Jeff Maness – October 10th, 2021 When it comes to speaking about Jesus, there is a fine line between boldness and being brash. Between bold and foolish. As we put on all the armor of God we are empowered to be bold by saying the right things at the right time in the right way for the right reason.
Jeff Maness – October 17th, 2021 As we approach a new year and enter a new season of ministry as a church, how do we move forward in the Battle? No matter what we face in life, God’s challenge to us is to be strong, get to work, God is with you, don’t be afraid!
Jeff Maness – October 3rd, 2021 Every piece of God’s armor is essential. Not one piece can be left out. It’s not enough to have some or even most of the armor of God, we need to armor up with all of His armor.
Jared Bayless – September 26th, 2021 We put our clothes on in a certain order otherwise there will be problems. We also do the same with putting on the armor of God. We pick and choose what to wear and we end up the Walking Wounded instead of the Battle-Ready Warrior. How can we go into a spiritual battle with our armor on wrong and expect victory?