Deliver Us - True Paranormal Stories

Deliver Us - True Paranormal Stories

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Deliver Us is a paranormal Podcast brought to you by story teller James Deverell. All stories are based on true events.

TheYlöjärvi Poltergeist This episode is an excerpt from the book theThe Haunting of Martin's Croft: The True Story of the 1885 Ylöjärvi Poltergeist by J. Harrison Stenius, which is available from Amazon: This concludes this season of Deliver Us. I am taking a break from uploads to research and write new episodes. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started: Have a story you want me to tell? Contact me at

The haunting of Gladstone Villa The story of Andrew Dexter's childhood home set in the Welsh town of Bargoed. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started: Have a story you want me to tell? Contact me at

Disturbances In The Apartment Bringing a new family member into the home, whether it be a newly wedded spouse or child is often a wonderful thing but not without a sense of anxiety. I have recently adopted two one year old rescue dogs and although bringing me tons of joy they have been a lot to take to get used to! Adjustments to lifestyle changes brought on by additional family members take time and patience. The energy coming from the negative emotions make ripe pickings for dark forces so it is never a surprise when couples move in together for the first time that paranormal events seem to occur. Add an unexpected baby into the mix and you have a feast such entities. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

Feeding Off Negative Energy This episode features stories from a woman whose paranormal activities first began when she was a baby and further solidifies the theory that entities feed off negative energies. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

Visitations From Our Since Past FurryFriends Something a little different for you with this episode; I explore three events in which people believe their passed away dogs return to visit them one last time. I have found comfort in these stories since we recently had to say goodbye to our beloved dog Joni. This would also explain my absence these past few months, for which I apologize. I will return with new episodes very soon. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started: Follow our two dogs on Instagram:

There are a number of theories that explain why some people are more likely to experience something paranormal than others. It could be simply down to the way someone’s brain is wired causing them to sense things that are not really there. Or maybe they really are gifted with a capacity to see something beyond our world. This story was based on true events and was written, narrated and produced by James Deverell. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

Dudley Castle Just in time for Halloween! This episode features the story of a young woman who's fascination with the paranormal lead her to join a paranormal investigation team. One Halloween the team visit one of the most haunted castles in England where some strange incidents occur. This story was based on true events and was written, narrated and produced by James Deverell. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

Terror From Dharhan This episode features the story of a young girl's encounter with an entity that followed her overseas. This story was based on true events and was written, narrated and produced by James Deverell. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

The Student House Two students experience strange occurrences in their student home in their final year of college. This story was based on true events and was written, narrated and produced by James Deverell. Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: The YouTube Channel where it all started:

The Singing Ghost Part 2. This episode continues the story of Charles and Caroline Gentry's paranormal experiences. Link to my Patreon account:

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