Dark Hollywood: The Reelz Files

Dark Hollywood: The Reelz Files

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Combining the thrill, tension, and excitement of The Stalker Files, Hollywood 911, Case Closed, Hollywood Homicide, and Hollywood Scandals, THIS...is Dark Hollywood. Explore the dark underbelly of the entertainment capitol of the world with these chilling Reelz programs.

After spending half his life behind bars, Charles Manson leaves prison with dreams of a Hollywood recording career. But when he is rejected by Hollywood, Charles Manson’s hunger for fame runs so deep, he’s willing to play any role he can get – preferring infamy to anonymity. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Body-builder. Movie star. Governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger is about all things big and strong. But behind the biceps and quick smile lurks an apex predator, a man who craves power in all its forms. Born from dark family secrets Arnold’s bloodlust is as relentless as a Terminator and as cold-hearted as Mr. Freeze. And even as he achieves all dreams, he leaves nothing but scandal in his wake. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, Charles Manson sends shocks through Hollywood. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

John Lennon is one of the most influential and important artists in music history. But the public face of peace, love, and revolution is a mask. Behind his righteous persona is a troubled man crippled by a traumatic childhood. John Lennon buries the pain of abandonment by spending his whole life building a myth. And when the private truth became public, it ultimately cost him everything. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, Arnold Schwarzenegger takes a life at the top to the world of politics, of course not without scandals all along the way. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Hollywood’s powerbrokers bow down before him. Movie stars worship him. Love him or hate him, Kobe Bryant is the most famous and scandalous basketball player in the world. Convinced that he is destined to be the greatest of all-time, Kobe plays by his own rules – taking what he wants and pushing aside all those who stand in his way. But in his quest to possess the kingdom, has the lonely prince of basketball forfeited everything? Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, we learn the private side of John Lennon that led to plenty of scandals. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Once Hollywood's fastest rising star, a seductive combination of unchallenged celebrity, L.A. nightlife, and troubled parents propelled Lindsay Lohan into a cycle of addiction and self-sabotage that she's been unable to escape. Now, with multiple arrests, a long list of rehab stints, and a shattered career, the only thing Lindsay Lohan can deliver on is a non-stop series of scandals. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, Kobe Bryant works to be the best basketball player, but at what price?. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Blasphemy, public nudity, illicit affairs – most celebrities get caught in scandals, Madonna creates them. Part rebel, part relentless self-promoter, Madonna breaks down social barriers while earning millions. And whether she’s battling Popes or bound and gagged by an enraged lover, Madonna craves only one thing: to rule the World. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, Lindsay Lohan goes from child star to a career plagued with addiction and scandal. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Britney Spears is the biggest pop star of her generation …with an image manufactured to titillate. But when nurturing Britney the brand is prioritized over Britney the person, the simple country girl unravels, with the paparazzi capturing every scandal. Endangering her career, her family and her life, she spirals toward rock bottom, leaving the world wondering who can save Britney Spears? Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, another pop diva, Madonna, built her career on scandals. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

They are the best and the brightest: The Kennedys, America's Royal Family. Yet behind their name and glamour exists another, darker lineage. Born of a ruthless patriarch, charges of murder, rape, and drugs spread thru the family tree like poison - until all that remains is scandal. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, Brittney Spears’s career has been filled with scandals that the public was able to witness firsthand. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Hall of fame athlete, actor, and celebrity spokesman - O.J. Simpson is an American icon. But behind the smile is a criminal mind shaped by the violent streets from his youth. Willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants; the scandals of O.J. Simpson reveal a side darker than anyone can imagine. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, The Kennedy family, although powerful and influential, battle their own scandals throughout the years. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

Chris Farley is the great clown of his generation. From Tommy Boy to the Chippendales, he will do anything for a laugh. But behind his genius there is a darkness. Chasing the ghost of his idol John Belushi, Farley turns to drugs, alcohol, and outrageous stunts to quell the demons deep inside. Until the laughter stops – and there is nothing left but scandal. Hollywood Scandals is part of the dark Hollywood collection in The REELZ Files. New podcasts drop each Thursday. Next week, O.J. Simpson’s childhood leads him to a life of crime alongside his fame. Like what you hear and want more true crime and mystery? Go to https://www.reelz.com/podcasts/

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