Incredible Health

Incredible Health

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Incredible Health bridges the gap between traditional, functional and alternative medicine so that our clients can become healthy and strong. Toni Harrison, MD, ABAARM FAARM has had two cancer journeys. She combined traditional medical care along with nutrition, exercise, stress management, & bio-identical hormones to keep herself healthy. Her vast knowledge base and passion now help other people in their own quests to improve their health and lives.

Dr. Harrison begins a new segment titled, Quick change, with little tidbits of info and motivation for you to make little, quick changes to your life that will leave lasting, impactful changes in your health and lifestyle. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

This week, Dr. Harrison reviews a couple of interesting articles in JAMA. JAMA is the Journal of the American Medical Association and the specific article can be found in Vol. 326 Issue #7 published on August 17th, 2021. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

After hiatus, Dr. Harrison returns tell you about some crucial items to order in your next yearly blood panel. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

In this week's episode, Dr. Harrison looks at a correlation between melatonin and Covid-19 prevention. Not as a means of wide-spread blanket prevention, melatonin supplements have been proven to have a correlation with lower Coronavirus contraction rates and lower hospitalization rates. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

In this week's episode of theHealthy and Strongpodcast, Dr. Harrison shows you both the expected and unexpected impacts of incorporating green tea and even more reasons why you should incorporate it into your every day diet. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

Dr. Toni Harrison discusses an article from the ASA (american society of Anesthesiology) that looks into the phenomenon of Covid long haulers and how it will affect the future. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

This week, Dr. Harrison shares one of her trade secrets regarding patient health and how she uses it to make her patients healthier everyday. She explains how fasting insulin levels can help predict future diabetes. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

In this week's edition of theHealthy and Strongpodcast, Dr. Harrison shines a specific light on a very helpful non-essential nurtrient, Alpha Lipoic acid or Lipoic acid (ALA). She discusses the multitude of ways how ALA can help your body and health. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

In the long overdue return of the Healthy and Strong podcast, Dr. Harrison refreshes your memory on the basics of hormone therapy and how it can be right for you! To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

During these challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Harrison helps you to distinguish between a good, viable source with valuable, possibly life-saving knowledge and detrimental, sub-standard sources for information on Covid-19. To book an appointment, go to PhytoMulti with Iron is definitely one of my favorite multivitamins. Everyone should do a detox every 6 months due to all the chemicals in our world. ClearChange is a detox program that only takes 10 days. There is no restriction on how much you may eat, but there are restrictions on what types of things you may eat. For all of your vitamin and supplement needs, go towww.incrediblehealth.metagenics.comto order. Any purchase made through our affiliate link provides a commission to Incredible Health which helps us to be able to provide this podcast. We refuse to promote any product that we do not believe in. We appreciate your support.

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