雅思口語新週刊English Podcast

雅思口語新週刊English Podcast

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不是那麼方便 Not that convenient, actually 買便宜東西的時候 when we tried to buy some products that were not very expensive 每天都要帶著 we would carry coins almost everyday 很久没見過硬幣啦 Till now, I haven't seen the coins for a while

我有不同的觀點 But now I hold a different opinion to it 頂尖學府 the top universities 教點東西 I would show my students something one or two 我接受 I am fine with it

團隊精神 it is about teamwork spirit 有的人正能量 有的人負能量 some could be very positive, some could be very negative 同一個追求 the same goals and the same ambition 工作效率 it's about our efficiency at work

拒絕 戒掉 give up 人們不適應了 People are not used to it 過時的 because it's old fashioned 萬事大吉 then everything will be okay


在過去 in the past 流行 very popular and fashionable 人們不需要等待 people don’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for it in the restaurant 越來越流行 becoming more and more popular than before

這個問題背后有兩個原因There are actually two reasons behind this topic 和好的教育資源有關it has got to do something with the better resources for education 努力奮鬥millions of people today are struggling for a better life 考慮think about

人們適應啦a lot of people are used to it 年輕人老年人喜歡一起住Old people like to live with their children or the young adults live with their parents 買不起房they can't afford a house 大家庭we usually have a big family, a family of ten people, a family of twenty people

有兩個理由Two problems can be identified 和效率有關it has got to do something with the efficiency 如果你想學點啥if you want to have a better understanding of certain skills or related knowledge 你很容易被干擾you would be easily distracted by other stuff

很開心I felt like very happy about my life 想認識新朋友I was planning to get to know someone that I wasn't familiar with 我不認為很聰明I don't think it's a smart decision 患難見真情A friend in need is a friend indeed

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