Empower Your Life with Dr. Matt James

Empower Your Life with Dr. Matt James

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NLP Training & Huna Training Blog

At some point on our path, we will all encounter completion energy – whether it’s an event or someone that we hold near and dear […]

What drives your behavior at the deepest level? Did you know that there is something beyond beliefs that are driving how you spend your time […]

Listen to Dr. Matt’s live as he talks about being your true authentic self, so you are able to shine in your life. […]

Dr. Matt talks about how whether or not we can trust our memories. He explains how and why memories aren’t always accurate and how to […]

Dr. Matt talks about what does NLP have to do with spirituality. How the Conscious Mind, the Unconscious Mind and the Higher Self relate to […]

Dr. Matt talks about forgiveness versus apology. Empowerment, Inc. is the leading authority on NLP, Huna, Mental and Emotional Release, and […]

Learn one of the most powerful mindsets taught within NLP. When we are going through everyday life, sometimes we think “I have more that I […]

Do you love learning and growing? Do you listen to podcasts and watch videos on how to better yourself and improve your life? […]

Most people misunderstand setting boundaries – they believe that it can cause others to feel uncomfortable. They fail to recognize that people actually CRAVE boundaries. […]

Dr. Matt brings it back to the basics and simplicity. One of the most important concepts in NLP is called Rapport; the ability to build […]

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