Buffering the Vampire Slayer | A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast

Buffering the Vampire Slayer | A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast

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Buffering the Vampire Slayer is a bi-weekly podcast in which your hosts Jenny Owen Youngs (professional musician and recreational Whedonverse aficionado) and Kristin Russo (professional writer and former goth teen) discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one episode at a time. Every installment of the podcast also includes a new original song recapping each glorious Buffy episode! *wolf howl*

We've got mommy issues, we've got daddy issues, and we've got A LOT OF BULLSHIT! In flashbacks, Spike wants to bring his mom on vacation with Drusilla (lol) and tiny, adorable Robin knocks over a trash can to assist his slayer-mom Nikki. In present day, the power of iTunes 1.0 triggers Spike inside of Robin's cross-laden garage and they FIGHT, while elsewhere Giles behaves like a f*cking asshole. Yes, yes, it is time for Season 7 Episode 17: Lies My Parents Told Me!

Welcome, gentle viewers, to our taping of S7E16's "Storyteller" LIVE from Philadelphia!!! We have shirtless cereal pours, many mispronunciations of the word VamPYRE, two oven mitts and a smoking jacket, a history of mirrors, and many Andrew-feelings from special guests Jeremy Rodriguez, Caroline Orejuela, and our very own nemesis LaToya Ferguson!! Massive thanks to World Cafe Live for a wonderful evening and to all of the beautiful folks of Philly for making the night so special!!

We've got a heaping scoop of racism and colonialist bullshit this week, including but not limited to a very troubling (and problematic af!) origin story of the Slayer line! We also have a damn fine performance by Lalaine, a deep dive into the difference between puppets and muppets (unclear), and Buffy being REALLY OUT OF LINE. Yes, that's right, it is Season 7 Episode 15: Get It Done.

Robin Wood is taking Buffy on a date to a hidden restaurant in the alleys of Sunnydale (that makes brandied pears?!), Xander is helping Ashanti pick out the right rope to help tie him up over the Seal of Danzalthar, and the gang has really outdone themselves at home by trying to us a WIRE on Andrew to record The First. Wow. Here we are with Season 7, Episode 14: "First Date."

You know that feeling when you kiss a girl and it hits you so hard that you turn into the dude you killed last season?! And then you run into the girl who you kept as a rat in a cage for years?!?!?! It is a wild time in Sunnydale this week, folks, and to top everything off Riley Finn flirts with Spike from miles and miles away by lovingly calling him "assface." It is Season 7, Episode 13: "The Killer In Me."

Listen. We love Dawn, okay? She f*cking rules!! Join us and special guest Jessie Blount as we praise Dawn's virtues, question some of Buffy's choices as head counselor at Camp Potential, welcome Amanda into the fold and dig deep into the history of Snausages. It is Season 7 Episode 12, "Potential."

You know that feeling when you're a centuries-old vampyric ancestor named Turok-Han and you just want to kill a bunch of potential slayers so that you can keep the world's oldest evil happy, but then you wind up at a half-built library and the Slayer herself turns on the spotlights, dons a top hat, and promptly beheads you in front of all of your adoring fans?! It's Showtime, baby...

Giles is back in corduroy with some new potential slayer step-sisters, Drusilla as The First is wriggling and giggling about, Xander and Andrew *cannot* stop flirting, and Turok-Han is really, really strong. So strong, in fact, that he almost undoes Buffy... but, battered and bruised, she explains to the potentials and the Scooby gang that if the Hellmouth is gonna f*cking swallow them?? It is gonna CHOKE. ON. HER. It is Season 7 Episode 10: Bring On The Night, and we are ready to rock.

Dear friend of the pod Helen Zalztman (The Allusionist, Answer Me This!) joins us today for a deep dive into linguistics in Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Why does Giles' leatherbound book use a "Y" in Vampyre? Why does television rely so heavily on Latin to convey magic spells? Where does the word "coven" originate? Did Buffy coin the term "wiggins"?! In the words of one Jenny Owen Youngs, wow wow wow Wow WOW.

We celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from Torrance High School, aka Sunnydale High, with hundreds of your beautiful nerdy faces — and it was one of the best nights of our damn lives. We are going through some of our favorite high-school moments from Buffy, including the infamous Oedipus Rex performance at the end of "The Puppet Show," (17:22) the meeting of The Mayor, Faith, Buffy, Angel and everyone else in "Choices," (33:12) and that romantically terrifying lovers-to-ghosts possession in "I Only Have Eyes For You" (55:14). Oh, and then we prove that Buffy and Faith absolutely totally entirely had sex with each other (1:10:20). It was truly a night for the books.

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