Big Sky Astrology Podcast

Big Sky Astrology Podcast

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Real astrology for real people, with astrologer/author April Elliott Kent of

Episode 131 | Capricorn Full Moon: No Place Like Home This week, Venus makes important aspects to Saturn and Neptune before moving into Cancer; important matters are revealed at a powerful Capricorn Full Moon that’s in a conjunction with Pluto; the Sun makes a sweet, sleepy trine to Neptune and reaches an important moment in its cycle with Mercury. Plus: New sheets, reading on the davenport, and catching up with dad. And April answers a listener question about how to make the best use of the Sun’s transits. Want to learn more about Solar Return charts? Join April for a two-hour webinar on July 16, 2022, beginning at 11 am Pacific time! Details and registration info here! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?Email Aprilorleave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [00:41] Join April for a two-hour webinar about Solar Returns on July 16, 2022, beginning at 11 am Pacific time. Find out more and grab your seat here! [01:54] The second of three Pluto returns in the chart for the United States is exact this week on July 11. The first was on Feb. 22, 2022, and the last will be on Dec. 28, 2022. To revisit earlier discussions of this important event, listen to Ep. 111, The Return of Pluto and a Sect-sy Question; Episode 65, Mars, Uranus, and Revisiting the U.S. Pluto Return; and Ep. 29, Neptune Washing Over All and the U.S. Pluto Return. [03:59] Venus makes two final aspects before leaving the sign of Gemini: A trine to Saturn on July 12 and a square to Neptune on July 13. Together, these aspects bring us down to earth, help us trim away the excess and plan for the future, and open our eyes to what’s really going on in a situation. [08:14]Moooooooon report! The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13 answers the call of the Jan. 2, 2022 New Moon in Capricorn. It also gives us a clearer view of what was getting underway at the Jan. 12, 2021 Capricorn New Moon, at the beginning of the current Lunar Phase Family cycle. The hearings about Jan. 6, 2021 are part of this Full Moon review of that day’s events. [13:00] The Void-of-Course Moon periodsfor this week offer opportunities to confront reality, change important habits, and enjoy some sweet, Venusian dreams. [17:03] Mercury makes its superior conjunction with the Sun on July 16. This is the moment in Mercury’s cycle when it’s caught up with the Sun after its recent retrograde period, and before it goes moving off ahead of the Sun. Catch up with yourself during this moment when your thoughts are better aligned with who you are and what you want to show the world! [19:12] On July 17, Mercury and the Sun both make trine aspects to Neptune, one of the sweetest, sleepiest times of the year for the Sun. The Sabian Symbol for the conjunction is 26 Cancer: “Content and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports.” Sneak away for some rest, relaxation, and restoration between July 16-18. Neptune’s Sabian symbol is “A new moon reveals that it’s time for people to go ahead with their different projects.” So nail down a little alone time for yourself this weekend, too. [21:21] Venus enters Cancer on July 17 (through Aug. 11). Venus symbolizes what we love, what makes us feel good, and what we feel like spending money on. With summer travel causing a lot of headaches and expense, consider spending some money closer to home on feathering your nest, supporting local restaurants, and springing for some new toys for your pet! [23:14] A question from listener Asher: The Solar Return chart is important, yes, but how about the times of the year that the transiting Sun makes other aspects to one’s natal Sun? Here’s April’s advice. [29:15] Want to submit a question for a future episode? Go here to...

