Hardcore Finance

Hardcore Finance

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12 聲音
Insightful. Balanced. Provocative.Brave enough to leverage the market? Bold enough to challenge the status quo? Join Alex Chizhik @MrEbitda and @ShimonLazarov as they bring their 15+ years business experience to a data-driven debate. From Bitcoin to the NASDAQ, Government Regulations to Real Estate Trusts, Facebook to Moderna. If you care about the economy, finance, or investing this podcast is for you.

Hide that booze and get your Fedora hats on. The Glitz, Glamour, and Parties are here! It's about to be 1921 baby!!! Or is it? Tune in to find out if 2021 will repeat history and set us up for another major market bubble and ensuing crash. Invest or stash away your cash? @Shimonlazarov and @MrEBITDA discuss. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

2020 broke all typical rules of finance and investment. We've had massive quotative easing and low interest rates yet no inflation in consumable goods. AirBnB laid off a large portion of the workforce but then filed for an IPO. Bitcoin went head to head with Keynesian economists. COVID stopped the world stopped on a dime and then started up again. A new vaccine was born in under a year. What lessons can we take away from all of this? @Shimonlazarov and @MrEBITDA discuss. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

Insightful. Balanced. Provocative. We will explore all parts of finance, bring on killer guests, and make you some money. From the Bitcoin to the Silver Dollar. Hop on, buckle up, and enjoy the ride! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

Bitcoin just hit $20,000. Is this the top? Will it keep going? What does this all mean? We go beyond the typical Bitcoin echo chamber and discuss this monumental occasion. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

The internet was a key development that could have not existed if the US government had regulated companies in a way that would prevent them from attaining network effects. But now many fear that tech monopolies are hurting consumers by preventing competition, so is now the time to start regulating them? In this episode we discuss the new lawsuits against facebook, as well as taking a deeper dive into monopolies, the rule of government in regulating them, international vs national competition. Key time stamps: 21m 52s - What can the government do about tech monopolies 33m 44s - Government vendetta against facebook 34m 44s - Amazon as a case study 40m 50s - Large monopolies like keeping the small competitors around 43m 25s - If you were a dictator, what would you do Follow us on twitter - we'd love to hear your feedback. https://twitter.com/shimonlazarov https://twitter.com/MrEbitda --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

In this episode we examine the phenomenal performance of Nasdaq vs s&p500 and debate whether it will continue to outperform it given the incoming administration's fiscal and monetary policy plans. We discuss value capture by tech disruptors vs traditional companies that benefit from tech, the new administrations spending plans, automation and of course, Bitcoin. Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/shimonlazarov https://twitter.com/MrEbitda --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

In this episode we analyze the economic policy of Trump and Biden to try and estimate who will be better for the stock market. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

In this episode, we discuss the possibility of the stock market keeping breaking all time highs while more and more people are permanently unemployed. Are you skeptical? So were we - at first! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

Do you think there will be a recession? We do! But how will it impact the stock market and bitcoin? Tune in for more --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

Mr Hi and Mr Lo discuss whether the upcoming halving of bitcoin is priced in, or whether it will result in a new bull run. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/hardcorefinance/message

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