Frisky Tipsy Libertines

Frisky Tipsy Libertines

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Janet and Scott discuss sex, sexuality, and the sex industry. Join them as they share stories, opinions, and review adult media (toys, books, and movies. Oh my!). All while indulging in another of their favorite past time: Getting Tipsy! Their goal is to tear down stigmas and misconceptions while drinking alcohol that they attempt to match with the days topic(s)!

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Janet and Scott are back in the studio! Join them for a fun episode where they celebrate their reunion and discuss erogenous zones while drinking Slippery Panties cocktails. They detail how to elicit sexual response from the body's hot spots from head to toe. Hear about the study of how foreplay results in better orgasms. Janet gives a PSA on communication and tells the tale of how she almost climaxed without any genital stimulation. Expect long tangents on porn and strip clubs! Scott gives an overview of the zodiac signs and their corresponding erogenous zones. They take a nostalgic trip through some of the decades fashion styles. Also in this episode: The Vagus Nerve, Knismolagnia, Ineffective Rhino Aphrodisiacs, Nose Sex?, DNA Saliva, Mandingo, Giant Dildos, Orgasmic Nipple Play, Pregnancy in the Pandemic, Drama Nerd Sex Games, The Wartenberg Wheel, The Unofficial "V Spot", Mom Bod, "MILF" Porn, Drive Thru Strip Clubs, Alvinophilia, and Vegas! Sit back, imbi...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for their much awaited BDSM episode. They drink highly intoxicating Tie Me to the Bedpost cocktails (visit for this and other drink recipes) There is a lot of information in this episode and it's geared towards beginners to the topic. Scott and Janet discuss Safe, Sane, and Consensual practices for a good time. Janet gives a very brief neurological overview of why some people choose to engage in these taboo practices, as well as an abridged History of BDSM (from Inanna to Bizarre). Then they go over some of the various aspects of BDSM and some common misconceptions. You'll learn the importance and various methods of After Care. Scott shares a fun story about tin foil and Janet recants a Bondage snafu that forever changed how she views Dr. Pepper. Also in this episode: Ball gags, spanking, hair pulling, restraints, the future of medical science practices concerning pain, Benign Masochism, Anne Rice, The Devil in Ms....

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Janet and Scott are back for a special quarantine edition of FTL. Recording from separate locations, they'll be drinking... whiskey. No fancy cocktail recipe this time (check out to see more cocktail recipes). The topic today is Pervertables: every day items that can be inexpensively obtained and repurposed for sexual uses. These hard economic times are a perfect opportunity to discuss how to save money and have a real good time at home! The dollar store has never been so much fun. Use your imagination, explore your creative side, and listen along. "If you can dream it, you can fuck it." - Janet Sit back, imbibe, and enjoy the show! FTL Theme by: Purple Planet Twitter: @LibertinesShow use the hashtag #AskTheLibertines Submit questions, comments, or suggestions:

