Cousin Vito's Casino Podcast

Cousin Vito's Casino Podcast

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This podcast for people who enjoy going to the casino. Listen in to learn helpful hints, tips, and tricks to maximzing your fun when wagering. Tune in for stories, advice, and so much more! Whether you like crap, blackjack, roulette, sport wagering, or just have a great time at the casino this podcast is for you!

This week @Mattyshowtime stops by to talk about his experience at the @WSOP Main event from the perspective of a recreational gambler. Matty lived the dream won his way into the 10k Main Event! What did he learn? How did he do? Sit back, relax, grab a cocktail, and enjoy his trials and tribulations!

This week @NEtimeGambling stops by to help @VitoCasino find the video poker games that are best for different types of goals and bankrolls. Plus, Cousin Vito dives into yet another custom $200 @Foxwoods trip report. This time he brought his friend Patty P

This week @Mikey9s returns to share stories about @VitoCasino's epic craps roll and some wining and dining. Most importantly Matty 5k reviews his recent trip to @foxwoods. Did slots, craps, bingo, roulette, and fine dining change his view of the casino? Did @VitosCasino create a casino enthusiast?

Enjoy this behind the scenes episode featuring the SEOND TAKE of our interview with Matt the "non-casino enthusiast" Plus, Cousin Vito plans a casino trip for his "non casino enthusiast" Matt. Matt talks about prior casino trips & why he doesn't love it. Listen in as Vito concocts a trip based around Matt's likes and dislikes. Featuring craps, slots, pal gow poker, bingo, keno, and more! Check out Cousin Vito's new T-shirts at!! No

This week @NETimeGambling stops by to discuss the end of COVID restrictions in casinos and @VitosCasino has some new T-shirts. Plus, Cousin Vito plans a casino trip for his "non casino enthusiast" Matt. Matt talks about prior casino trips & why he doesn't love it. Listen in as Vito concocts a trip based around Matt's likes and dislikes. Featuring craps, slots, pal gow poker, bingo, keno, and more! Check out Cousin Vito's new T-shirts at!!

This episode, @NETimeGambling stops by to indulge in an interview featuring a mysterious semi-professional card counter. Hear the ups and downs of taking on the card counting lifestyle. Also, hear dueling trip reports from Encore Boston Harbor and Foxwoods Resort Casino.

This episode, @NETimeGambling stops by to catch up on some New England casino news. Then @TBoltz09, Tyler Holzhammer, the Director of Operations @SportsCardINV, stops by to give us some tips, tricks, and information on Sports Card investing, cough cough, and maybe some sports card gambling!

This week @craigcartonlive joins the show to discuss his well publicized gambling addiction and recovery. Craig's casino antics on the #1 Boomer and Carton Show inspired this podcast. His story of recovery is a cautionary tale for all recreational gamblers and casino enthusiasts. We also welcome @netimegambling back from a @foxwoods 4x Tier credit trip report!

Cousin Vito and @NETimeGambling go over 15 casino dos and don'ts! Are you making smart moves at the casino? Are you pulling a Cousin Vito?

Cousin Vito and @NETimeGambling catch up on this turbulent casino year! Hear all the details on COVID safety at Foxwoods in Connecticut and lots of gambling stories from this unusual 2020 trip report!

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