Brilliant Balance

Brilliant Balance

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Brilliant Balance is a podcast for working women who are ready to shine. Each week we will discuss ideas, inspiration, and insight on balance, business, and getting it all done gracefully. Are you ready? Let's be brilliant.

The rising number of incredible women starting businesses and breaking entrepreneurial gender barriers is breathtaking. But it only tells part of the story. Simply starting a business may not lead to the satisfaction you imagined when you launched your new venture. If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated in your business, then this episode is for you. Today I’m sharing what I’ve learned about women-owned businesses by running one myself and coaching many other women who do. You’ll discover three easy-to-follow techniques to pinpoint the obstacles holding you back from growth in your business and how to get past them so you can soar. Listen now! Show highlights include: The surprising statistics about how many women are starting businesses (3:50) One emotion that may be holding you back from growing a large business as a woman (7:42) The weird way spending money catapults your earnings and helps you scale your business (even if you’re dirt poor right now) (9:40) Two toxic words to stop using right now when talking about your business (11:32) How answering these simple questions help you master your business finances (12:56) The sneaky way your faulty beliefs cause you to burnout (and how to spot them before you get too overwhelmed) (19:00) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** To register for the upcoming workshop on August 2-3, 2022 click here: Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

If you feel like being a parent is the toughest job you’ve ever had, you’re not alone. Being a parent is both beautiful and extremely challenging all at the same time. After all, we’re helping a whole new person navigate the world. And every person is unique. This means there are no set rules to tell you exactly how to be a good parent. So how do you ensure that you provide the kind of support that matches your child’s unique needs? Today’s guest, Kerry Brown, a parenting coach with Parent Connext, is here to help us forge a stronger connection between parents and their kids by discovering each person’s unique strengths. In this episode, she shares how “Natural Strength Parenting” integrates the concepts of intentionality and mindfulness to help parents better see and encourage their children’s innate strengths. Listen in to discover how to identify the positive qualities and talents that already exist in children (and in you as a parent) and then support them to build upon them. Show Highlights Include: How Natural Strength Parenting helps you channel your unique strength to become intentional with your kids (9:13) The 24 unique strengths to create a better family dynamic and a stronger relationship with your kids (10:49) How neglecting your kids’ skills creates a non-stop miscommunication in the family (12:03) How finding your own strength as a parent makes your parenting journey 10x easier (12:38) What to do if your children’s unique strengths don’t match yours (13:26) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** To schedule a complimentary parenting coaching session with Parent Connext, click here, complete the short form, and choose Brilliant Balance in the dropdown menu Learn more about Parent Connext here: Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

Imagine you finally overcame your agonizing “what if” syndrome and jumped into something new. It should all be easy now, right? No fast, my friend. Buckle up because you’re headed straight for the “messy middle”. That’s the time when things start to go a little differently than you may have anticipated. At that point, you can’t even remember why you thought this was a good idea in the first place! It happens to all of us. It’s why so many of us have unfinished projects or why we sometimes dread starting new ones. But dancing with the inevitable messy middle matters. Because the magic of any project is right there. In this episode, you’ll discover how to take your ideas from start to finish and navigate the mess in the middle. Listen in… Show Highlights Include How knowing this universal rule helps you to create the bulletproof mindset you need for successfully finishing any project (0:38) The sneaky way your “what if syndrome” sabotages your success when you start something new ( and how to overcome the resistance) (8:45) The “Messy Middle Blueprint” to smashing any new project you set your mind to (11:51) Why done is always better than perfect (even if you’re not 100% satisfied with the result) (18:28) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

If you’re raising kids, life is always super busy. Between household chores, work, and parenting, finding time for your significant other can be incredibly challenging. But if you don’t make time to connect, it’s all too easy to become roommates who just co-exist. You miss out on important moments and your connection can slowly slip away. So how do you maintain a strong bond with your partner when life is pulling you in so many different directions? Today’s guest, author Cory Carlson understands first hand the pressures working parents face. In this episode, he shares four types of dates that every couple should keep on their radar. Tune in to learn how these ideas can connect with your spouse without spending a fortune or requiring a ton of advance planning even when life is crazy busy. Show Highlights Include: How scheduling ”logistics dates” lets you turn boring planning into a fun shared activity (14:00) How to plan romantic dates ahead of time so they create anticipation (before your Friday turns into yet another movie night) (21:16) How to find little spontaneous activities with your spouse to re-calibrate your energies and connect deeper (28:06) The “conquer and divide” blueprint that could make or break any relationship (29:52) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

You plan your vacation to relax and take a break from work. But too often being out of the office means you’re cramming in extra hours right up till the moment you leave. By the time you get to the airport, you’re tired, frazzled, and cranky. If that’s ever happened to you, you’re not alone. Without careful planning, you can easily find yourself glued to your laptop even in the middle of a vacation. That’s no way to spend your holiday. In this episode, you’ll discover some pre and post vacation tips so you can take a REAL time off, unplug and make memories you’ll remember for years to come. Listen in… Show Highlights Include: How to create a gentle schedule that lets you wrap up and get mentally ready for the vacation (instead of loading yourself with extra work) (5:04) The “Parking Lot Method” to give yourself more mental space before the vacation (6:51) Two essential lists to help you take care of the practical things and save time on planning (7:53) Why finding a go-to person while you’re on vacation is a true game-changer (9:25) The weird way being late with planning out your holiday saves you time and gets you in a vacation mood instantly (12:14) Two “holiday-saving” things to take care of at work that lets you truly unwind while you’re on vacation (13:12) How to create a “check-in schedule” that lets you stay on top of work-related issues without feeling like you’re working (14:57) How to re-enter your normal life without the post-holiday overwhelm (17:17) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

