Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

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Ready to experience the Promises of God? Are you tired of "watered down" Gospel that keep you going around in a circle of recidivism? Are you seeking the simple truth? We tell the truth. Our mission is to give you the "Truth that makes you Free" Pure Word for Everyday Christians [Mon, Wed, Fri at 8 am central] where we answer your pre-submitted questions about anything! Submit question We’ll let you know when it will air.The Prophetic Word of God [Tues, Thurs, Fri at 7 am central] Strong meat revelation for those who want to go beyond surface level. Hebrews 5:11 - 14 Pastor Mary Washington brings a word of prophecy from the heart of God without deviation or opinion. A Spiritual Refreshing for the hungry and thirsty~ To learn more about us, Visit us at and contact us via email at Catch us on iTunes and Facebook.

Hear prophet Mary Washington share spiritual insight on the magnificent “power to prevail” God gave His children.There are an abundance of reasons why any born againbeliever would want to be filled with the Spirit of God; firstly, to be like Him. And then there is the might and ability to walk in the power of God; where He gives you revelation that passes your natural comprehension and wisdom to make the application in your everyday life. Exciting? We’ve just scratched the surface! God placing His Spirit to those who believe is really much more than words can express. Checkus out Holy at Like uson Facebook and YouTube.

A CALL TO THE BODY OF CHRIST... Luke 10:2 Jesus told His disciples, the harvest of souls is ready to be reaped a s implied the work was greater than their number; therefore, they should pray to God Asking Him to send in others who would be willing to work with them in the harvesting. Pastor, Teacher, and Bible Therapist Mary Washington reminds the Church of the commission given by Christ at His ascension to heaven and that He is coming back again

Can the believer have the abundant life as Jesus quoted in Scripture? The answer is yes if you believe that the thing you desire shall come to pass and not doubt In your heart; you shall have whatsoever you say. Mark 11:23. A prophetic word is purposed to give the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the will of God for the hearer's future. THEGOOD NEWS for BELIEVERSBROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are touse the Holy Bible therapeutically toanswer the issues of life. Radical Christianswith Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday Schoollive discussion at 9 amPure Wordfor Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments.Submita Prayer Request and www.fmsmgospelnetwork.orgWe are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team.

Join prophet Washington to hear and see inScripture what God has Prepared for you? Bible Prophecyreveals God's Plan of Salvation for those who believe and the associated doom for those who don't believe.A prophetic word is purposed to give the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the will of God for the hearer's future. THEGOOD NEWS for BELIEVERSBROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are touse the Holy Bible therapeutically toanswer the issues of life. Radical Christianswith Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday Schoollive discussion at 9 amPure Wordfor Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments.Submita Prayer Request and www.fmsmgospelnetwork.orgWe are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

Devotional Reading: Psalm 56; Background Scripture: Daniel 1;Daniel 1:8-21 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. THE GOOD NEWS for BELIEVERS BROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are to use the Holy Bible therapeutically to answer the issues of life. Radical Christians with Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday School live discussion at 9 amPure Word for Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments. Submita Prayer Request and We are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

Godly peoplestand oi Righteousness. Radical Christians are not manipulated by what the world is doing or the ungodliness which isquicklybecoming the norm in society. THE GOOD NEWS for BELIEVERS BROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are to use the Holy Bible therapeutically to answer the issues of life. Radical Christians with Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday School live discussion at 9 amPure Word for Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments. Submita Prayer Request and We are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

Join prophet Washington to hear and see inScripture what God has Prepared for you? Bible Prophecyreveals God's Plan of Salvation for those who believe and the associated doom for those who don't believe.A prophetic word is purposed to give the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the will of God for the hearer's future. THEGOOD NEWS for BELIEVERSBROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are touse the Holy Bible therapeutically toanswer the issues of life. Radical Christianswith Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday Schoollive discussion at 9 amPure Wordfor Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments.Submita Prayer Request and www.fmsmgospelnetwork.orgWe are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

What Has God Prepared for you? Bible Prophecy reveals God's Plan of Salvation for those who believe and the associated doom for those who don't believe. A prophetic word is purposed to give the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the will of God for the hearer's future. THE GOOD NEWS for BELIEVERS BROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are to use the Holy Bible therapeutically to answer the issues of life. Radical Christians with Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday School live discussion at 9 amPure Word for Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at 8 pm Emailyour questions or comments. Submita Prayer Request and We are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

It is anticipated that the Body of Christ unite, as we are one body and Jesus is the Head[1Co 12:20 KJV] 20 But now [are they] many members, yet but one body. If so, we are members of the body of Christ, how is there room for racism, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination found in most church gatheringsas an acceptableway? These are character deficits for children of God because theyoften foster hate, abuse, and injustice. THE GOOD NEWS for BELIEVERS BROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are to use the Holy Bible therapeutically to answer the issues of life. Radical Christians with Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday School live discussion at 9 amPure Word for Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at8 pm Emailyour questions or comments. Submita Prayer Request and We are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

We must "press on" to lay hold on what God has prepared for us... pressing pass our personal insecurities which foster doubt, fear and worry; and into the place of showing our trust and reliance on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. THE GOOD NEWS for BELIEVERS BROADCAST with Pastor Mary Washington bringing a prophetic word from God revealing how Believers are to use the Holy Bible therapeutically to answer the issues of life. Radical Christians with Mary Washington ~ Saturdays at 9 amInternational Sunday School live discussion at 9 amPure Word for Everyday Christians Tuesday – Thursday at8 pm Emailyour questions or comments. Submita Prayer Request and We are praying for you. FMSM Ministry Team

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