This week, zippy Mars enters Taurus, which moves at a much more... deliberate pace than Mars prefers. Although your progress might be slower and frustration a little higher, this is a good transit for tackling projects that require patience and consistency. Mercury enters Cancer on July 4; hold your cards close to your chest, and trust your instincts. The Libra Last Quarter Moon leads us along circular paths on a full stomach. The Sun's sextile to Uranus suggests changing direction if you're on a road that doesn't suit you. And listener Marya asks, how do astrologers keep track of all those looooong planetary cycles? Plus: Staying power, no guarantees, and April - a Leo - struggling with decisions?! If you liked this episode and want to show your support for The Big Sky Astrology Podcast, the quickest and best way to do so is to subscribe or follow it wherever you get your podcasts. Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?Email Aprilorleave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [0:53] On July 4th or 5th (depending on where you are in the world), Mars enters Taurus, where it will transit through August 20th. These two are not the most comfortable fit, as Taurus slows Mars down and Mars aggravates the bull; but the natural consistency of Taurus offers sticking power for new good habits or positive changes. [3:54] Mercury enters Cancer on July 4th. While the communication planet is in this sign (through through July 19), listen to your gut instincts. You might be more protective of your thoughts and cautious with your words than usual and find your thoughts turning to matters of family, home, food, and security. [6:14] Mooooooooooon report! April unpacks the Sabian symbols of the Sun and Moon at the Libra Quarter Moon (July 6, 7:14 pm PDT). The Moon is on the Sabian symbol 15 Libra: Circular paths, and the Sun is on 15 Cancer, A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it. Ate too much at your July 4 picnic? Take a lap! [10:25] The Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week all begin on lunar aspects to Pluto. Use them to change habits, review behaviors, and employ the power of suggestion with one simple phrase. [14:23] Mercury’s square aspect to Jupiter on July 6th: It’s time to make a decision on whatever you were thinking about during the recent series of sextile aspects between these two planets (April 26, May 19, and June 20). Follow your gut and take action, even though the outcome is uncertain! [16:57] A sextile aspect between the Sun and Uranus, with the Sun on the Sabian symbol 19 Cancer, A Priest Performing a Marriage Ceremony and Uranus on 19 Taurus, A Newly Formed Continent. Is it time to free yourself from a situation that isn't true to who you are and try something new? [18:45] A question from listener Marya: How do you determine the opening and closing squares, and oppositions, of long planetary periods? Here's my previous mini-lesson on planetary cycles. You'll find a 9,000-year ephemeris on And here is Kepler College’s article on the Synodic cycle! [25:29] Want to submit a question for a future episode? Go here to leave a voice message, or email April! [26:33] A Big Sky Astrology Podcast shout out to thank three generous listeners who've donated to the show in the past year: Leah Shaver, Katie Cokinos, and Celeste Brookes!

This week in the big sky: A sextile between Mars and Saturn favors bold, direct action, because tiptoeing around won’t always get you where you need to go! The Cancer New Moon is on the Sabian symbol, Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade. Indulge your imagination! But with the New Moon square Jupiter, be careful not to take on more than you can handle. Mars squares Pluto on the Sabian SymbolA large, disappointed audience,and nothing good ever came of that. And listener Angela wonders why the Sun in her birth chart keeps winding up in different houses. Plus: pink tutus, hypnosis, and birds of a feather! Want to show some love for The Big Sky Astrology Podcast? You can follow or subscribe in your app of choice, and recommend it to your best astrology-loving friend! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?Email Aprilorleave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [1:05] A sextile aspect between Mars and Saturn (June 27) encourages taking a direct approach to overcoming obstacles. [2:46] Neptune enters a long retrograde cycle on June 28th, which may bring to light some issues from last spring that need clarification. [4:56] It’s time for the Moooon Report!! The Cancer New Moon on June 28 is on the Sabian symbol,Rabbits wearing clothes and on parade. Let your imagination run wild! But with the Sun and Moon square Jupiter, beware of biting off more than you can chew. It may be a better time to finish existing projects than to start new ones. [9:50] This New Moon initiates a new Lunar Phase Family cycle! (See this article for more on this fascinating, 2.5 year cycle.) Watch the full symbolism of this New Moon unfold over the next two and a half years, with critical points on March 28, 2023 (First Quarter Moon at 8° Cancer); Dec. 26, 2023 (Full Moon at 5° Cancer); and Sep. 24, 2024 (Last Quarter Moon at 2° of Cancer). [12:02] The Void-of-Course Moon periods for the week of June 27th. [17:56] A tricky square aspect between Mars and Pluto on July 1st: Can you turn it around to use Mars’ strength for good? [19:40] In this week's listener question, Angela wonders why the Sun in her birth chart keeps winding up in different houses? You might find April's answer a little easier to follow in video form! [28:35] If you'd like your astrology question considered for a future episode of the podcast, contact April with an audio message or email! [29:50] A Big Sky Astrology Podcast shoutout to the lovely listeners who have donated to the show over the past year, particularly Nicole Ervin, Jane Cullen-Smith and Sarah Jane Williamson!