Laundry, unwashed dishes, meal plan for the week, work, medical appointments, and so much more. Being a mom comes with a seemingly endless to-do list. And you’re not only staring down a busy schedule – you're also carrying around a mental list of decisions, reminders, and things you need to do. With so much to take care of, you can find yourself in constant overwhelm. If that sounds familiar, this episode is for you. Today, you’ll learn a powerful framework to tackle the mental load of motherhood. Listen in to get out from under that mental overwhelm and ease the cognitive burden that comes with raising a family. Show highlights include: How to apply the “Anticipate, Identity, Decide and Monitor Approach” to save yourself from overthinking (3:18) How making a 5-second decision becomes an emotional burden ( and how to break free) (5:02) A powerful framework that helps you pinpoint where you can offload some things in overwhelming situations (9:05) The “sharing is caring” blueprint to easing cognitive overload and learning to let go (15:51) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

Most corporate workplaces buy into certain myths that can unintentionally keep women and minorities from reaching their potential (even in diverse and progressive companies). My guest today, Deanna Bass, has codified these myths that keep true equality just out of reach. One of my earliest mentors during my corporate career, Deanna will rekindle your innate confidence that there is plenty of room for you to achieve your professional dreams, and moreover, that you can bring others along with you. To do so you’ll need to challenge some long standing myths, and reveal the reality they’re masking. Listen now and discover how to be part of forging stronger companies and a more diverse world. Show Highlights Include: The weird “Serendipity Secret” for attracting life-changing opportunities (8:51) Why men must play their part in advancing women and achieving gender equality (20:54) Why most women and minorities advocating for diversity in the workplace do it as an unpaid side job (22:45) 3 narrative myths about women in the workplace which makes attaining equality more difficult (25:51) How men’s overestimation of their potential damages a pipeline of diverse talent (and how to fix it) (30:04) Why treating a job post as a wishlist help you land jobs you’re “unqualified” for (32:17) The reason why women naturally fit into modern leadership roles more than men do (33:46) Why “imposter syndrome” is actually humility in disguise (and gives diverse leaders a massive advantage) (34:10) How choosing an equal partner at home helps women advance in their careers (43:28) The counterintuitive way giving men paid maternity leave creates more equality at home and in the workplace (48:05) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy:

Do you ever wake up feeling like your dimmer switch is on? As if some external force needs to rise up to push you through the workday? Pay attention because you could be noticing the signs of early-stage burnout. Without quick intervention, burnout only gets worse. And late-stage burnout is not to be messed with. It’s where women quit their jobs, uproot their lives, and trudge through the day with no zest for life. So if you’re reading this, there’s still time. In this episode, you’ll discover why we get burned out. Plus, you’ll find out how to break the “5 addictions” overachievers have, so you can avoid burnout and experience a balanced and successful life. Listen now! Show Highlights Include: Become immune to burnout by breaking the “5 addictions” (7:56) Why quitting your task halfway through lets you complete more tasks (8:11) The “sign of weakness” that turns you into a strong, clear-headed powerhouse (10:18) The counterintuitive reason why tight deadlines reduce anxiety (12:37) How to protect your energy by working like a 19th century coal miner (14:38) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy: Get 35% off at Isotoner (clearance excluded) for the next week with code BRILLIANT35:

Let’s face it - we all have bad mornings. Whether it’s losing your temper with your little one, getting stuck in traffic, or spilling coffee on your favorite white shirt…little things can add up and make you want to climb back into bed. But if the way your morning unfolds dictates how the rest of your day goes…you’re missing an important opportunity. In this episode, you’ll discover how to turn a morning that went sideways into a truly great day with an approach I’m calling “Control-Alt-Delete”. Listen in… Show Highlights Include: How to apply the “Control-Alt-Delete” approach to save your day after a terrible morning (05:02) How finding a new villain in the story of your bad morning saves you from a day of struggles (10:21) How to change the episode of a bad mornings into something more lighthearted by finding an alternative narrative (11:01) The “Delete Method” to get on about the rest of your day with a more positive frame (11:50) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy: Get 35% off at Isotoner (clearance excluded) for the next two weeks with code BRILLIANT35:

As a working mom, your life may feel like a balancing act. Between juggling school calendars, work, quality time with your family, you’re pulled in a lot of different directions. And you have to switch gears on the regular. When these roles overlap, it’s all too easy to get distracted. You can find yourself not feeling present as a mom or at work. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this episode, you’ll discover how you can create “threshold rituals” that allow you to effortlessly transition from one role to the other…so you can be fully present all day long. Listen in… Show Highlights Include: How “threshold rituals” help you to create a daily routine where you’re fully present in whatever you do (3:15) The busy mom’s guide to a “morning launch” routine that sets you up for a mindful day (5:56) How to use the Morning Formula to get yourself grounded before your transition into work mode (10:48) A closure ritual that helps you transition from business to family and sets you up for a fresh slate the next morning (13:10) **FREE RESOURCES, & SOCIAL LINKS*** Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: Follow us on Instagram: Join our private Facebook Group: Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy: Get 35% off at Isotoner (clearance excluded) for the next two weeks with code BRILLIANT35:

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