Brothers of the Serpent

Brothers of the Serpent

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Two brothers explore the mysteries of the ages, the ancients, and the modern day.

We finish the chapter on The Great Conservation Principles, and move on to Symmetry in Physical Law. We understand what it means for an object to have symmetry, but what about a mathematical expression of a physical law? This chapter is full of interesting concepts, delivered in Feynman's unique style as always. We discuss relativity, lightspeed, gravitational lensing, angular momentum, and how to tell an alien the difference between "right" and "left". Find the full playlist of the lectures on YouTube here: Get the book here: Support the podcast through Patreon and get extra content here: Get the new Fifty Dollar Dynasty album, Precession, here: Support the band through their Patreon and get extra content here:

We dive back in toThe Character of Physical Lawby Richard Feynman, again using short clips pulled from the lectures themselves and reading excerpts from the book. This episode we focus mostly on the second lecture, "The Relation of Mathematics to Physics", where Feynman talks about how Nature seems to follow sets of mathematical rules, and how those mathematics might be related--at least in some cases--to large numbers of simple processes in the physical universe. Near the end of the episode we start on the third lecture, "The Great Conservation Principles", discussing the various "conservation" laws in physics such as the conservation of charge, the conservation of energy, etc. At the beginning of the episode we also take a quick look at the working relationship between Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, their backgrounds, and the standard history of their story. If you want to support the podcast and get extra content, bonus episodes, and bumper music, sign up to our Patreon: http:/...

Having just returned from the Montana megafloods trip with Randall Carlson and crew, we aren't ready to continue the Character of Physical Law series yet, but we did have a backlog of emails we needed to get to, so we dedicate yet another episode to reading and responding to a series of fantastic and sometimes hilarious communications from listeners. We operate on the Value for Value model here at Brothers of the Serpent. If you get value from our podcast, you can support us in turn and also get special content through our Patreon: Check out Kyle's band, Fifty Dollar Dynasty, and their new album release "Precession" at their website, the music is free! Support the band and get special content through their Patreon: Thanks to all of you who do support the band and the podcast! Our producers for this episode are listed below: Executive Producers: Anne who Knits Matt Shy Philip Baklamov Peter Shell Frank M. Associate Executive Producer: Daniel Gandy

For this special episode we have most of the members of Kyle's band Fifty Dollar Dynasty in studio with us for a long-form conversation about making music, writing songs, and specifically, making the new Precession album. Through clouds of smoke and many beers we joke and laugh and poke fun at each other while also giving our history of making music and this album. This episode is scheduled to drop the day of the public release of Precession, so go check it out at the FDD website: Want to support the band and their continued efforts to make amazing music? Join their Patreon and get early access and special content:

We tackle the first in the series of seven lectures by theoretical physicist Dr. Richard Feynman titled "The Character of Physical Law", this first lecture being on the Law of Gravitation, the history of its discovery, and its wider application in the methods of science and the further discoveries of physics. Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, Newton, and Einstein are among the giants on whose shoulders modern physics stands. Get the book from Amazon: Get the audiobook from Audible: Below are some of the images we were looking at of Tycho's planetary observation tools.

Brandon is a Jujitsu instructor and teaches the Wim Hof Method. He has joined us on many of our Contact at the Cabin events, running breathwork sessions and ice bath instruction for attendees. Brandon was in our area to teach some classes over the weekend so we invited him out to the Tangent Cube for some podcasting. We talk about Jujitsu, Wim Hof, shamanism, the power of the breath, and general life hacking for physical and spiritual improvement. Find Brandon on Instagram: @brandonpowell369 Brandon's website: YouTube: Much of the music in this episode is Brandon's work. The track in the last break can be found here: If you want early access to Fifty Dollar Dynasty's new album, join their Patreon:

We have a lot of your emails to catch up on, but first we give a big Rock n' Roll update - Kyle's band Fifty Dollar Dynasty is releasing their new album, "Precession", on June 21st, the summer solstice! You can check their website for the countdown, and also join their new Patreon if you want access to an early digital release. Support the band and get cool behind-the-scenes content as FDD adds them to their Patreon feed. Our SpaceWeather News section also goes a bit further this week, discussing the upcoming possible contact of earth with the fragment stream of comet Schwassmann-Wachmann at the end of this month. It might be the end of civilization as we know it, or simply a spectacular meteor shower, or maybe nothing at all. After all that, we tackle your emails, of which there are many and they are all excellent. We have the best listeners. Thank you all! Executive Producers: Philip Baklamov Matt Shy Peter Shell Zachariah Baker Frank M. Associate Executive Producer: Daniel Gandy

Jahannah recently got involved with the team from the "Builders of the Ancient Mysteries" documentary to help them with the English narration, and she's become fascinated by the mystery of the amazing rock-cut chambers in India called the "Barabar Caves". These chambers are explored in the documentary itself, along with many other megalithic mysteries of the ancient world, and the BAM team is working on a new documentary that focuses on the Barabar Caves. Jahannah joins us to talk about her work with the BAM team, her fascination with the Barabar Caves, and possible upcoming trips to visit these enigmatic chambers. There is video for this episode! Check it out on our YouTube channel: Visit the BAM website to see the new version of the documentary with Jahannah's narration: Visit Jahannah's YouTube Channel:

2h 31min

We explore over 180 images we took on our recent trip to Egypt, discussing the megalithic stonework of Menkaure at Giza, the Osireion of Abydos, the quarry at Aswan with the Unfinished Obelisk, and the Serapeum of Saqqara. At these sites, there is evidence of anomalous, unknown techniques of stoneworking, evidence of multiple stages of construction with vast amounts of time between them, and evidence that the people doing the work seem to have just vanished in the middle of the job, never to return. Shout out to Ben from UnchartedX for some of the images from Peru that we show near the end of the presentation. This is a video presentation, so it is probably better watched than listened to. Below is the link to the video on our YouTube channel: Executive Producers: Philip Baklamov Matt Shy Peter Shell Zachariah Baker Frank M. Associate Executive Producers: Daniel Gandy Dave Cortes Patrick Hicks

Ben from UnchartedX joins us this week for a long-form discussion on the technical aspects of some of the anomalous ancient megalithic stonework we see around the world. Are these sites connected stylistically? Do the precision, difficulty, and advanced engineering evident in many of these sites indicate the presence of a lost precursor civilization in deep history? We tackle these questions and many more in this episode. This episode was also broadcast live to our Discord Server, which we do from time to time. If you want to join in on the fun of the live broadcasts with fellow Snakes, join the server by clicking the "connect" button on the widget at our website, linked below:

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