This week: Mercury in Gemini is the GPS that will help you reach your Jupiter in Aries goals more efficiently. The Pisces Last Quarter Moon is a looking-back time, and Venus trine Pluto offers a lesson in doing what we can with what we’ve got. Bewitching Venus enters Gemini, lending enchantment to clever words and appealing stories. The Cancer Solstice welcomes summer, the season of gestation, in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter below the equator; this leads to some thoughts about the use of a season-based zodiac system for those born in the Southern Hemisphere. Plus: Violin strings, mellifluous voices, and again with the U.S. Pluto return! If you’d like to have more Big Sky Astrology in your life, you can read all of April’s blogs on her website and sign up for her mailing list. You can also show your support for the podcast by making a donation, recommending the show to a friend, and leaving a review wherever you get your podcasts! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show?Email Aprilorleave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [1:06] Mercury’s sextile aspect to Jupiter on June 20 is like a GPS, helping you more efficiently find your way to your goals. Time to call upon your braintrust! [2:02] Time for the Moooooooooooon report!! April explains why this week’s Pisces Last Quarter Moon is a good moment to look back and see what we’ve learned about ourselves since the start of the pandemic - and how prepared we’ll be for our next challenge. [5:28] A review of the week’s Void-of-Course Moon periods, and how to harness their power for lasting change in your daily habits. [9:41] June 21st brings a trine aspect between Venus and Pluto. To illustrate the best of this combination, April tells a beautiful story about the violinist Itzhak Perlman and making the most of what we have. You can also read it in this blog post, which includes the source attribution. [12:46] Venus enters Gemini on June 22nd, highlighting the beauty and magic of words and storytelling. [13:54] A special message from April about how to get a personal birth chart reading [14:57] It’s the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere! This is a period of incubation, vacation, and family. A brief overview at some of the major planetary movements between now and the Libra Equinox and how to prepare for them. [18:18] The U.S. Pluto return has been discussed in previous episodes of the podcast, including Episode 111 | The Return of Pluto, and a Sect-sy Question and Episode 65 | Mars, Uranus, and Revisiting the US Pluto Return [19:00] If modern astrology is based on the seasons, should charts for people in the Southern Hemisphere be switched to reflect their opposite seasons? April gives a shout-out to the work of South African astrologer Nathan Theo Naicker, who has researched this topic in-depth. Watch his video on the subject here. If you have Solar Fire software, here’s Nathan's video on how to generate a chart using this Southern Hemisphere zodiac! And if you want to provide your own Southern Hemisphere birth chart for his research, contact him at his website. [24:48] Do you have an astrology question that you want April to answer? Here’s how you can get in touch with her [26:30] A Big Sky Astrology Podcast shoutout to our generous donors, specifically Sarah Smith, Julia Weeman, and Roxanne Kennedy!

