Gaia's Toolbox

Gaia's Toolbox

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11 聲音
Helping you cultivate a toolbox of practises to expand your consciousness and come back into oneness with yourself.

Connect with Ellie on Instagram here and Randi here

What role could money play in the New Earth?How can I create wealth with integrity?How can I increase my capacity to hold more?These are the questions that we are being called to explore as we move into a new era of purpose, partnership and prosperity.Let me offer you a clue:The questions in themselves are a trick to entice you into a completely different perspective... Doesn’t that sound intriguing?Let us explore the codes of a new prosperity paradigm together.*Please note this episode is a recording of a live masterclass.

Ellie chats with the wondrous Brittany Eastman about the energetics of business, growth and goitres. Although the conversation ultimately devolves into complete absurdity, Brittany bring a completely unique and brilliant perspective on so many different aspects on entrepreneurship in the new paradigm.

We discuss the true meaning of Philanthropy as it relates to a more intentional investment of your time, energy and love into shared higher purpose.

How can we look to the Natural Kingdom as a blueprint for true abundance in our lives?What is our natural relationship to "exchange" as an intrinsic paradigm of existence?What archetypal wisdoms can we embody by looking to the Sun, the Moon, the Tides, the Seasons, etc.A new perspective into your own life and where you are distorting your own relationship to exchange itself by creating strict mental parameters! mon

Exploring the idea that ALL plants are here on this Earth to act as wisdom keepers and teachers, to guide us through this human experience. They are portals into deeper realms of consciousness and living wisdoms and hold light codes directly harvested from the Sun, ready for us to ingest and anchor into our own bodies. Learning how to live in reverence and respect for our plant teachers has a profound effect on our lives, giving us new purpose and bringing a sacredness to our existence.

Ellie chats with mBit Master Coach and Trainer, NLP Master Practitioner and TedX speaker Emilie Janson about how we can identify and begin to leverage our THREE different brains. We discuss how to protect your boundaries using mBraining, how to begin to attune to the specific roles and wisdoms of each brain and how to navigate the world of untangling oneself from the constructs of the mind.

Award winning poet, author and mystic Richard Rudd speaks about his seminal work, The Gene Keys, and how we can attract true prosperity into our lives through a new business model entering the world; one based on the knowledge of fractal dynamics and true philanthropy.

Have you ever considered the energetic properties of what you would call "lust" or "desire"? Well, prepare to see your sexual energy in an entirely different way... Michael is a pioneer in the realm of sacred sexuality, intimacy, inner-child work, sacred masculinity, and divine union, with a passion for embodiment and re-establishing right relations between men and women. This is one of the most enlightening conversations you will ever hear about such a misunderstood topic.

Makenzie Marzluff is best known for her success as a conscious entrepreneur and a speaker on the New Paradigm within business, channeled from Gaia and her experiences with plant medicines. In this episode, she discusses her profound relationship with Ayahuasca and other plants with Ellie Seilern.To learn more about Makenzie visit: https://www.makenziemarzluff.comTo learn more about Ellie visit: and by Desserts: https://delightedbydesserts.comKAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate:

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