High Energy Girl

High Energy Girl

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Join Integrative Health Coach Tracee Gluhaich, as she inspires women to burn fat, boost energy, and be stronger.We believe you are not too old and it's never too late to do a complete 180 and change the trajectory of your health.Not to be a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor.

r. Patrick Vickers is an expert on the indisputable, cellular science behind health and disease and the face of Gerson Therapy worldwide. He was trained by Dr. Gerson's family and is one of the few people to have studied Dr. Gerson's handwritten files. He continues to carry on Dr. Gerson's legacy through his clinic, The Advanced Gerson Therapy Clinic, in Rosarito, Mexico; the world’s premier clinic for the natural treatment of cancer and advanced disease. Dr. Patrick Vickers is also featured in the epic documentary series, The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, and one of his patients is also chronicled in the classic documentary, The Beautiful Truth. Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, called Dr. Max Gerson, "The most eminent genius in medical history" as Gerson Therapy has the most storied reputation, to date, for its ability to reverse advanced cancer and degenerative diseases. With seven movies chronicling Dr. Gerson's work, no other therapy has received such recognition on an international scale. Unfortunately, Gerson Therapy remains the most censored therapy by governments, medical authorities, and media outlets around the world as it poses an imminent threat to the conventional medical system.

Pooja is a Bio-Medical expert with a master’s degree from USC. As a graduate student, Pooja focused her time on current-based technologies and was fascinated to learn how frequency-specific technology mimics the body’s own natural impulses and brings benefits on enhancing its functionality. Out of school, Pooja designed microcurrent-based devices for toning body and facial muscles, tested with med spas, estheticians, and skin-enthusiasts. Users discovered incredible results with having tighter, toned, and lifted muscles. Pooja went on to form a 7E Wellness beauty company at 25, and is now one of the biggest microcurrent beauty devices suppliers to professionals. In 2020, Pooja designed a microcurrent device for at-home use that has gotten a lot of attention from NBC, Forbes, LAWeekly, and BuzzFeed. Pooja explains to audiences why external devices like Microcurrent should be used to boost energy and enhance natural results while bringing long-term health benefits.

As an entrepreneur and regenerative medicine pioneer, Drew Taylor is making breakthrough medicine accessible for everyday people. Drew’s interest in regenerative medicine goes all the way back to seventh grade when he observed a total knee replacement. After the surgery, the doctor told him that, someday, people would use their own cells to heal their bodies. Ever since Drew’s fascination with regenerative medicine has only grown. Drew is used to juggling a full life; while obtaining his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, Drew also competed as a pitcher in professional baseball. After a career-ending injury forced him to give up his sports career, Drew devoted himself fully to medicine, first working as part of Mount Sinai Hospital’s BioEngineering of Skeletal Tissues Team, then as Chief Science Officer at Epic Capital Management. Drew wanted to help people find a way to use their own tissue to live not only longer but better. So in 2017, Drew co-founde...

Udo Erasmus is a pioneer of the health and wellness industry having created FLAX OIL and the Healthy Fats Movement. He is also the co-founder of the UDO’S CHOICE supplement brand, a global leader in cutting-edge health products having sold tens of millions of bottles of healthy oils, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Udo is an accomplished author including Fats that Heal Fats that Kill which has sold over 250,000 copies worldwide. Udo has extensive education in Biochemistry and Biology, a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Adler University, and has impacted over 5,000,000+ lives by passionately conducting 5,000+ live presentations, 3,000+ media interviews, 1,500 staff training, and traveling to 40+ countries with his message on how to achieve perfect health.

Rym Selmi, CEO and founder of a start-up business that offers keto-friendly and vegan chocolates and baking ingredients. She recently contributed to online articles that talk about the keto diet. Rym is also outspoken about how she decided to live a healthier lifestyle through gradual sugar and carb intake reduction, which are also important factors to stay on keto.

Ari Whitten is the Founder of The Energy Blueprint. He is an energy and fatigue specialist who focuses on taking an evidence-based approach to energy enhancement, nutrition, exercise, natural health expert, and #1 best-selling author. He has been studying nutrition and holistic health for more than 2 decades and has a Bachelor of Science from San Diego State University in Kinesiology (with specialization in fitness, nutrition, and health). He also has a background in exercise physiology and fitness. He holds two advanced certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist. In addition, he recently completed the 3 years of coursework for his Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, an education that rounds out all aspects – nutrition, fitness, and psychology – of his approach to optimal health. Ari is a tireless researcher who has obsessively devoted the last 20 years of his life to the pursuit of being on the cut...

Dustin Baker is the President of BioProtein Technology and the creator of BioPro+. With years of experience working intimately with some of the world's most elite professional athletes, trusted physicians, and even international private security/military personnel his passion remains the same, to help individuals maximize their physiological and cognitive potential safely. Since his 20s Dustin has been instrumental in the product design and brand development for natural products in the professional athletics, fitness, and medical supply categories.

Ashley Bernardi is the founder of powerhouse media relations firm Nardi Media, where she works with corporations, brands, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits in obtaining high-profile placements in broadcast, print, and online media. Trained as a journalist at CBS News, nationally syndicated program energyNOW! on Bloomberg, and Washington Post Live, she has a natural ear for a story and a journalist’s passion for research. The traumatic death of her father at a young age and diagnosis of Lyme Disease and postpartum depression after the birth of her third child deepened her passion for health, wellness, and spirituality, and taught her how to access her own authentic power to heal her life. She is a certified Life Designer and received her certificate in The Science of Well-Being from Yale University. In addition, Ashley hosts the award-winning podcast 2 Girls Talking. The oldest child is a proud military family, Ashley was born in Schweinfurt, Germany, and has lived and worked in New Yor...

PHD Weight loss Founder, Dr Ashley Lucas, holds a PhD in Sports nutrition and chronic disease and is also a Registered Dietitian (RD). She comes to the field of nutrition and weight management with a unique background as she was previously a professional ballet dancer. Her career was constantly met with injury and a struggle to meet the required ballet-specific body type. As a result, she retired from her professional dancing career, understood the importance nutrition played in her own athletic performance, and started along her path to becoming an expert in the field of nutrition and wellness. Following 15+ years of research and clinical practice, Dr. Lucas developed PHD’s science-based approach that revolutionized the science of weight loss. Her approach focuses on metabolic wellness, inflammation reduction, and behavioral/emotional support that creates profound sustainable transformation in the body and mind.

Meredith is the co-founder of QuantumHealth.TV, the world's first video streaming channel focused on decentralizing health education, where medical experts break down the emerging science of circadian health and quantum biology. As an ICF- accredited Executive Coach, Meredith has lived and worked on 3 continents helping clients from all over the world to improve their lives by changing their beliefs and habits. She began her career working in media, covering entertainment and interviewing movie stars before she shifted into communications and coaching. Now, through Quantum Health TV, she is helping people suffering from chronic illness by providing accessible information that is years ahead of what most doctors and naturopaths are currently practicing. Meredith is married with 3 children and she is a proud global nomad.

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