Chase Jacobs | Matthew 7:1-12 | Judge others without hypocrisy, with discernment, with prayer, and with love, because Christ was condemned in your place.
Caleb Batchelor | Matthew 6:19-34 | If you treasure God more than the cares of this world, then you can trust God through the cares of this world.
Drew Hodge, Ryan Kelly, Alex Schroeder, Tate Madzima | Join the guys for a recap of the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. We talk about what the SBC is and does, what happens at the annual meeting, what was unique about this year's meeting, and each of our highlights.
Alex Schroeder | Matthew 6:1-18 | Serve God because you already have His attention, approval, and acceptance in Christ.
Ryan Kelly | Jeremiah 31:31-34 | Jesus fulfills the new covenant.
Ryan Kelly | Matthew 5:17-48 | Jesus obeyed to forgive our disobedience, and He obeyed to fuel our obedience.
Chase Jacobs | Matthew 5:13-16 | The church preserves the world from sin by proclaiming the Savior to the world.
Drew Hodge, Chase Jacobs, Alex Schroeder | Get to know our newest DSC staffer, Alex Schroeder.
Ryan Kelly | Matthew 5:1-12 | The path to happiness is unexpected, but if you'll follow it, you can expect true and lasting happiness.
Ryan Kelly | Genesis 35-36 | God is faithful, and He will be faithful to the next generation.