CFA Institute Research Challenge Podcast

CFA Institute Research Challenge Podcast

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17 聲音
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual educational initiative promoting best practices in equity research among finance students across the world.

In this podcast, Amy Strunk, Special Projects Administrator for the CFA Institute Research Challenge, talks with Nate Byrd, CFA, a Portfolio Manager at Altrius Captial Management in Raleigh, North Carolina, about his experience as a grader for the CFA Institute Research Challenge hosted by the CFA Society North Carolina. As both a former participant and a current volunteer, Nate has the unique perspective of someone who has been on both sides of the competition. In this podcast, he offers advice for students who preparing to write their report.

In this podcast, Amy Strunk, Special Projects Administrator for the CFA Institute Research Challenge, talks with Nate Byrd, CFA, a Portfolio Manager at Altrius Captial Management in Raleigh, North Carolina, about his experience volunteering with his local competition. Nathan participated in the CFA Institute Research Challenge as a student and has volunteered as a grader for the CFA Institute Research Challenge hosted by the CFA Society North Carolina.

Amy Strunk, Special Projects Administrator with the CFA Institute Research Challenge, talks with João Almeida, a Senior Analyst in Project Finance at Torresol Energy Investments in Madrid, Spain, about his experience volunteering with his local competition. João participated in the CFA Institute Research Challenge as a student and has volunteered as a faculty adviser for the CFA Institute Research Challenge hosted by CFA Spain. Want to get involved? Visit our website at

Amy Strunk, Special Projects Administrator with the CFA Institute Research Challenge, talks with Marta Calvário, a Credit Risk Manager at Banco BPI in Madrid, Spain, about her experience volunteering with her local competition. Marta participated in the CFA Institute Research challenge as a student and now volunteers as an industry mentor for the CFA Institute Research Challenge hosted by CFA Spain. Want to get involved? Visit our website at

In this podcast, Brian Stype, Director of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, interviews Susan Mach on how to effectively supplement your presentation with Microsoft Power Point slides with tips on how to design and integrate slides for a polished presentation. Susan Mach is a communication trainer, coach and strategist who works with a broad array of clients, including top management and staff. She is a partner in Mach Creative Services, a woman-owned, full-service communication firm. The firm helps clients communicate clearly, crisply and compellingly to the media, shareholders, analysts, customers, employees, consumer advocates, nonprofits and public officials. It also coaches executives in business writing and presenting, and it produces online reports, videos, annual reports, Web content, press conferences and executive speeches. For more information on Susan Mach, please visit her website:

In this podcast, Brian Stype, Director of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, interviews Susan Mach on how to engage in the Q&A session with confidence. Topics in this podcast include teammate interaction, working with supplemental slides, and general demeanor. Susan Mach is a communication trainer, coach and strategist who works with a broad array of clients, including top management and staff. She is a partner in Mach Creative Services, a woman-owned, full-service communication firm. The firm helps clients communicate clearly, crisply and compellingly to the media, shareholders, analysts, customers, employees, consumer advocates, nonprofits and public officials. It also coaches executives in business writing and presenting, and it produces online reports, videos, annual reports, Web content, press conferences and executive speeches. For more information on Susan Mach, please visit her website:

In this podcast, Brian Stype, Director of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, interviews Susan Mach on preparing for and giving an effective presentation. Topics in this podcast include familiarizing yourself with the presentation space and equipment, preparing for worst-case scenarios, interacting with your teammates, and more. Susan Mach is a communication trainer, coach and strategist who works with a broad array of clients, including top management and staff. She is a partner in Mach Creative Services, a woman-owned, full-service communication firm. The firm helps clients communicate clearly, crisply and compellingly to the media, shareholders, analysts, customers, employees, consumer advocates, nonprofits and public officials. It also coaches executives in business writing and presenting, and it produces online reports, videos, annual reports, Web content, press conferences and executive speeches. For more information on Susan Mach, please visit her website: http://www.lsmach...

Brian Stype, director of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, interviews Susan Mach on how to best prepare for and execute an effective presentation. Susan Mach is a communication trainer, coach and strategist who works with a broad array of clients, including top management and staff. She is a partner in Mach Creative Services, a woman-owned, full-service communication firm. The firm helps clients communicate clearly, crisply and compellingly to the media, shareholders, analysts, customers, employees, consumer advocates, nonprofits and public officials. It also coaches executives in business writing and presenting, and it produces online reports, videos, annual reports, Web content, press conferences and executive speeches. For more information on Susan Mach, please visit her website:

Brian Stype, director of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, interviews Susan Mach on how to dress for a successful presentation. Susan Mach is a communication trainer, coach and strategist who works with a broad array of clients, including top management and staff. She is a partner in Mach Creative Services, a woman-owned, full-service communication firm. The firm helps clients communicate clearly, crisply and compellingly to the media, shareholders, analysts, customers, employees, consumer advocates, nonprofits and public officials. It also coaches executives in business writing and presenting, and it produces online reports, videos, annual reports, Web content, press conferences and executive speeches. For more information on Susan Mach, please visit her website:

Thammasat University's Q&A session at the CFA Institute Research Challenge (formerly the Global Investment Research Challenge) global final competition. For more information, please visit our website:

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