In-house Roundhouse

In-house Roundhouse

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90 聲音
Podcast by Mark Henriques

Bob Girton, Partner at Edgewater Capital Partners, discusses trends and considerations in M&A transactions during a conversation with Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Mark Henriques at the 2022 SOCMA Conference.

Ben Sawicki, Marketing & Sales Specialist at The Chemical Company, shares the latest on the specialty chemical market in a conversation with Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Mark Henriques at the 2022 SOCMA Conference.

What can companies do now to be ready long before a crisis occurs? Leonard Greenberger, senior counselor at AKCG - Public Relations Counselor, a national public relations firm specializing in issue and crisis preparedness and response, shares best practices and lessons learned. This episode is part of a series from the 2022 SOCMA Conference (Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates).

What can companies that may have received COVID relief funds do to best manage risks? Britt Biles, white collar criminal defense attorney in Womble Bond Dickinson’s D.C. office and former General Counsel of the U.S. Small Business Administration, shares insights gained from years of government investigations experience. Biles also served as a Special Assistant to the President and Associate White House Counsel as well as Assistant Chief Litigation Counsel at the SEC.

Can—and should—college athletes be classified as employees? Just when you think you have all the answers, the National Labor Relations Board changes the questions. Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Mike Ingersoll and University of North Carolina School of Law Professor Barbara Osborne, both scholarship student-athletes during their college days, discuss the latest developments.

In this Opportunity Economy conversation, Womble Bond Dickinson attorneys Suzanne Boehm and Sarah Motley Stone join Mary Karen Wills of the Berkeley Research Group, to examine expanded opportunities and unique challenges for companies in Government contracting as a result of the recently approved $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Act.

In this Opportunity Economy conversation, two Department of Justice alumni—Womble Bond Dickinson attorneys Luke Cass and Joe Whitley—discuss enforcement trends in corporate crime under the Biden Administration.

Few historical events have reshaped commercial real estate the way the COVID-19 pandemic has. So, where does the commercial real estate sector stand in late 2021 as it relates to office, retail and industrial leases, and what’s the outlook ahead? Womble Bond Dickinson real estate attorneys Nellie Shipley Sullivan and Charlie McCurry discuss current and near-future trends in commercial real estate.

In the Opportunity Economy, ideas are the most valuable commodities a business can have. In this podcast, Oxford University Innovation COO Mairi Gibbs, UC Berkeley Chief Innovation & Entrepreneurship Officer Rich Lyons and Womble Bond Dickinson IP Litigation attorney Chris Mammen join Mark Henriques for an insider’s discussion of why innovation and intellectual property matter more than ever today.

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly expanded the use of telehealth due to necessity. But many healthcare providers and patients alike have found significant benefits of using remote technology-delivered healthcare services—including expanded access for people in rural and underserved areas. In this episode, Womble Bond Dickinson Healthcare attorneys Alissa Fleming and Toni Peck speak with Mark Henriques about recent regulatory changes surrounding telehealth and what may be in store.

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