This week: Mercury leaves the last, exhausting degrees of Taurus and throws itself back into its home sign of Gemini. Time to touch base with old friends and to have constructive conversations, even if the topic is difficult. A Sagittarius Full Moon on the uplifting “bluebird of happiness” Sabian symbol is also square Neptune; are we happy, or just numb? The Sun and Venus both make aspects to Saturn and Neptune this week, with plenty of opportunities to maximize creative projects and work for whatever is worth hold onto. Plus: April replies to a question from listeners Suzanne and John, who want to know how to use their birth charts to support each other’s career ambitions and life-work balance! If you’re a regular listener of The Big Sky Astrology Podcast, you can help the podcast to grow by leaving a rating or review and by recommending it to a friend. Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [0:29] Welcome to this week’s episode! [1:02] June 13th: After wandering back into Taurus while retrograde, Mercury enters Gemini again, spelling a great time to reboot your technology and to get in touch with friends. Let’s hope that our conversations can be more constructive this time! [3:03] Moooon report! A happier lunation than we’ve seen in awhile, with the Sagittarius Full Moon on the Sabian symbol, A bluebird at the door of a house. But the Sun’s symbol is Children skating on ice. If you should begin to feel you’re skating on thin ice, April explains how to release Full Moon anxiety with some grounding Virgo activities. [8:01] Working with this week’s void-of-course Moon periods. [11:07] June 16th heralds a busy day for the Sun, which makes a trine to Saturn and a square to Neptune. April gives advice on maximizing your creativity and pursuing your own path. [14:40] On the 18th, Venus squares Saturn and sextiles Neptune: It’s time to put in the work if you want to keep a hold of the things you value, particularly your close relationships. [17:59] A special message from April about how to get a personal birth chart reading! [19:08] A listener question: How can couples use their birth charts to support each other through their transitions and transformations? April explains the concept of synastry in astrology: how each partner’s planets can support the other's. [27:02] Two ways to combine your birth charts to create a separate chart for the relationship itself! (Here's Skymates, the book by Steven and Jodie Forrest that April mentions - much good stuff about Composite charts! And here is Dorothy Oja's article on the Davison relationship chart.) [29:57] How to ask April your question for a future episode! [30:54] A Big Sky shoutout to April’s listeners and generous donors – if you like the show, here’s how to donate!

April leads off with the Virgo First Quarter Moon, the perfect opportunity for you to buckle down and make one of your Gemini New Moon ideas a reality. Mercury wraps up a series of aspects to no-nonsense, truth-telling Pluto. And a Venus-Uranus conjunction shakes up relationships, routines, and finances. This week’s listener question invites April to address an imaginary writers' group about the ways astrologers are portrayed in films, tv shows, and books. Rather than the usual spooky mystic, April proposes a turban-optional, world-weary astrologer (NOT "astrologist"!) avatar. Plus: April's first job, Stevie Nicks' wardrobe, and could this imaginary writers' group hook April up with a discount at the local antiques store?/* If you’re a fan of The Big Sky Astrology Podcast, you can show your support by subscribing/following wherever you listen to podcasts, leaving a rating or review, or recommending it to a friend! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [1:09] Moooooooooooooooooon report! The First Quarter Moon at 16º51' Virgo is on the Sabian symbol, A volcanic eruption. It’s time to take action on one compelling idea from the May 30 Gemini New Moon. [6:28] This week's Void-of-Course Moon periods are quite Plutonian. Use these times to initiate important changes of habit - Pluto gives those changes staying power . [10:16] On June 10th, Mercury makes the last of three trine aspects to Pluto on the Sabian symbol, Two cobblers working at a table. Working closely with others requires honesty but also kindness. Use this Mercury-Pluto series to put a positive frame on the last couple of months. [14:19] A client spoke warmly of astrologer Pam Gregory and her positive authenticity. Visit her YouTube channel here! [15:10] A Venus-Uranus conjunction on June 11th could ramp up anxiety about whatever makes life comfortable and stable. The Moon in Scorpio opposite this conjunction might make it harder to let go of old habits, but you could receive new insights, particularly into your financial situation and relationship dynamics. [18:27] A question from listener Ursula: How would you advise creators to incorporate astrological themes into their work in ways that aren’t just gimmicky? [19:25] Here's that episode of Midsomer Murders that I was talking about. [24:52] Here's a helpful conversation between The Astrology Podcast's Chris Brennan and Leisa Schaim on the usage of the title "astrologer" vs "astrologist." [26:45] Got a question about astrology that you'd like April to answer in a future episode? Here's how to get it to her! [27:37] A Big Sky shoutout to our generous donors, especially Marni Lynn Ager, Marilyn Kienzle, and Laura Lind-Blum!

