Hospital and Internal Medicine Podcast

Hospital and Internal Medicine Podcast

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Intended for the medical professional who enjoys learning for the sake of it. Dr. Porat is a practicing Colorado Hospitalist and Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

Thedouble-blind, randomized phase III EMPEROR-Preservedtrial showed a benefit of the sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor empagliflozin in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Now let us dig a bit more into those headlines.

An important recently published randomized control trial provides guidance on this controversy.

Almost nobody feels comfortable managing DELAYED gastric emptying (gastroparesis) and very few medical providers even think about RAPID gastric emptying in their diabetic patients. Even if you send these patients to GI specialists, your blood sugar co-management of these patients can be heavily impacted by these issues. Is delayed gastric emptying always a bad thing? When your patient has upper GI symptoms, how often is it a gastric emptying abnormality? Time for some answers.

Can we trust a nuclear study to nail the diagnosis? Are motor abnormalities really the cause of symptoms? What is a POP procedure?

Does regular, low-dose, oral sustained-release morphine improve disease-specific health status or cause respiratory adverse effects in patients with moderate to very severe chronic breathlessness due to advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Digging in on the latest study.

My take on what went down at the Journal of the American Medical Association. I disagree with the comment there isn't "structural racism in health care", but was the backlash against the Editor who didn't say it (and actually opposed the comment) an over-reaction? Can we have discussions about the controversial issues that affect healthcare (like gun violence or abortion) without cancel culture cancelling the people who want to have nuanced discussions? I fear we lost the ability to have dialogue in a field where every MD/DO/PA/NP by definition has an advanced degree - and therefore we should be able to dispute misinformed statements to bring about change without the outrage going so far as to fire a person who actually objected to the hurtful statement.

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