John Dunn, Brian Bilotta, and host Mike Pollack sit down a give us a behind the scenes of judging a hunt test. Forgive me for inconsistent audio levels as I learn more about the technical aspects of recording and as always feel free to contact the podcast at --- Support this podcast:
A garage round table talk about youth shooting sports in a hunting family and getting ready for nationals. Contact the podcast at --- Support this podcast:
Dave is a good friend I met through social media. He's one of my human resources I use when I'm in doubt on a recipe or cooking idea. While this conversation may be a stretching step for some hunters, we really did keep it simple compared to what it could have been. --- Support this podcast:
We didn't dig to deep into any certain thing but covered a lot of basics about southern Michigan grassland restoration and pheasant hunting. --- Support this podcast:
Glen and Jon talk about what projects are going on and what RGS involvement in Michigan will look like. --- Support this podcast:
Scoot returns for another episode continuing the topic of grouse dogs. This time its early bird exposure and development. --- Support this podcast:
Pardon a few audio bumps in this episode but I think they're finally solved after these recordings. Rob Holsclaw is a brand new bird hunter with one season behind him and he reflects on what he's experienced. Mark Kazmerski joins us in camp every October. We just chat a bit about some of his dogs and what camp means. Send any thoughts, feedback, and complaints --- Support this podcast:
Fritz and his brother Rick know how to put ruffed grouse in the bag. Attention to habitat details that constantly change throughout the season and dedication to improving their shooting skills keeps them an effective hunting duo. As always contact the podcast at --- Support this podcast:
Scott is a good friend and until recently operated Pine Hill Sportsman's Club. We've had conversations like this in the past after hours and I wanted to finally get it out into the public. Feedback is always appreciated, or on FaceBook at BirdCamp --- Support this podcast:
As far as real conversations go this was one of those. Almost two hours that wanders in and out of every sort of topic that comes up. Birds, dogs, NAVHDA tests, and when to order the special at a local diner. --- Support this podcast: