Books on the Subway The Podcast

Books on the Subway The Podcast

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Books On The Subway is a book sharing initiative aimed at getting New Yorkers reading on their daily commutes. Every day we leave books in subway stations to be discovered, read, and shared. In that spirit, our podcast celebrates all things books and the community and connections that they foster.

New episodes every Monday morning! Just in time for your morning commute!

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This week we chat with Frank and Gwen about life updates, NYPL's 125 year anniversary, & future plans!Thank you for listening to Books on the Subway the Podcast presented by Gotham Podcast Studio. If you enjoy the show please leave us a Rating and written Review on iTunes so other book lovers can find us and join the community!Make sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook see what book we're dropping next. See for privacy and opt-out information.

We chat with Candice Carty Williams, author of Queenie, our Off the Rails Book Club pick for May. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Before we were Books on the Subway the Podcast, we were Ride Read Discuss and we are sharing some of our favorite episodes with you!Enjoy our episode with Heather Hanson author of The Elegant Warrior.Today we chat with Heather Hanson, a trial lawyer, fellow podcaster, and author of The Elegant Warrior. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Before we were Books on the Subway the Podcast, we were Ride Read Discuss and we are sharing some of our favorite episodes with you!Enjoy our episode with Etaf Rum, author of A Woman is No Man.On this week's episode we talk to Author of 'A Woman Is No Man' by Etaf Rum, a heart-wrenching story of love and courage in a strict Arab-American household. We talk about giving women voices and getting the courage to tell stories that have been buried. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Before we were Books on the Subway the Podcast, we were Ride Read Discuss and we are sharing some of our favorite episodes with you!Enjoy our first round table chat with our favorite Bookstagrammers!A fun group discussion of all things books and bookstagram with our favorite bookish people! Anabel (@inthebookcorner), Meaghan (@book.hang.o.ver), Anthony (@thealchemyofbooks), Casey (@casebounder), Horace (@badandbookish). Be sure to check them out on Instagram as well as Anthony and Casey's amazing book sharing project @bookcarouselnyc See for privacy and opt-out information.

Today we chat with Sophia Lillis, you may know her from movies such as It, It: Chapter Two, Sharp Objects, and her newest film Gretel and Hansel. Listen along as we discuss her various dark genre roles and what she is reading these days! See for privacy and opt-out information.

This week we sit down with Rachel DeLoache Williams, author of My Friend Anna, to discuss her book, her mental/emotional health after going through her experience of being scammed out of $62,000, and what her future plans are. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Friends and hosts of Bad on Paper Podcast, Becca Freeman & Grace Atwood join us to discuss their podcast, favorite books and much more!Thank you for listening to Books on the Subway the Podcast presented by Gotham Podcast Studio. If you enjoy the show please leave us a Rating and written Review on iTunes so other book lovers can find us and join the community!Make sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook to see what book we're dropping next. See for privacy and opt-out information.

On todays episode we have authors of Represent: The Woman's Guide to Running for Office and Changing the World, June Diane Raphael & Kate Black.*DON'T FORGET* We have a coupon code for you to use at code:BOTS10for 10% off your purchase.Thank you for listening to Books on the Subway the Podcast presented by Gotham Podcast Studio. If you enjoy the show please leave us a Rating and written Review on iTunes so other book lovers can find us and join the community!Make sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook see what book we're dropping next. See for privacy and opt-out information.

On today's episode we have memoirist, essayist, and educator, Cinelle Barnes.*DON'T FORGET* We have a coupon code for you to use at with code: BOTS10 for 10% off your purchase.Thank you for listening to Books on the Subway the Podcast presented by Gotham Podcast Studio. If you enjoy the show please leave us a Rating and written Review on iTunes so other book lovers can find us and join the community!Make sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook to see what book we're dropping next. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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