Death, Sex & Money

Death, Sex & Money

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Anna Sale explores the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation.

The Starbucks union is having a moment. We talked to three workers in three different states about the victories and the very realconsequences of going up against a multi-billion dollar company. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

As the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline becomesa 3-digit number,988, I visit a call center in Wyoming,which had the highest suicide rate per capita in the US in 2020. If you or someone you love is at risk of harming themselves, or needs some help with mental health, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255. After July 16, you can just dial ‘988.’ Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

Actress Niecy Nash and her wife, R&B singer-songwriter Jessica Betts, tell me about falling in love, learning to live together during the pandemic, and taking their relationship public. Want to hear more Niecy? Listen to our 2017 episode, "Life in Our 20s: Advice from Niecy Nash, Alia Shawkat & Terri Coleman," or my 2015 interview with her for NPR's Fresh Air. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

Weasked for your stories about breakups. You told us about being left, doing the leaving, and the times when you're not exactly sure what happened. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us any time

When Mary Gundel spoke out about working conditions at Dollar General, she lost her job. She also gained TikTok celebrity, and started a national labor movement.

The acclaimed actor and playwright tells me about coming of age during the gay rights movement, why a rubber band signifies financial stability, and how he thinks he'll be remembered. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

Teachers across the country share their feelings about theirprofession, burnout, and how they're holding upat the end ofanother difficult pandemic school year. Hearmore from Lillian in our episode "Skin Hunger: Part 1," here. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

In honor of her Pulitzer Prize in Audio Reporting, I revisit my conversation with journalistMaria Hinojosa about building up her confidencein the world of media,andreaching a breaking point in her marriage that led her to reevaluate her priorities. Plus, I call Maria and she tells me about the significance of the award for her. Listen to the Pulitzer Prize-winning series Suavehere. This episode includesa description of a rape. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us

I take a walk with Britt Wray who studies the mental health effects of climate change, and we talk about how sheovercamedebilitating climate dreadwithout turning away from the crisis. Do you want to lessen your climate anxiety while also helping the planet?Britt says, "It's a crucial step to find community with others who can stand in the fire with you, who get it, who will mirror and validate the concerns and will never say you're overreacting." Here are someresources she suggests: The Good Grief Network, modeled off of a 12-step program, hosts in-person meetings around climate anxiety and climate action.Conceivable Futurehosts parties for people to talk about family planning in a warming world, andThe All We Can Save Projectoffersa how-to guide on starting your own community talking group. Subscribe to Britt Wray's news letterGen Dread, which is all about staying sane in the climate crisis. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every W...

I talk with a listener named Fey about her deteriorating vision, how and when to disclose her disability, and she gets a pep talk from EDM singer Lachi. Did you know we have aweekly email newsletter for the Death, Sex & Money community? Every Wednesday wesend out podcast listening recommendations,fascinating letters from our inbox, and updates from the show. Sign up, and follow the show onTwitter,Facebook,andInstagram. Got a story to share? Email us EVENT: Come sing along with me at a special sing-a-long karaoke party in honor of the paperback release of my book, Let's Talk About Hard Things. We'll drink, talk and SING about hard things in NYC on May 6, at 7pm atThe Greene Space.

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