Inspired Action

Inspired Action

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124 聲音
An Alchemical Transformational Journey

What do Metals really want? They may want a fancy new car, an amazing trip around the world, or the perfect romance, but deep down they want to be free from attachment and ultimately let go of wanting altogether. In this episode, we will discuss Metal's desire to grasp the ineffable and of course their ability to see the shenanigans going on all around them!

Searching for Truth, Harmony, and Belonging among the rubble....When you ask yourself what you really want and the first things you think about is everyone else you care about... you may be Earth! But can you put aside everyone else's needs to discover what you really want?

What do Fires really want? What are they really looking for? They want to burn brightly in the world! But what if they don't feel safe and accepted? Can they feel safe enough to be a lighthouse of love in the world - letting their love burn brightly!

What do Woods really want? What are they really looking for? They want to do great things that leave the world a better place. Woods need to do great things and want these things to benefits others. But what if no one recognizes what they're doing? Can they recognize their own greatness?

Can you ask yourself what you REALLY want and not what everyone else wants you to want? The answer is not necessarily logical... it's your heart's desire.

Can you trust enough to take the next step in the darkness? Alchemy for Water people is having the ambition to get to get where you want to go but having no idea how to get there. It's just about trusting in the moment that you can take the next step.

Are your monsters your friends or foes? Alchemy for Metal people is like the children's book Where the Wild Things Are... where the ultimate lesson is to not only confront your demons but to embrace them and be friends with them.

Alchemy for Earth people is about overcoming the sense of invalidation to recover the sense of wonderment in the world.

Alchemy for Fire people is about recognizing that the best relationship of all is not the love of your life but being in love with yourself.

Alchemy for Wood people is the ultimate challenge, the final frontier - spiritual enlightenment and immortality.

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