that come out of bad experiences with management.

In this episode, ASPE President David Mantica and seasoned BA professional Rob Snowden discuss how the Business Analyst fits into the Agile environment. Some Business Analysis refer to it as the road to madness. Listen in about how the iconic horror movie The Shining and its crazy slow path to madness are related to Business Analyst roles, and how you can effectively play your role without losing your mind.

In this episode, ASPE President David Mantica and seasoned BA professional Alan Koch, discuss business rules and why they are the foundation of any business. In the role of a business analyst, we must elicit the requirements needed to build the solution, but business rules provide the means to make good and consistent operational decisions within that solution. Throughout this podcast you will gain an understanding of what business rules are and the various types, how they must align to business policies and regulations, and their levels of enforcement.

The role of a business analyst is to determine the right approach to perform business analysis work depending on the initiatives. Sometimes, however, this does not work out the way we hoped. Listen and learn as ASPE President, David Mantica, and seasoned BA professional, Rob Snowden, discuss their personal horror stories when estimating methods went horribly wrong and how to keep your stakeholders happy.

Do you feel overwhelmed with the information you get as a business analyst? In this episode, ASPE President David Mantica and seasoned BA professional Rob Snowden discuss various simple techniques of classification and prioritization that help with organizing your information. They will look at the horrifying ways organizing has failed, and how to better prepare for any business analyst responsibility.

When you get assigned to a large initiative, do not panic! In this episode, Rob Snowden and David Mantica look at various techniques that can help break down complexity and reduce the anxiety that comes with large projects.

Centered around driving facilitation in a requirements workshop, this first episode of the BA Horror Stories series will examine the terrifying problems you may face as a facilitator in your organization. Filled with real horror stories from a seasoned business analyst, this podcast will show you how to avoid similar horrors in your own projects!

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