HOW LONG, O LORD- That was the cry of the prophets. That was the cry of the apostles. That was the cry of the martyrs. How long---When we see injustice or suffering, it offends our sense of right and wrong. And so we wonder WHEN IT WILL END. Click to learn more.
God is ALWAYS THERE. There is NO PLACE YOU CAN GO where God is not present. That's part of the job description of being God - His jurisdiction has no bounds.----Join us for Week 3 of a three week series on God's attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
God is ALL KNOWING. He knows EVERYTHING. God knows everything that is, and everything that could be. He does not learn new information successively - He knows it all simultaneously.----Join us for Week 2 of a three week series on God's attributes.
God is ALL POWERFUL. That means NO ONE OUTRANKS HIM. No one can frustrate His purposes. Not me, not you, and not the kings or corporations of this age.----Join us for Week 1 of a new three week series on God's attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
YOUTH is fleeting, but IMMATURITY can last forever.----If you're still swimming in the shallows of the Christian faith, it is time to dive deeper. It is time to take ownership of what you believe and act accordingly. Click to learn more.
HOW WE WORSHIP MATTERS.----God cares about worship. He's told us how to do it. He's given us instructions. And so it's silly -and dangerous- to approach Him on our terms with our methods.
Have you ever asked God for a -sign------Sometimes life gets cloudy, and we want God to show us a sign. Perhaps we want Him to demonstrate His presence -or His plan- to us. How does God respond- Click to learn more from Matthew 12.
What does the Bible say about making plans for the future-----In the book of James, we see that it's OK to make plans for tomorrow - but not to be presumptuous. Not to be arrogant. Planning and praying should go hand in hand. Click to learn more.
-Why does your teacher eat with tax-collectors and sinners------What Jesus was doing was scandalous. It disrupted the status quo. It threatened society. And yet, it was good-----Click above to hear this encouraging sermon from Matthew 9.
Jesus was crucified between two thieves. And at first, both mocked Him. Then one stopped mocking.-----Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom,- this thief said. And Christ's response was, -truly, this day, you will be with Me in paradise.- Click to learn more.