Inside Intercom

Inside Intercom

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On Inside Intercom you'll hear the team from Intercom interview makers and do-ers from the worlds of product management, design, startups and marketing.


In today’s episode, Intercom Chief Revenue Officer Leandra Fishman sat down to chat with Stripe's Head of Strategic Accounts for the Americas James Dyett - about the how of sales, building long-term partnerships through a customer-centric approach, and, speaking of partnerships, the launch of Intercom’s integration in the new Stripe App Marketplace, furthering our shared commitment to offer personalized, in-context support. Find out more about our Stripe integration here: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

For years, accessibility has hardly been a priority in the tech industry. But companies are finally starting to realize that designing services for all is a move where everyone wins. In today’s episode, we chat with Stark's CEO Cat Noone about building accessible products and the importance of software that doesn’t exclude by design. You'll find a full transcript of today's episode here: You can listen to our own story of accessibility with the Intercom Messenger Notification sound here: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

We sat down to talk to forms specialist Caroline Jarrett about her seven-step process for designing, running and reporting considerate surveys that get results and don’t bombard customers all the time. 9yBxRQBdDTJYXIBgCrPS See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

The typical software selling strategy is dead. In a market where there is less and less time to influence customers’ decisions, can customer marketing help companies get ahead? In today’s episode, we chat with G2's CMO Amanda Malko about the trends she’s seeing in the industry, and how they’re affecting the way businesses operate. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

To celebrate this year’s Pride, we're sharing the experiences of our peers in the LGBTQI+ community, and their thoughts on allyship, advocacy, and finding spaces where they can truly be themselves. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Software only becomes valuable when it's delivered to customers. By following fundamentals and stripping unnecessary complexity from the equation, we can do it fast and efficiently. On today's episode you’ll hear from Intercom product designer Charlotte Sferruzza about the importance of following design fundamentals and how it leaves space for innovation and engineering manager Martha Moniz on building better solutions by keeping it simple. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

We all want to believe we’re working towards something meaningful and that our actions have a lasting impact. And while it’s easy to believe that only certain people are positioned to drive that change, everyone has that power in them. On this episode Elizabeth Dixon, author of The Power of Customer Experience: 5 Elements To Make An Impact, joins us to discuss. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

In the face of what’s expected to be an economic downturn, projected growth has slowed, investment has shrunken, and the tech industry has taken a hit. It’s time to pause, regroup, and devise a new game plan. Des Traynor and Paul Adams reflect on the tech slowdown and what it means for product teams. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

This week on the podcast we've brought together experts in customer support and quality assurance to discuss how support quality impacts various aspects of their businesses. Join Martin Kõiva, Founder & CEO of Klaus, Macrina Sheridan, Director of Global Frontline Support at Aircall and Declan Ivory, VP of Customer Support, Intercom as they dig into key takeaways from this year’s 2022 Customer Service Quality Benchmark Report, and what it means for support teams across different industries. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

In February 2013, Slack had no product, no customers and only 8 employees. One of those employees was Ali Rayl, who was tasked with creating the company's customer support experience. Today her team supports more than 10 million daily active users. In a conversation from our archives, Ali shares lessons learned from Slack's early days, the unconventional way she measures her team's performance, how her team promotes knowledge sharing and much more. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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