Bible Scholarship Podcast

Bible Scholarship Podcast

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Bas van Os of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam argues that scholars have too narrow a set of criteria for judging the probable date of Jesus' life. Lecture delivered atSBL/AARin San Antonio in Fall 2016. Here's a link to download a PDF of the handout for this lecture. Or see it below:

Brant Pitre of Notre Dame gives a lecture on the dating of the Last Supper in the Gospel of John. While John has long been interpreted as having a different dating scheme for the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Pitre argues that this is a misinterpretation. Pitre's latest book, Jesus and the Last Supper, delves into this and other related questions at greater length, and is mentioned in the lecture.Lecture delivered at SBL/AAR in San Antonio in Fall 2016. Here is a PDF of the handout for this lecture. You can also view it below:

A lecture on the political theology of the New Testament by NT Wright. Delivered in 2015 at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Source.

New Testament scholar and Anglican bishop NT Wright describes the origins of Christian theology in the works of St. Paul. Lecture delivered at the Lanier Theological Library Chapel in Houston, Texas, in 2014. Source.

Lecture from New Testament scholar NT Wright on the historical reality of Jesus' resurrection. Delivered at the Roanoke College Center for Religion. Source.

An interview with New Testament scholar NT Wright about his views of Paul. Covers material from Wright's books, Paul and the Faithfulness of Godand The Paul Debate. Source(Westminster Theological Centre).

A lecture on themes of descent from Abraham and inheritance of the Holy Land in the New Testament, from Wheaton College New Testament professor Gary Burge. Delivered at theChrist at the Checkpoint conference in Israel-Palestine.

A lecture on the origins and development of the text of the Hebrew Bible by professor Emmanuel Tov.

In 1986, a 2,000-year-old boat was discovered in Israel on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. The vessel is representative of the large fishing boats common on the ancient lake, and the type of boat used in the Gospels by the disciples of Jesus. It is also the type of boat used by the Jews in the brutal nautical Battle of Migdal in AD 67 against a makeshift Roman fleet. The lecture describes the adventure of the boat's discovery and excavation, and delves into the revealing research about the vessel and its milieu. Original video here.

Lecture on new archaeological findings about the Philistines, delivered by Aren Maeir.Aren Maeir is a professor at Bar Ilan University and director of the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project. Born in 1958 in Rochester, New York, USA, he moved to Israel in 1969 and has lived there since. Original videohere.

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