Crazy Grandpa's Ridiculous Stories for Kids

Crazy Grandpa's Ridiculous Stories for Kids

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A podcast of kids' stories aimed at maintaining parental sanity during the daily car ride. In Crazy Grandpa's stories, the parents and teachers are clueless, and the kids will save the day.

Mrs. Gonzalez, who has always been so nice, is really mad one morning. Curie the Hamster examines all of the “evidence”. She decides that Mrs. Gonzalez is possessed by a demon and convinces Bubba to perform an exorcism. This is the second of two parts. (I hope that I did most of the Spanish correctly. … Continue reading 8b – Oh My God! I’m Possessed! – Part2 →

Mrs. Gonzalez, who has always been so nice, is really mad one morning. Curie the Hamster examines all of the “evidence”. She decides that Mrs. Gonzalez is possessed by a demon and convinces Bubba to perform an exorcism. This is the first of two parts. (I hope that I did most of the Spanish correctly. … Continue reading 8a – Oh My God! I’m Possessed! – PartI →

This is an old-fashioned robot story where the robots go to school to learn how to behave like people, but they get an unintended lesson about humor. Target Age: Children of all ages. To get a transcript of this or any other story, send me an email at Thanks for listening!

A prequel to episode 4, in this story we see Curie the Hamster bought from a pet store and introduced to Bubba, Vicky, and Kojak. Her antics are in full display as she decides that one of the neighborhood puppies is a spy for North Korea. This is the third of three parts. To get … Continue reading 6c – Oh My God, They’re Spies! – Part3 →

A prequel to episode 4, in this story we see Curie the Hamster bought from a pet store and introduced to Bubba, Vicky, and Kojak. Her antics are in full display as she decides that one of the neighborhood puppies is a spy for North Korea. This is the second of three parts. To get … Continue reading 6b – Oh My God, They’re Spies! – Part2 →

A prequel to episode 4, in this story we see Curie the Hamster bought from a pet store and introduced to Bubba, Vicky, and Kojak. Her antics are in full display as she decides that one of the neighborhood puppies is a spy for North Korea. This is the first of three parts. To get … Continue reading 6a – Oh My God, They’re Spies! – Part1 →

Hello, Please accept my apologies for the extreme infrequency of my postings. Alas, regular stories may have to wait for my still-distant retirement! To get transcripts of any stories in .pdf, please send me an email at: Thanks!

The children in Mrs. Higgins’s class are on their way to the Canterbury Science Museum. Mrs. Higgins tells them each to tell a story to pass the time. Are you prepared for the literary masterpieces that they produce? (This episode contains the four stories on the bus ride to the Museum. The return trip episode … Continue reading 5 – The Bus toCanterbury →

Oh My God, They’re Humanitarians! – Two dogs and a hamster meet some new neighbors and believe the end is near for the neighborhood! Target Age: Older kids. Young children should get the gist of the story, but there will be vocabulary and some action that they may not fully understand.

Can the little race car, Zoomer, stop Smogo the bully and win the big race? Target Age: Very young children Note to Parents: Yes, I know, even Crazy Grandpa breaks down every now and then and tells a sweet, traditional story about doing your best when you get a chance. Special thanks to my wife … Continue reading Episode 3 –Zoomer →

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