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13 聲音
This podcast is about Identity and everything it entails: Essence, truth, inner-confidence, background, self-love, and authenticity. You unlock your potential by finding and claiming who you are. Join me on as we unlock the path to finding ourselves. Support this podcast:

On this episode, my dear friend Tomer Peretz, shares with us how artist expression can heal even the deepest wounds. We talk about the inspiration behind his art gallery Show "Welcome to America" and the motivation behind his series and short movies. Tomer is not just an Artist, he's a story teller. You can find him via instragram @Tomerperetzart @Welcometoamerica_ --- Support this podcast:

Hey Guys! On this episode we have Sasha back on but this time as my interviewer. She's amazing at asking questions and holding space. I'm thankful she reminded me that it was time for me to share my own journey. This episode was recorded a few months ago so a few things have changed. I did get into my program. Can't wait to share more as my understanding evolves :) Show us some love @Sincerelyserva @diva_divnaya13 --- Support this podcast:

Hey Guys! I recorded an episode with my dear friend Shereen Oberg. This episode is about my own individuation journey and my career shift into Jungian Psychology. Let me know your thoughts! Send us some love @Sincerelyserva @Lawofpositivism. --- Support this podcast:

This conversation is everything! On this episode, I'm talking to the founder of InFlow dance, Sasha Divitkina. Sasha walks us through her journey of how she stepped into authencity and found flow and inspiration. This is a very beautiful conversation for anyone looking for more support on how to be unapologetic, follow their heart, and trust their own flow. My Take up space post on IG was inspired by Sasha:) May we all take up space beautifully and authentically <3 Sasha Divitkina IG: diva_divnaya13 IG: Inflowdance --- Support this podcast:

This is a raw conversation with Sedef Culha who is a Kambo practitioner, a Hypnotherapist, and a Transformational guide. In this conversation, we dive into Sedef's personal spiritual journey and the importance of shadow work. I had the pleasure of meeting Sedef through a mutual friend. We will deff do another episode on Kambo and my personal experience with it. Follow Sedef @sedefculha on IG to learn more about the services she offers and for daily wisdom :) --- Support this podcast:

You all know Shereen Öberg from her page Law of Positivism. Shereen is a Yoga and meditation teacher, a Reiker healer, and a soon to be Chinese Medicine Practictioner. She's been using her channeling, and awakening abilities for many years now to share her insights with us through The Law of Positivism. Shereen also holds a bachlors degree in Business and Economics. On this episode she shares with us her transition from the corporate world to a Spiritual healing path. So honored to have her on and so excited for you all to hear her story. Shereen Öberg @lawofpositivism --- Support this podcast:

Hi guys! I'm so happy to be able to share this profound conversation with you all. On this episode, I would like to introduce Devon Hewett. Devon Hewett is a local Los Angeles writer and Author. He is known for his book Romantic Propaganda and God in the Garden. His mission is to bend the perspectives of his listeners through poetry. He is also a mentor and educator for adults on the spectrum and hosts weekly male support groups through zoom. Tune in to hear Devon shed light on how to strip former beliefs systems to uncover our own identity. Check out his book Romantic Propaganda and God in the Garden on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can follow on IG @ --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, Yaya Ghorbani shares with us his story of how he left everything he knew to embark on a self-discovery journey. His journey sparks a life transformation, one which returns him to follow his heart and live his life purpose. Yaya Ghorbani is a psychotherapist, a yoga therapist, and depth life coach. You guys can follow Yaya Ghorbani on IG: Yayagorbani --- Support this podcast:

This is a super raw and unedited conversation between Amber and I on dating in LA. Our analytical minds love to analyze-its the way we make sense of things. We figured a lot of you guys might benefit from the lessons we've learned and are still learning. I hope you enjoy this episode :). --- Support this podcast:

Sipan Salim is an Aviation Engineer and a world traveler. Sipan and I met 5 years ago in Italy, and now we are finally reconnecting. Two former strangers who share heritage, life history, and mental conflicts with assimilation. Hope you guys enjoy this episode. --- Support this podcast:

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