Fly Better Podcast

Fly Better Podcast

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Welcome to the Fly Better Podcast, the best source to become an Ace Pilot! Every week Dee, Ryan, and Dallas bring you the latest news, tips, and deep dives into the world of X-Wing Miniatures. Awarded the Best US X-Wing podcast at the 2018 Goldies. Now with 2 out of 3 hosts having won a Regional. Skreeeeeee!

This week guest Chris Allen brings Krayt Cup back from the dead, and Andrew Oehler says why 4 U-Wings is dangerous. [00:00:00]Intros/Updates [00:08:00] Krayt Cup! [00:20:00] Ministravaganza Recap [01:05:00] Malachor Round Up Fly Better!

This week Dee and Ryan touch upon a variety of topics, including the main difference between tall and wide squads. [00:00:00]Intros/Updates [00:08:00] RPCD: Greer Sonnel [00:20:00] Meandering Discussion on Monkey Island [01:02:00] Tall vs Wide Fly Better!

This week we look at every XTC team and pick our favorite squad to break down!

This week we are joined by Sullust Top 8 player Jorge Castaneda who talks about his inventive Han double Firespray squad. [00:02:00] RPCD: Old Teroch [00:17:00] Interview with Jorge [00:55:00] Gold Squadron Galactic Qualifier Sullust Roundup Fly Better!

This week we talk about the new Galactic Conquest mode we're launching, as well as the amazing spoilers in the Battle of Yavin pack coming in 2022. [00:00:00]Intros/Updates [00:08:00] Galactic Conquest [00:20:00] Battle of Yavin Reveals [01:28:00] After Dark: State of Fly Better and Kenobi Episode 4 Fly Better!

This week we finish out our hot takes on the points update, then discuss the Richmond Open and UK Games Expo top performing lists. [00:00:00]Intros/Updates [00:05:00] Points Discussion: Resistance, Republic, CIS [00:55:00] Richmond Open [01:16:00] UK Games Expo [01:51:00] After DarkKenobi Episode 3 Fly Better!

This week we talk about how to build local communities. What sorts of things can we do to attract new players and keep leagues interesting? [00:00:00] Intros/Updates [00:20:00] RPCD: Vizier [00:33:00] Points Discussion: Rebels, Empire, Scum, First Order [01:30:00] After Dark: Kenobi 1+2 Fly Better!

This week we are joined by AMG X-Wing developers Will Pagani and Michael Plummer to discuss the recent changes to rules, points, and the ban list.

This week we talk about how to build local communities. What sorts of things can we do to attract new players and keep leagues interesting? [00:00:00] Intros [00:06:00] RPCD: Thane Kyrell [00:28:00] Rebuilding Our Local Communities [01:00:00] Z95 Reveals Fly Better!

As Farmer shows his complete lack of 80s musical knowledge, Dee and Raithos discuss Z95 Spoilers and the CIS Gauntlet. [00:00:00] Intros/80s Music Talk [00:10:00] RPCD: Sun Fac [00:40:00] Z95 and Rogue Class Spoilers [01:24:00] CIS Gauntlet Fly Better!

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