April invites you to take a breath and unwind from the intense emotions of the recent eclipse season, with a Gemini New Moon that's just a New Moon and not an eclipse! Mercury leaves its retrograde period and turns direct, but its shadow period extends some of the retrograde mischief through June 18th. Use this time to rest and to process your feelings from that heavy eclipse season. Meanwhile, do's and don'ts for Saturn's long retrograde period, which begins June 4. And April celebrates her own wedding anniversary with a mini-lesson on how to pick an astrologically auspicious wedding date! You can learn more about astrology by visiting the Big Sky website and by making sure that you subscribe or follow The Big Sky Astrology Podcast - new episodes each Monday! Read a full transcript of this episode. Download April's Wedding Date cheatsheet! Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [0:28] April welcomes you to a lighter than usual week in the big sky, and a welcome relief from the recent eclipses! [1:17] Mooooooon Report! It’s the end of eclipse season and there’s a Gemini New Moon setting the framework for a two-and-a-half-year lunar phase gestation cycle. It’s a great time to acquire new skills and to make connections with those close to you, like neighbors or siblings. [5:41] How to understand and work with this week's void-of-course moon periods. [12:16] On June 3, Mercury winds up its latest retrograde season as it turns direct. However, its shadow period extends until June 18th, which is when it reaches the same degree where it turned retrograde. This provides a window of time to process and understand the feelings that came up during eclipse season. [14:17] On June 4, Saturn enters its long retrograde period (through Oct. 22). Look within for leadership and assert your boundaries. However, it’s not the best time for founding a company, renovating your house, or taking on new responsibilities in the Saturn-ruled houses of your chart. [16:40] This week’s mini-lesson: Using astrological wisdom to choose a day to get married! April gives her 10 essentials principles for picking the perfect wedding date. Download her cheatsheet here!Need more help? If you know some astrology, order April's Wedding Date Workshop. Or consider hiring a professional, like Ascent Astrology or Elisabeth Grace astrology. [28:20] Got a question or an idea for a mini-lesson? Leave a Speakpipe message or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and include "Podcast question" in the subject line. [29:20] A Big Sky Astrology shoutout to beloved donors, including Rachel Fletcher, Martina Papinchack and Annette Eikerenkoetter!

This week: Mars enters Aries, gaining home field advantage and galvanizing Jupiter. This is a feisty, energetic combination, but the Sabian symbol for this conjunction, "Two lovers strolling through a secluded park," could mean that our efforts aren’t visible to the outside world. Venus sextiles Saturn (we can get what we want if we make a plan) but also squares Pluto (we might not want it once we get it). Venus entering Taurus means that both Venus and Mars, the planets of romance, are in their strongest signs, but they're not necessarily connecting with each other. Plus: A listener question about how long the eclipse season hangover might last! To stay up to date on all the latest astrology news, please subscribe or follow the show wherever you get your podcasts. You can also show April how much you love the show by leaving a rating and review! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Catch April’s weekly column at her website! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [0:30] Welcome, and a rundown of this week's planetary highlights. [1:00] Moooooooooon Report! No major lunation this week (the Gemini New Moon is on May 30), but keep an eye on May 24, when the Moon makes a conjunction with Mars, enters Aries, and conjoins Jupiter. [2:05] A void-of-course Moon that ends on a square to Pluto can bring you down a little bit. Sit with your Pluto mood, but try not to dwell on the negative! [3:36] A trine aspect between the Moon in Taurus and Pluto: A glimpse into how we can break old bad habits or set new good ones. [4:58] The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter: It’s a busy week for these three! [7:28] Mars and Jupiter come together in a conjunction on the Sabian symbol of two lovers strolling through a secluded park. Although these planets in Aries are more extroverted, it might be time to hunker down and work on a project with just one other person. (And if you need help finding where the degree of this conjunction (4 Aries) falls in your birthchart, this blog post and video might help!) [9:50] This week, Venus makes a sextile aspect to Saturn and a square to Pluto. Make a plan to get what you want, but don't be surprised if you end up not really wanting what what you get. [12:08] Venus in Taurus, Mars in Aries: The rom com characters who keep missing each other! Will they get it together before the end of the film? [14:30] Mercury’s still retrograde and makes a sextile aspect to Mars on May 23rd: Time to revisit old work opportunities. The trine from Mercury to Pluto is good for revisiting and focusing on ideas from late April. [18:51] Listener question: How long do eclipses influence us? April explains how she interprets eclipses and how to find the start, mid-point, and end of the eclipse season's reach. [23:32] Do you have a question you'd like April to answer on a future episode? Leave a voicemail or send an email to april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com! [24:10] A Big Sky Astrology shout out to the listeners who donated during the September podathon, in particular Chris Hendrickson, Dena Moskowitz, and Phyllis Lamken!

