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182 聲音
Enter the Kingdom of the Cults with Cultish; a program that explores the impact of the cults from a theological, sociological, and psychologicalperspective. Immerse yourself in the thinking, teaching, strategies, and consequences born out of the nefarious leaders of these movements.

Join us as we interview Amber Aldrich as we explore her amazing story of coming out of New Age and into the Church. Amber spent more than a decade practicing Kundalini Yoga, reading tarot cards, and engaging in Reiki Energy Healing. What is Reiki Energy Healing? How does somebody fall into Kundalini Yoga? Tune in to find out! This episode is brought to you by Redeemed Podcast.

Join us for our second podcast with Vada from IsHeARealOne Radio who shares some unique tactics on how to talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses using their own Bible. While the Watchtower's “New World translation” is full of distortions, is there a way we can use it in a way to get them to question their beliefs about Jehovah? Tune in to find out! This episode is brought to you by Redeemed Podcast;

Join us as we talk with Vada from IsHeARealOne Radio who shares some unique tactics on how talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses using their own Bible. While the Watchtowers “New World translation” is full of distortions, is there a way we can use it in a way to get them to question their beliefs about Jehovah? Tune in to find out! This episode is brought to you by.

Join us as we continue to talk with Mike Winger as we look at more bible passages used to support a flat earth theory. The focus of this series is not about what "science says" or certain conspiracies. But rather, a direct focus at these verses actually teach as we examine them in context. We hope this series will be to be a helpful resource for those sincerely wanting to ask whether or not the Bible, on it's own, is teaching a flat earth. You can find more about Mike at

Join us for the 1st part of this exiting series as we talk with Mike Winger from & take a look at some of the bible passages used to support a flat earth theory. The focus of this series is not about what "science says" or certain conspiracies. But rather, a direct focus at these verses actually teach as we examine them in context. We hope this series will be to be a helpful resource for those sincerely wanting to ask whether or not the Bible, on it's own, is teaching a flat earth. You can find more about Mike at

Join us as we continue our conversation with Andrew and Nikki Schumacher who have in-depth knowledge of the diverse world of Hebrew Roots theology. What do Hebrew Roots followers believe & how are we to respond to their claims? How can we have an answer for the many claims of the Hebrew Roots movement? Join us for 2nd part of this series to find out! You can find more of Andrew Schumacher's content on his youtube channel "The Beginning of Wisdom"

Welcome to this exciting series where Jeremiah Roberts and Andrew Soncrant dive deep into the claims of the Hebrew Roots movement. The two are joined by husband and wife, Andrew and Nikki Schumacher who have in-depth knowledge of the diverse Hebrew Roots theology. What do Hebrew Roots followers believe? How can we have an answer for the many claims of the Hebrew Roots movement? Join us for this exciting series to find out! You can find more of Andrew Schumacher's content on his youtube channel "The Beginning of Wisdom"

Join us as we continue our conversation with Summer & Joy from Sheologians as we look at investigative journalist Tom O’Neill & his book “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties.” Is there legitimate evidence that Manson was part of the MKULTRA project? Does the Government always have your best in mind and is there a historical context for the contrary? Tune in to find out! This episode is brought to you by Forged Beard Co.

Join us for our 4th annual crossover with summer and joy from Sheologians as we look at investigative journalist Tom O’Neill & his book “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties.” How did Tom O’Neill end up spending 20 years investigating the official story of the Manson murders? Does questioning the official story of this horrific event matter 50+ Years later? Tune in to find out!

Join us as we continue our conversation with Zach Lautenschlager about C Street & The Cult of Right-Wing Politics explored in the 2017 Netflix documentary “The Family” What's the proper response to what happened on Jan 6? Is legislating morality exclusive to the right wing & conservatives? Is there a practical way to live during times of political uncertainty? Tune in to the second part of our series to find out!

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