Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

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Throughout the month of October I will be sharing different spookie stories base off of real life events. From hauntings, possessions, and the history of some of your favorite monsters, these stories will be told with a respect for belief, a hint of skepticism, and a little bit of humor.

King Tutankhamun was a boy king during the height of ancient Egypt's reign who was erased from history. Dying under mysterious circumstance, possibly murder, the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter in 1923 brought King Tut back from the dead- in more ways than one. Launching modern Egyptology into the modern era, Carter's discovery lodged King Tut into the modern zeitgeist, and returned Tutankhamun to his place in history. But after the discovery of the tomb, rich and powerful members of the archeological team and visitors of the tomb began to die. The cause of their deaths ranged from violent murders to mysterious illnesses. The first dead was George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon. Thanks to an article by novelsit and mystic Marie Corelli and an omnious statement by aurthor Sir Aurthor Conan Doyle, King Tut's mystical revenge went early 1900's viral. Music: Ross Budgen

Inspiring a franchise of huge blockbuster movies, the tale of a possessed doll named Annabelle may surprise you. In the 1970's a woman was gifted a Raggedy Anne Doll who was claimed to be possessed by the spirit of a seven year old girl named Annabelle Higgins. However, what lurked within the doll was indeed much more sinister. Music: Ross Bugden

Today's episodes looks at the world famous Winchester Mystery House and it's haunted creator Sarah Winchester. Heir to the Winchester Rifle Fortune, Sarah Winchester was haunted by the ghosts of those who were killed by Winchester Rifles. During a a seance with her passed husband, she was told that she would have to build a home large enough for all the ghosts to fit in. She built secrete passages, stairwells that lead to nowhere, and doors that opened up to brick walls in an attempt to confuse the ghosts. While Sarah was battling with her hauntings, she was still extremely kind and generous woman, if a recluse. Music: Ross Bugden

Today's episode looks at the story that inspired The Blair Witch Project. Know as The Bell Witch Haunting, in the early 1800's The Bell Family in Tennessee was haunted by an intelligent, gossipy, and murderous spirit who has been believed to be Kate Batts, an eccentric old witch. The belief of the witch greatly impacted the culture of the time, even allowing people to literally get away with murder. Music: Ross Bugden

Today's episode follows the incredible story of Arne Johnson, the first person in America who tried to use demon possession as a defense for murder. Our tale first begins with the possession of young David Glatzel, who was the brother of Arne's girlfriend Debbie. During the course of David's possession and exorcism, Arne himself becomes possessed and ends up violently murdering a friend of his. Music: Ross Bugden

Welcome to Ghost Stories, a podcast exploring some of the ghoulish, ghostly, and unnatural stories that take part in our world. From demons on trial and haunted objects, to the stories behind some of your favorite horror movies, with a hint of true crime, Ghost Stories is the low key Halloween podcast no one asked for, but you got anyways. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss the first episode on October 1st! Music by Ross Bugden

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