It’s Gemini Season! The birds are birding, the bees are buzzing, and the rest of us just want to get together and socialize! Mercury's retrograde during Gemini Season, so be prepared to see old friends and lost acquaintances pop back up in your life in unexpected ways. Plus: the beginning of a new Mars/Neptune cycle – fight for your beliefs! The Sun and Mars unite with Pluto in empowering trine and sextile aspects. The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces is a time of reflection, leading up to next week’s ingress of Mars into Aries. Plus: April answers a question from listener Emily about why twins, born with nearly identical birth charts, can seem so different! This episode of The Big Sky Astrology Podcast was kindly supported by listeners during the September podathon. To show your support for April and the show, you can follow or subscribe to The Big Sky Astrology Podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or you can leave a review or recommend the show to a friend. Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Catch April’s weekly column at her website! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Timestamps [0:36] April welcomes listeners to the podcast and introduces the big news from the week: Gemini season, a Mars-Neptune conjunction, and more. [1:12] On Mars 17th/18th, there’s a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on the Sabian symbol,The purging of the priesthood, spelling a period of fighting on behalf of others and tackling hypocrisy. [4:35] A trine aspect between the Sun and Pluto, highlighting the contrast between the sovereignty of the individual and putting aside your ego for the good of a larger cause. This aspect encourages a balance between these two opposite principles. [7:02] May 19th brings the second of three sextile aspects between Mercury and Jupiter. This is a wonderful week to be creative, write down your ideas, and look for the process that will bring your big, ambitious project to fruition. [9:38] The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, ushering in a season of socializing, networking, and sharing ideas. As Mercury is still retrograde, this might mean reconnecting with old friends from the past. April tells you how to make the most of Gemini season to prepare yourself for the Cancer solstice [12:12] May 21st brings an inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which is a time to look inward and review your thoughts. You can expect clarity and accuracy in your insights as the Sun ignites Mercury and illuminates new ideas. [15:25] The Moooooooooooooon Report! This week’s major lunar event is the Pisces Last Quarter Moon. (For thoughts about the Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, listen to Episode 122!) April recommends you act on your reflections, based on your past experience. [19:22] This week's Void-of-Course Moon periods. [22:26] Mercury retrogrades into Taurus on May 22nd and has a busy week, with a sextile aspect to Jupiter followed by a trine aspect to Pluto. After turning direct in late Taurus in early June, it will return to Gemini on June 13. [23:44] A Mars-Pluto sextile on May 22nd: a civil, businessman-like handshake between the two planets. It's like Mars' exit interview before entering Aries next week! [24:51] This week’s listener question from Emily about the natal charts of twins: If their charts are so similar, why are twins so different? [29:21] How to get in touch with April to ask her your astrology questions! [30:20] April thanks the generous listeners who supported the show during the September podathon, in particular Teina Lichtwardt, Henrietta Winston, and Anna Carlucci!