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for their sixth episode. The theme the GSpot and Female Ejaculation. On this episode, they invent their own cocktail. Janet speaks briefly on the man the GSpot was named after. We discuss what exactly the GSpot is and why research on the subject is extremely limited. Join Scott and Janet as they take on the question everyone wants to know, or thinks they already know: Is squirting pee?? If not, what is it?! What about squirt porn? Scott talks about the times he's made women squirt and Janet shares her own experiences. They share tips on how to squirt and/or get your partner to squirt, and methods to stimulate the GSpot. Janet explains the African sexual practice known as Kunyaza, and its history. Also in this episode: fake cum recipes? Long tangents on male ejaculation, the pull-out method, and condoms. A surprise finger up the ass, speedy orgasms, soakage, and more! Sit back, imbibe, and enjoy the show! FTL Theme by: Purple Planet Check us...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for a very special Valentine's Day episode. They'll be trying out some sexy dice and board games for your entertainment. The drink for this Valentine's Day show is the Cupid Float (recipes for all our show drinks are available on On this episode, Scott and Janet will test out and review: *Naughty Nights Raunchy Dare Dice for lovers who want naughty fun! (By a company who doesn't want to put their name on the packaging) *Endless Nights of Amazing SEX! (Brought to you by Kheper Games Inc.) *The Sex Game (By Ariel Books & Andrews McMeel Publishing) *Monogamy: a hot affair... with your partner! (Previously sold as 'A Hot Affair' by Creative Conceptions LLC & Creative Conceptions Ltd.) And last, but certainly not least: *Pleasure Island ... where Fantasy and Pleasure await. (Brought to you by Ball & Chain) Hear what they like, and what they don't like, and they drunkenly stumble through an abridged version of thes...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for their fourth episode. The theme is polyamory and they introduce their first ever guest, Javier. They'll be drinking Poly Juice cocktails (recipes for all our show drinks are available at Join Scott, Janet, and Javier for this special episode where they discuss Javi's introduction to polyamory, breakups, sex with friends, pulling emotion away from sex, coming out to your family, and learning to accept the hardships of the polyamorous lifestyle. Javier opens up about his strict religious upbringing and how he overcame his childhood conditioning. They discuss the hurdles of jealousy and the importance of trust, being a father, and the lessons we can learn from the new generation. Additional topics include: sending nudes, cross dressing, confidence, the appealing side of commune living, polyamory vs. polygamy, and what is dick stain?! Sit back, imbibe, and enjoy the show! FTL Theme by: Purple Planet Check us ...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for their third episode. The theme is porn stigma in american culture and they get more than just a little tipsy on porn star martinis. Janet shares her love of porn and speaks on her mother's concerns about porn and necrophilia. Join Scott and Janet as they discuss such probing questions as: What is porn? Why are vintage VHS porno boxes so huge?! What leads one to a career in porn? Why do we as a society shame porn stars, but consume their product? Does porn degrade women? Is there consent in porn? Is a fear of sex keeping the sex industry down? Does porn encourage violent crimes? Are women in porn more objectified than men? Why would society rather ostracize adult performers than view them as human? They reminisce about internet porn before Pornhub and watching scrambled Spice channel porn. Other topics include: Women becoming more involved behind the scenes in porn. The hardships of life after porn, and the difficulties faced by those in...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott for their second episode. The theme is SEX TOYS (woo) and they'll be drinking Double Purple Ticklers. They'll discuss topics related to sex toys such as: safety, common hazardous materials used in toys and how to protect yourself, getting the government involved in your sex toys, the lack of sex positive politicians, body safe materials, caring for your sex toys, how to avoid infections from your toys, what lubes to use with your toys, what's figging!? They'll be reviewing the Satisfyer Pro 2, Evolved Mighty Metallic Wand, Eva II, the Clone-a-Willy, Sport Sheets strap-on, and more! Join Scott and Janet as they recant their first awkward and non-sexual sex toy purchases. They also discuss bad sex toys, sexessories, and how to find the right nipple clamps. Come along and explore a brief history of vibrators and some popular myths of their origins, as well as odd laws on sex toys. Sit back, imbibe, and enjoy the show! FTL Theme by: Purple Plan...

18+ MATURE AUDIENCES: Join Janet and Scott, the Frisky Tipsy Libertines, for their first podcast! Appropriately, the theme is "Virginity", and they'll be drinking Dirty Shirley's. They stumble through an awkward and inexperienced podcast over cocktails, where they will discuss topics such as: the definition of virginity, their first times, the controversy of virginity testing, the stigma that comes with virginity (and lack thereof), artificial hymens, myths about virginity, awful governmental policies, public education fails, and 40 year old virgins. TRIGGER WARNING: at around minute 27, we discuss FGM (female genital mutilation), so if you're sensitive to that topic, you may want to skip ahead to minute 30. Sit back, imbibe, and enjoy the show! FTL Theme by: Purple Planet Check us out at Twitter: @LibertinesShow use the hashtag #AskTheLibertines Submit questions, comments, or suggestions:

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