Freud Museum London: Psychoanalysis Podcasts

Freud Museum London: Psychoanalysis Podcasts

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A treasure trove of ideas in psychoanalysis. History, theory, and psychoanalytic perspectives on a diverse range of topics.

In part five of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the last chapter of Civilisation and its Discontents, in which Freud offers his final thoughts on the place of the individual in society. Producer:Karolina Heller

In part five of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the last chapter of Civilisation and its Discontents, in which Freud offers his final thoughts on the place of the individual in society. Producer:Karolina Heller

In part four of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the sixth and seventh chapters of Civilisation and its Discontents, in which Freud recounts the history of instinct theory, and explores the origin of the sense of guilt. Producer:Karolina Heller

In part three of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the forth and fifth chapters of Civilisation and its Discontents, in which Freud discusses the origins of society, writes two extraordinary footnotes, and introduces a new factor into his exploration of the causes of discontent in civilisation. Producer:Karolina Heller

In part two of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the second and third chapters of Civilisation and its Discontents, where Freud extends his critique of religion and discusses the techniques available to help deal with human suffering. Producer:Karolina Heller

In part one of our new podcast series Jamie and Tom discuss the first chapter of Civilisation and its Discontents, looking at Freud’s analysis of the ‘oceanic feeling’, and the famous archaeological metaphor of the mind. Producer:Karolina Heller

To close our Uncanny series, we are bringing you a special bonus episode from our archive. In a live lecture originally delivered at the Freud Museum in January 2020, Dr Aaron Balick looks at deepfakes, artificial intelligence, and social media algorithms as he uncovers 'Why might some forms of technology give us the creeps'. Producer:Karolina Heller

In this final episode exploring The Uncanny, Tom and Jamie look at the impact Freud's paper had on literature and the arts. Our hosts also reflect upon the Freud Museum's 2019 exhibition The Uncanny: A Centenary. Producer:Karolina Heller

In this episode, Tom and Jamie will look at the third and final Part of Freud's The Uncanny, where Freud concludes by differentiating the uncanny in literature to real-life experiences. Producer:Karolina Heller

In this episode, Tom and Jamie will be looking at part 2 of Freud’s paper The Uncanny, in which Freud delves into the wonderful world of Hoffmann’s ‘The Sandman’ and discusses doubles, hauntings and inexplicable repetitions in his search for the core of the uncanny effect. Producer:Karolina Heller

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