Defence Aviation Podcast

Defence Aviation Podcast

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We interview defence personnel, journalists, industry leaders, defence analysts, book authors etc to discuss military aviation topics ranging from Fighters to bombers and AWACS to AMRAAMS

In this episode, I interviewed Billie Flynn an F-35 test pilot for the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Billie joined Lockheed Martin as a test pilot for the F-16 E/F Super Viper. He became the thirty-ninth pilot to fly the F-35 when he took off in an F-35B. He continues today conducting flight test on all F-35 variants. Billie is presently based at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland. For shownotes visit

In this episode, I interview Tony Yule, a former Concorde pilot for the British Airways. He flew the Concorde for Six years. We discuss his experience as a pilot and talk about the Supersonic Air Travel. For shownotes visit

In this episode, I interview Philipp Schaer CEO of MiGFlug. An interesting company that takes people to the edge of space on a MiG-29 and conduct zero gravity flights. For show note visit

We are LIVE from Aero India 2017 at Bengaluru, India. In this episode, I discuss on the Indian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry with David Willems of UMS Skeldar. You can find the show-notes at

In this episode I interview David Willems from Switzerland, he is the Business Development Director at UMS Skeldar. We discuss on Systems, Customers, ethical issues behind Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Industry etc. You can find the show-notes at

In this episode I interview Justin Bronk a Researcher for Combat Air-power and Technology in the Military Sciences team at the London based defence think-tank the Royal United Services Institute. He is currently working on various projects including in depth study into how to get the most value from the F-35 for the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy which will be published in the very near future. You can find the show-notes at

Mexico is building up it's Air Force. The latest air show suggests it's interest in modernizing the Mexican military and civilian aviation industry.You can find the show-notes at

The decision to buy 36 ready-to-fly Dassault Rafales by India came in as a surprise to everyone. After nearly fifteen years of back and forth with Indian MMRCA deal, India finally decided to cancel the MMRCA program and just go with 36 Rafales. What changed?Show notes>>

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