This week: April sets you up for Mercury's retrograde period (May 10-June 3), including myths and misconceptions about this potentially fruitful time! Jupiter, the god of the gods, enters Aries on May 10; time to take on big challenges. And gird your loins for May 15, an unusually busy day in the skies, with the Sun square Saturn and sextile Neptune, and a Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (see the links below for a discount on April's eclipse report). Also, a listener question about the secondary progressed Sun changing signs leads to a mini-lesson on progressions. They're much simpler and more useful than you might think! Enjoying the show? Be sure to subscribe or follow, leave a rating or review, and please recommend the show to an astrology-loving friend! Read a full transcript of this episode. Podcast discount for Followed by a Moonshadow report: use code podcasteclipse121 to get $5 off through May 15! Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Catch April’s weekly column at her website! Subscribe to April's mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Donate here! Big Sky Astrology on Facebook|Instagram|Twitter|YouTube Resources mentioned: Blog post and video: How to find transits in your birth chart Sky Log Astrology report, with text by Steven Forrest Submit your Big Sky Astrology question using Speakpipe Support the podcast Timestamps [0:39] April introduces the week’s hot celestial topics! [1:07] Mercury turns retrograde on May 10th in Gemini on the Sabian symbol,A radical magazine. April breaks down misconceptions about Mercury retrograde and shares how to turn this retrograde season to your advantage. [4:00] Also on May 10th, Jupiter enters Aries for a roughly one-year stay. It's the big guy's first trip through rough-and-ready Aries since 2011/12 - what kind of adventure is he offering you? [7:20] While ultimately fortunate, Jupiter transits are not without their challenges! [8:24] Mark May 15th on your calendar! It's the day the Sun squares Saturn (don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good) and sextiles Neptune (let yourself wander), and the Scorpio Full Moon brings a total Lunar Eclipse - the first eclipse in Scorpio since 2014. A reminder to curb perfectionist tendencies and accept ourselves as works in progress. [13:17] Mooooooooooon report! Time to dig deeper into this Scorpio Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse on May 15th (Pacific time) or 16th (practically everywhere else). What’s the message of this eclipse? Look to the eclipse degree's Sabian symbol, A Spaniard serenading his señorita. (Podcast discount for Followed by a Moonshadow report: use code podcasteclipse121 to get $5 off through May 15!) [18:05] This week’s Void-of-Course Moon periods: the pauses that refresh. [23:11] The week’s question from listener Astrid: When a natal Sun progresses into a new sign, what changes about the person? This mini-lesson covers secondary progressions and how your character evolves as the Sun in your natal chart progresses into new signs. [32:43] Got a question you'd like answered on a future episode? Here's how to send it in! [33:50] A Big Sky Astrology shoutout to the September podathon donors, especially Kristine Lankenau, Anastasia Bednarski, and Chris Williams!

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    你僅需花費每日低至 0.16 美金,就可以立即暢聽 100,000+ 全球銷量超百萬的暢銷有聲書,每週聽一本爆款新書,還有更多預售新書等著你!另可獲得每月 5 張免費體驗卡贈親友的福利,等同於贈送 1 張年卡的價值。
  • 我怎麼享受免費試用?
    現在訂閱 Himalaya VIP 即可享受至少 7 天的免費試用! 免費試用期內,無需付費即可免費暢聽會員包中的全部內容,包含 100,000+ 全球銷量超百萬的暢銷有聲書,和世界名校教授的原聲英文課程。
  • 我該怎麼使用優惠碼?
    在 Himalaya 首⻚選擇「開啟免費體驗」註冊完成之後, 輸入「優惠碼」選擇申請,支付成功後即可開啟 Himalaya VIP 內容免費暢聽權益!
  • 可以在哪收聽?
    Himalaya 提供你隨時隨地想听就听的服務, 可以下載 Himalaya APP 使用手機享受服務,同時也支持網頁版登陸在電腦上享受暢聽服務。
  • Himalaya VIP 的價格是多少?
    Himalaya VIP 採用連續訂閱的模式,按月訂閱價格為 $11.99/月;按年訂閱價格為 $59.99/年。每天僅需 0.16 美元,讓耳朵隨時隨地步入擁有 100,000+ 書籍你的專屬圖書館。
  • 我不想訂閱了,要如何取消?
    你可以 點擊這裡 取消訂閱。 在試用期內取消訂閱,則不會自動續費;如果你已經成功續費後取消訂閱,則下個扣款週期不會自動續費。
    你可以在iTunes/Apple或Google Play設定中取消訂閱。在試用期到期前48小時取消訂閱,則不會自動續費;如果你已經成功續費後取消訂閱,則下個扣款週期不會自動續費。你可以通過以下連結找到如何取消訂閱的詳細資訊:Apple Store取消訂閱方法  Google Play取消訂閱方法


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